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Created February 10, 2018 00:53
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Decipher contents of a Hollerith-style punched card
# As read on the card, top-down. For convenience, leading zeros can be skipped
rows = [
maxlen = max(len(row) for row in rows)
# Restore leading zeros
rows = ["0" * (maxlen - len(row)) + row for row in rows]
# Transpose: each column is a (badly named as it doesn't have exactly 8 bits) "octet"
octets = list(zip(*rows))
# Convert back to list of strings, MSB (highest bit is first)
bitstrings = ["".join(bits) for bits in octets]
# Source: plus some educated guessing
hollerith = {
0: ' ',
0x842: '.', 0x242: ',',
0x812: '(', 0x412: ')',
0x200: '0', 0x100: '1', 0x080: '2', 0x040: '3', 0x020: '4', 0x010: '5',
0x008: '6', 0x004: '7', 0x002: '8', 0x001: '9',
0x900: 'A', 0x880: 'B', 0x840: 'C', 0x820: 'D', 0x810: 'E', 0x808: 'F', 0x804: 'G', 0x802: 'H', 0x801: 'I',
0x500: 'J', 0x480: 'K', 0x440: 'L', 0x420: 'M', 0x410: 'N', 0x408: 'O', 0x404: 'P', 0x402: 'Q', 0x401: 'R',
0x280: 'S', 0x240: 'T', 0x220: 'U', 0x210: 'V', 0x208: 'W', 0x204: 'X', 0x202: 'Y', 0x201: 'Z',
# Convert octets to integers
values = [int(bitstring, 2) for bitstring in bitstrings]
# Print any unknown values and their positions
for i, v in enumerate(values):
if v not in hollerith:
print("{}:{}".format(i, hex(v)))
# Decode the card
print("".join(hollerith.get(b, '?') for b in values))
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