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Created May 11, 2011 00:17
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Phrases relatable to designers & developers; often overused, sometimes cliche, sometimes stolen, sometimes brilliant. Tweet sized for your convenience.
  • A designer free to choose will always choose Helvetica.
  • What do I think of HTML5? I think it would be a very good idea.
  • If you do not understand yourself, how can you expect to understand your users?
  • Design is its own reward.
  • To me, being a designer doesn't mean knowing design; it means taking pleasure in designing.
  • Practical IE development and marketing consists of ignoring ever other browser.
  • Poor design is simply an opportunity to re-design.
  • A good designer creates form from function, function from form, thought from ideas.
  • Java paralyzes the mind and leaves one so unable to think like a programmer; so that by the time these kids are out of school their foundation is hopelessly ruined
  • When the problem is complexity, the cure might just be ruby.
  • Java is creating all the right technology for all the wrong reasons and in ways that make me shiver.
  • Design is a verb.
  • A designer is someone who sees misunderstanding & tries to right it, sees bad design & tries to stop it.
  • It has yet to be proven that insert_favorite_hated_company_here has any value.
  • Good programmers solve problems; great programmers prevent them.
  • We should take care not to make ruby our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no _why.
  • Less code is more code
  • Funny how just when you think Skype can't possibly get any worse it suddenly does.
  • A good design is allot of prettiness distilled into few pixels.
  • Don't fight js, use it. Die you Coffeescript bastards.
  • Don't fight developers, use them
  • And at the end of the day, if the design's no good, I'll live to design another day.
  • I just git commit, then wait until someone comes around to fork me.
  • Good design happens when you get your content right.
  • Any programmer can make something complex, great programmers make it simple.
  • Pay for great design and you will get good design thrown in. Pay for mediocre design and you get neither.
  • As far as I'm concerned, the entire reason for becoming a freelancer is not having to get up in the morning.
  • As far as I'm concerned, the entire reason for becoming a freelancer is so I don't have to wear pants.
  • As far as I'm concerned, the entire reason Skype5 increased video resolution was so we all had to start wearing pants.
  • Focusing on one bug/problem creates blindness to solutions, take a step back - do something else & a solution will come.
  • Good design is the art of answering the obvious.
  • Implementations change, APIs shouldn't.
  • A master programmer knows how to grow, he is never finished.
  • A master designer knows how to grow, he is never finished.
  • A successful project is one where when you look back and all the sweat, all the hours, all the frustrations were worth it.
  • Good design is evolutionary, its a natural development of the content.
  • I'm not against C; I'm just afraid of it.
  • There is no happiness in finishing, only in the anticipation of it.
  • Microsoft is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.
  • Life is too short to use tools you hate, use what you love, not whats trendy, what pays well, or what others tell you to use.
  • Sleep cures all problems.
  • Code less, think more.
  • Debugging removes bugs, programming puts them in.
  • How do you know a filesystem has finished mounting? The pull-out icon.
  • Jesus never loses his work, he saves.
  • Programmers only date GIFs.
  • Why are dynamically typed languages more productive? In statically typed languages you cant move.
  • C++ is C for masochists.
  • Progressive enhancement means better experience for better users.
  • Everything is designed. Few things are designed well. ~Brian Reed
  • People ignore design that ignores people. ~Frank Chimero
  • Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent. ~Joe Sparano
  • Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration. ~Jeffrey Zeldman
  • Don't be afraid to turn of the guides and live off the grid. Be an adventurous & creative designer, not a slave to formulas.
  • Friends don't let friends run php4.
  • Design is thoughtful; it reflects the purpose, function, use & content. It is not just the art of making things pretty.
  • If I've learned three things from Apple its that: 1. That great design is invisible 2. Less is more. 3. You only need two things.
  • Its spelled cURL not Curl not CURL not curl.
  • As a WordPress theme discussion grows longer, the probability of a GPL debate reaches 1 (100%).
  • Design the obvious, nothing more, nothing less.
  • "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." ~Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)
  • Design for idiots first, users second.
  • "Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful." ~John Maeda
  • When all else fails; Read the Fucking Manual.
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