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Last active September 22, 2015 18:13
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  • Save k3kaimu/c99d3e38199b7094b357 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save k3kaimu/c99d3e38199b7094b357 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import imageformats;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.file;
import std.math;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
void main()
ubyte[] dst = cast(ubyte[])`×ご検証
encodeBng(dst, "output.png", 100);
decodeBng("output.png", dst);
std.file.write("output2.dat", dst);
void decodeBng(string pngFile, ref ubyte[] dst)
auto img = read_png(pngFile, 4);
enforce(img.c == ColFmt.RGBA);
auto ps = img.pixels;
immutable uint numBytes = (cast(uint[])(ps[0 .. 4].reverse(), ps))[0];
dst.length = numBytes;
dst[] = ps[4 .. 4 + numBytes];
void encodeBng(in ubyte[] data, string pngFile, size_t minWH = 0)
immutable numPixels = (data.length + 4) / 4;
size_t w = cast(size_t)sqrt(cast(real)numPixels);
size_t h = numPixels / w;
if(numPixels > w * h) ++w;
if(w < minWH) w = minWH;
if(h < minWH) h = minWH;
auto buf = new ubyte[w * h * 4];
buf[0 .. 4] = (a => (a.reverse(), a))(cast(ubyte[])([data.length].dup))[];
buf[4 .. 4 + data.length] = data[];
write_png(pngFile, w, h, buf, 4);
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