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Created June 18, 2021 17:15
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Temporary spec for the implementation of IRC "metadata" extension

IRC metadatata extension temporary specification

This document is based on prior work of the following people:

This version was put together by k4be ( in 2020-2021.


It is generally useful to associate metadata with one's IRC presence, e.g. to make one's homepage or non-IRC contact details more discoverable. There are several mechanisms for doing this, but they typically rely on the presence of services and aren't really suitable for transient metadata such as a user's current location.

This proposal aims to codify one mechanism for working with metadata: metadata may be configured through a client-to-server event created specifically for this purpose.

We hope to get some version of this specification to be ratified by the IRCv3 working group. Meanwhile, as the development there is stagnant, I've decided to create a temporary spec to help client and server developers to implement these features earlier. This document is not intended to be directly included into a specification registry, it should serve only as a description of current implementations. The functionality, as described here, is implemented in UnrealIRCd module (available through the module manager as third/metadata) - server side, and PIRC web client - client side. It is also known to work with current (at the time of this writing) IRCcloud client with no known issues.

Notes for implementing work-in-progress version

This is a work-in-progress specification.

Software implementing this work-in-progress specification MUST NOT use the unprefixed metadata capability name. Instead, implementations SHOULD use the draft/metadata-notify-2 capability name to be interoperable with other software implementing a compatible work-in-progress version.

The final version of the specification will use an unprefixed capability name.


This document defines the following new protocol features:

  • Capability: draft/metadata (generic)
  • Capability: draft/metadata-notify-2 (for IRCcloud compatibility)
  • Server notification: METADATA
  • Client command: METADATA
  • Server reply and error numerics


If METADATA is supported, it MUST be specified in RPL_ISUPPORT using the METADATA key. Servers MAY specify a limit on the number of explicitly-set keys per-user; the format in that case MUST be METADATA=<integer>, where <integer> is the limit. For client compatibility, two capabilities draft/metadata and draft/metadata-notify-2 MUST also be advertised by the server.

The ABNF format of the draft/metadata capability and value is:

capability ::= 'metadata' ['=' tokens]
tokens     ::= token [',' token]*
token      ::= key ['=' value]
key        ::= <sequence of a-zA-Z0-9_.:- >
value      ::= <utf8>

The value keys are defined as follows:

  • maxsub: the maximum number of keys a client is allowed in its subscripion list. See the Metadata subscriptions section for more details.
  • maxkey: the maximum number of keys a client is allowed to set on its own nickname.

Server notification

Clients that issued the METADATA SUB subcommand MUST be able to handle the METADATA server notification. After receiving this command, servers MAY send these notifications to clients at any time.

The format of the METADATA server notication is:

METADATA <Target> <Key> <Visibility> <Value>

Target MUST be a valid nickname or channel name.

Key MUST be a valid key name

Visibility MUST be an asterisk (*) for keys visible to everyone, or an implementation-defined value which describes the key's visibility status; for instance, it MAY be a permission level or flag. It is not known to be used by any existing implemetation.

Value MUST be a UTF-8 encoded value.

Client command

The format of the METADATA client command is:

METADATA <Target> <Subcommand> [<Param 1> ... [<Param n>]]

Target MUST be a valid nickname or channel name. Clients MAY use the asterisk symbol (*) when targeting their own nickname.

Subcommand MUST be one of the following, described in detail along with any Param further in the document:


The following numerics 760 through 775 are reserved for metadata, with these labels and parameters:

