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Last active March 3, 2022 02:04
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#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// This is a simple example of exporting a C++ function to R. You can
// source this function into an R session using the Rcpp::sourceCpp
// function (or via the Source button on the editor toolbar). Learn
// more about Rcpp at:
typedef uint64_t I;
typedef float T;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP csc_tocsr(
const I n_row,
const I n_col,
const std::vector<I> &Ap,
const std::vector<I> &Ai,
const std::vector<T> &Ax
) {
// source code in-parts taken from
const I nnz = Ap[n_col];
std::vector<I> Bp(n_row+1), Bj(nnz);
std::vector<T> Bx(nnz);
for (I n = 0; n < nnz; n++){
for(I row = 0, cumsum = 0; row < n_row; row++){
I temp = Bp[row];
Bp[row] = cumsum;
cumsum += temp;
Bp[n_row] = nnz;
for(I col = 0; col < n_col; col++){
for(I jj = Ap[col]; jj < Ap[col+1]; jj++){
I row = Ai[jj];
I dest = Bp[row];
Bj[dest] = col;
Bx[dest] = Ax[jj];
for(I row = 0, last = 0; row <= n_row; row++){
I temp = Bp[row];
Bp[row] = last;
last = temp;
Rcpp::List L = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("p") = Bp , Rcpp::Named("i") = Bj, Rcpp::Named("x") = Bx);
return L;
// You can include R code blocks in C++ files processed with sourceCpp
// (useful for testing and development). The R code will be automatically
// run after the compilation.
/*** R
m <- GetAssayData(pbmc_small, "counts")
m2.list <- csc_tocsr(m@Dim[[1]], m@Dim[[2]], m@p, m@i, m@x)
m2 <- new(
Class = 'dgRMatrix',
p = as.integer(m2.list$p),
j = as.integer(m2.list$i),
x = m2.list$x,
Dim = slot(object = m, name = 'Dim')
mr <- as(object = as.matrix(x = m), Class = 'dgRMatrix')
all.equal(target = slot(object = m2, name = 'p'), current = slot(object = mr, name = 'p'))
all.equal(target = slot(object = m2, name = 'j'), current = slot(object = mr, name = 'j'))
all.equal(target = slot(object = m2, name = 'x'), current = slot(object = mr, name = 'x'))
all.equal(target = slot(object = m2, name = 'Dim'), current = slot(object = mr, name = 'Dim'))
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