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Last active May 1, 2022 05:11
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Allow WSL2 to connect to SQL Server on Windows
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script proxies connections from localhost:1433 to
# the dynamic WSL2 host IP
# Requirement:
# Run sqlServerListenOnWSL2IP.ps1 to allow WSL2 to connect to SQL Server
uniqname="/tmp/sqlproxy-$(date +%s)"
# From Philipp Scheit (
wslhostip=$(ipconfig.exe | grep 'vEthernet (WSL)' -A4 | cut -d":" -f 2 | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/\s*//g')
echo "Windows host is at: $wslhostip..."
echo "
load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/;
daemon off;
events { }
stream {
server {
listen 1433;
proxy_pass $wslhostip:1433;
" > $uniqname
function cleanup() {
rm $uniqname
trap cleanup INT
sudo nginx -c $uniqname
# This script configures SQL Server on Windows to listen for connections
# from the network adapter connected to WSL2
# Assumptions:
# 1) There is only a single SQL Server instance
# 2) SQL Server should only listen for local and WSL2 connections
# 3) The network adapter connected to WSL2 has the phrase "(WSL)" in the name
# Requirement:
# 1) Run the script as admin
# 2) Configure firewall to allow WSL2 to connect to Windows
# Imports
Import-Module sqlps
# Variables
# Fetch the ip address of the network adapter connected to WSL2
$wslNetIp = Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Where-Object {$_.InterfaceAlias -like "*(WSL)*"} | Select -First 1
$smo = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.'
$wmi = new-object ($smo + 'Wmi.ManagedComputer').
# Main
if ($wmi.ServerInstances.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "No SQL Server instances found"
# Assumption: local machine only has a single SQL Server instance
$instance = $wmi.ServerInstances[0]
$tcp = $instance.ServerProtocols['Tcp']
# Enable Tcp/Ip protocol
if ($tcp.IsEnabled -ne $true) {
$tcp.IsEnabled = $true
$ipAddresses = $tcp.IPAddresses
Foreach ($ip in $ipAddresses) {
$addr = $ip.IPAddress.IPAddressToString
$props = $ip.IPAddressProperties
if (
$addr -eq "" -or
$addr -eq "::1"
) {
# Listen on localhost
if ($props['Enabled'].Value -ne $true) {
$props['Enabled'].Value = $true
} else {
# Disable on other IPs
if ($props['Enabled'].Value -eq $true) {
$props['Enabled'].Value = $false
$wslIP = $ipAddresses | Where-Object {$_.IPAddress.IPAddressToString -eq $wslNetIp.IPAddress}
if ($wslIP -eq $null) {
# Did not find an existing IP configuration, using the first non-local IP config
$wslIP = $ipAddresses |
Where-Object {
$_.IPAddress.IPAddressToString -ne "" -and
$_.IPAddress.IPAddressToString -ne "::1"
} |
Select -First 1
$wslIP.IPAddressProperties['IpAddress'].Value = $wslNetIp.IPAddress
# Listen for connections from WSL2
$wslIPStat = $wslIP.IPAddressProperties["Enabled"]
if ($wslIPStat.Value -ne $true) {
$wslIPStat.Value = $true
Write-Output "Restarting SQL Server..."
Restart-Service -Force MSSQLSERVER
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