No. Label Parameters
761 RPL_KEYVALUE <Target> <Key> <Visibility>[ :<Value>]
762 RPL_METADATAEND :end of metadata
764 ERR_METADATALIMIT <Target> :metadata limit reached
765 ERR_TARGETINVALID <Target> :invalid metadata target
766 ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY <Target> <Key> :no matching key
767 ERR_KEYINVALID :<InvalidKey>
768 ERR_KEYNOTSET <Target> <Key> :key not set
769 ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION <Target> <Key> :permission denied
770 RPL_METADATASUBOK :<Key1> [<Key2> ...]
771 RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK :<Key1> [<Key2> ...]
772 RPL_METADATASUBS :<Key1> [<Key2> ...]
774 ERR_METADATASYNCLATER <Target> [<RetryAfter>]
775 ERR_METADATARATELIMIT <Target> <Key> <RetryAfter> :<Value>
776 ERR_METADATAINVALIDSUBCOMMAND <Subcommand> :invalid metadata subcommand

Reference table of numerics and the subcommands of METADATA or any other commands that produce them:

ERR_TARGETINVALID * * * * * * * *

Each subcommand documentation describes the reply and error numerics it expects from the server, but here are brief descriptions of numerics that are used for multiple commands:


  • RPL_KEYVALUE reports the values of metadata keys.
  • RPL_METADATAEND delimits the end of a sequence of metadata replies.


  • ERR_TARGETINVALID when a client refers to an invalid target.
  • ERR_KEYINVALID when a client refers to an invalid key.
  • ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION when a client attempts to access or set a key on a target without sufficient permission.
  • ERR_METADATAINVALIDSUBCOMMAND when a client used a METADATA subcommand which is not defined.

Keys and values

Key names MUST be restricted to the ranges A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _.:- and are case-insensitive. Key names MUST not start with a colon (:).

Values are unrestricted, except that they MUST be encoded using UTF-8.

The expected client behaviour of individual metadata keys SHOULD be defined in separate specifications and listed in the IRCv3 extension registry.

Servers MAY impose a limit on the number of keys a client is allowed to set via the maxkey capability value.

Servers MAY impose a limit on the number of keys a client is allowed in its subscripion list via the maxsub capability value.



This command allows lookup of some keys. The format MUST be as follows:

METADATA <Target> GET key1 key2 ...

Multiple keys may be given. The response will be either RPL_KEYVALUE, ERR_KEYINVALID or ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY for every key in order.

Servers MAY replace certain metadata, which is considered not visible for the requesting user, with ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY or with ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION.



The format MUST be as follows:


This subcommand MUST list all currently-set metadata keys along with their values. The response will be zero or more RPL_KEYVALUE events, followed by a RPL_METADATAEND event.

Servers MAY omit certain metadata, which is considered not visible for the requesting user, or replace it with ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION.

In case of invalid target RPL_METADATAEND MUST NOT be sent.



This subcommand is used to set a required key to an optional value. If no value is given, the key is removed; otherwise, the value is assigned to the key. The format of METADATA SET MUST be as follows:

METADATA <Target> SET <Key> [:Value]

Servers MUST respond to requests to set or remove a key whose name is invalid with only an ERR_KEYINVALID event and fail the request.

Servers MUST respond to requests to remove a key that has a valid name but is not set with only an ERR_KEYNOTSET event and fail the request.

Servers MAY respond to certain keys, considered not settable by the requesting user, or otherwise disallowed by the server, with ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION.

It is an error for users to set keys on targets for which they lack authorization from the server, and the server MUST respond with ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION and fail the request.

Servers MAY respond with only an ERR_METADATARATELIMIT event and fail the request. When a client receives an ERR_METADATARATELIMIT event, it SHOULD retry the METADATA SET request at a later time. If the ERR_METADATARATELIMIT event contains the OPTIONAL <RetryAfter> parameter, the parameter value MUST be a positive integer indicating the minimum number of seconds the client SHOULD wait before retrying the request.

If the request is successful the server MUST carry out the requested change and the response MUST be one RPL_KEYVALUE event, representing what was actually stored by the server, and one RPL_METADATAEND event.



This subcommand MUST remove all metadata, equivalently to using METADATA SET on all currently-set keys with an empty value. The format of METADATA CLEAR MUST be as follows:


The server MUST respond with one RPL_KEYVALUE event per cleared key and one RPL_METADATAEND event.

Servers MAY omit certain metadata, which is considered not settable by the requesting user, or replace it with ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION.

It is an error for users to use this subcommand on targets for which they lack authorization from the server. Servers MAY reject this subcommand for channels, using ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION with an asterisk (*) in the <Key> field.



This subcommand is used to subscribe to metadata keys.


METADATA * SUB <key1> [<key2> ...]

The server MUST reply with zero or more numerics of the following types in any order: RPL_METADATASUBOK, ERR_KEYINVALID, ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION and zero or one ERR_METADATATOOMANYSUBS numeric. The server MUST end the reply with one RPL_METADATAEND numeric.

The server MUST process the keys in the given order. This is critical when determining which keys the client gets subscribed to in case the server limits the number of keys the client can subscribe to.

If the client is subscribed to too many keys then the server MUST include a ERR_METADATATOOMANYSUBS numeric in its reply and not process any further keys in the command.

The <key> parameter of this numeric is the first key that the client was not subscribed to.

If the client successfully subscribes to a key it is not subscribed to then the key MUST appear in a RPL_METADATASUBOK reply numeric.

If the client tries to subscribe to a key it is already subscribed to then the client remains subscribed to the key. In case such a key is processed in a request the key MUST appear at least once in a RPL_METADATASUBOK numeric in the reply.

Servers MUST respond to requests to subscribe to a key whose name is invalid with a ERR_KEYINVALID numeric.

Servers MAY additionally respond to requests to subscribe to a key that the client has no privilege to access with a ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION numeric. Even if a server does that, the subscription MUST still be successful. This is because in this case the ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION numeric only serves as a warning, indicating that the client will not receive METADATA events about this key unless it acquires the necessary (implementation defined) privileges later.


This subcommand is used to unsubscribe from metadata keys.


METADATA * UNSUB <key1> [<key2> ...]

The reply of the server MUST be zero or more numerics of the following types in any order: RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK, ERR_KEYINVALID. Then the server MUST end the reply with one RPL_METADATAEND numeric.

If a client successfully unsubscribes from a key it is subscribed to then the key MUST appear in a RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK reply numeric.

If a client tries to unsubscribe from a key that it is not subscribed to then the client remains not subscribed to the key and the key MUST appear at least once in a RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK numeric in the reply.

Servers MUST respond to requests to subscribe to a key whose name is invalid with a ERR_KEYINVALID numeric.


This subcommand can be used to get a list of keys which the client is subscribed to.



The server MUST reply with zero or more RPL_METADATASUBS numerics and then one RPL_METADATAEND numeric.

The replied RPL_METADATASUBS numerics, collectively, MUST contain all keys the client is subscribed to exactly once and MUST NOT contain keys the client is not subscribed to.

The order of the keys is undefined.


This subcommand requests the full synchronization of metadata associated with the given target.



The result of this subcommand is either zero or more METADATA events on success, or a ERR_METADATASYNCLATER numeric if the synchronization cannot be performed at this time.

For details, please see the Postponed synchronization subsection of the Metadata notifications section.

Metadata Notifications

A client can either be subscribed to a key, or not subscribed to it.

The server MUST allow a client to subscribe to any valid keys, even to privileged keys when the client has no privilege to access that key at the time of subscription.

If a client is subscribed to a metadata key and has adequate privileges to get notifications about that key then it gets METADATA events about the key as described above.

If a client is not subscribed to a metadata key then it will not get METADATA events about it, however the client can use METADATA GET, METADATA LIST or other means available to obtain the value of the key.

By default, the client is not subscribed to any keys.

Managing subscriptions are possible with the protocol described below.

Clients are subscribed to notifications for channels they join. That means both channel metadata, and other users on the channel.

Clients may discontinue notifications for channels by parting the channel. Clients are automatically subscribed to notifications for their own metadata, excluding changes made by the clients themselves.

Notifications use the METADATA event, the format of which is as follows:

METADATA <Target> <Key> <Visibility>[ :<Value>]

<Target> refers to the entity which had its metadata changed. <Visibility> MUST be * for keys visible to everyone, or a token which describes the key's visibility status in an implementation-defined way; for instance, it may be a permission level or flag.

Clients MUST handle all metadata notifications, whether they explicitly requested them or not.

Metadata propagates to clients automatically under certain conditions:

  1. Clients SHOULD have current metadata of targets propagated to them upon subscription.
  2. Clients SHOULD be notified about channel metadata after joining a channel which has set any of the subscribed keys.
  3. Clients SHOULD be notified about other channel members' metadata after joining a channel.
  4. Clients SHOULD have new metadata of a client propagated to them when a value of a subscribed key for another client sharing at least one channel is set, unset or changed.
  5. Clients SHOULD have new metadata of a channel propagated to them when a value of a subscribed key for a channel the client is on is set, unset or changed.

Postponed synchronization

It can happen that a server needs to send a large number of METADATA events to a client due to the client subscribing to many targets at once. For example, this can happen if the client joins a large channel or when the client is already on some channels and turns on the metadata capability. In this case the server MAY choose to not propagate the metadata of the newly subscribed targets to the client when the join, the CAP REQ or the METADATA SUB subcommand happens, but send a ERR_METADATASYNCLATER numeric instead.

A server MAY not use the ERR_METADATASYNCLATER reply, delaying subsequent notifications instead.


ERR_METADATASYNCLATER signals that the target specified in the numeric has some metadata set that the client SHOULD request synchronization of at a later time.

The client can then use the METADATA SYNC subcommand to request the synchronization of the metadata of the target.

The [<RetryAfter>] parameter, if present, indicates the number of seconds the client SHOULD wait before sending the METADATA SYNC request for the <Target>.


These examples show the labels of the numerics (e.g. RPL_METADATASUBOK) instead of their number (e.g. 775) in order to aid understanding. In a real implementation, the messages always contain the number of numerics, not a label.

All examples begin with the client not being subscribed to any keys.

Basic subscriping and unsubscribing

C: METADATA * SUB avatar website foo bar
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :avatar website foo bar
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK modernclient :bar foo
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Multiple RPL_METADATASUBOK numerics in reply to METADATA SUB

C: METADATA * SUB avatar website foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :avatar website
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :foo
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Invalid key name in reply to subscription

C: METADATA * SUB foo $url bar
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :foo bar
S: ERR_KEYINVALID modernclient $url :invalid metadata key
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

"Subscribed to too many keys" error in reply to subscription 1

The client first successfully subscribes to some keys and later it tries to subscribe to some more keys, unsuccessfully.

C: METADATA * SUB website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * SUB email city
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

"Subscribed to too many keys" error in reply to subscription 2

This is like the previous case, except when the second METADATA SUB happens the server accepts the first 2 keys (email, city) but not the rest (country, bar, baz).

C: METADATA * SUB website avatar foo
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website avatar foo
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * SUB email city country bar baz
S: ERR_METADATATOOMANYSUBS modernclient country
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :email city
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :website avatar city foo email
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

"Subscribed to too many keys" error in reply to subscription 3

In this case, the client is trying to subscribe to a key that it is already subscribed to (website), but the key is not processed because the limit imposed by the server on the number of subscribed keys is reached before the website key is processed by the server. The client, however, successfully subscribes to the foo key which was also in the second request, but it appeared before the website key.

C: METADATA * SUB avatar website
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :avatar website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * SUB foo website avatar
S: ERR_METADATATOOMANYSUBS modernclient website
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :foo
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar foo website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Querying the list of subscribed keys 1

The server replies with a single RPL_METADATASUBS numeric.

C: METADATA * SUB website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar bar baz foo website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Querying the list of subscribed keys 2

The server replies with multiple RPL_METADATASUBS numerics.

C: METADATA * SUB website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :foo website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Empty list of subscribed keys

In this case, there are no RPL_METADATASUB numerics sent.

S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata


C: METADATA * SUB website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar bar baz foo website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * UNSUB bar foo baz
S: RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK modernclient :baz foo bar
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Subscribing to the same key multiple times 1

C: METADATA * SUB website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website avatar foo bar baz
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar bar baz foo website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * SUB avatar website
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :avatar website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar bar baz foo website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Subscribing to the same key multiple times 2

The client (erroneously) subscribes to the same key twice in the same command. The server is free to include the key being subscribed to in the RPL_METADATASUBOK numeric once or twice.

In both cases, the key will only appear once in the reply to a following METADATA SUBS command.


C: METADATA * SUB avatar avatar
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :avatar
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata


C: METADATA * SUB avatar avatar
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :avatar avatar
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :avatar
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Unsubscribing from a non-subscribed key 1

S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK modernclient :website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * SUB website
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Unsubscribing from a non-subscribed key 2

The client (erroneously) unsubscribes from the same key twice in the same command. The server is free to include the key being unsubscribed from in the RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK numeric once or twice.


S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * UNSUB website website
S: RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK modernclient :website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata


S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
C: METADATA * UNSUB website website
S: RPL_METADATAUNSUBOK modernclient :website website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Subscribing to a key which requires privileges but without privileges

C: METADATA * SUB avatar secretkey website
S: ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION modernclient modernclient secretkey :permission denied
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :secretkey website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :secretkey website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Subscribing to invalid keys and a key which requires privileges but without privileges

C: METADATA * SUB $invalid1 secretkey1 $invalid2 secretkey2 website
S: ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION modernclient modernclient secretkey1 :permission denied
S: ERR_KEYINVALID modernclient $invalid1 :invalid metadata key
S: ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION modernclient modernclient secretkey2 :permission denied
S: ERR_KEYINVALID modernclient $invalid2 :invalid metadata key
S: RPL_METADATASUBOK modernclient :secretkey1 secretkey2 website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata
S: RPL_METADATASUBS modernclient :secretkey1 secretkey2 website
S: RPL_METADATAEND modernclient :end of metadata

Setting metadata for self:

METADATA * SET url : RPL_KEYVALUE * url * : RPL_METADATAEND :end of metadata

Setting metadata for channel:

METADATA #example SET url : RPL_KEYVALUE #example url * : RPL_METADATAEND :end of metadata

Setting metadata for another user, no permission:

METADATA user1 SET url : ERR_KEYNOPERMISSION user1 url :permission denied

Setting metadata for self, limit reached:

METADATA * SET url : ERR_METADATALIMIT * :metadata limit reached

Setting metadata for an invalid target:

METADATA $a:user SET url : ERR_TARGETINVALID $a:user :invalid metadata target

Setting metadata with an invalid key:


Listing metadata, with an implementation-defined visibility field:

METADATA user1 LIST RPL_KEYVALUE user1 url * : RPL_KEYVALUE user1 im.xmpp * RPL_KEYVALUE user1 bot-likeliness-score visible-only-for-admin :42 RPL_METADATAEND :end of metadata

Getting several keys of metadata of the same user:

METADATA user1 GET blargh splot im.xmpp ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY user1 blargh :no matching key ERR_NOMATCHINGKEY user1 splot :no matching key RPL_KEYVALUE user1 im.xmpp *

User sets metadata on a channel:

:user1! METADATA #example url * :

External server updates metadata on a channel: METADATA #example url * :

External server sets metadata on a user: METADATA user1 account * :user1

Server rate limits setting metadata with a RetryAfter value


Server rate limits setting metadata with no RetryAfter value


Client joins a channel, gets ERR_METADATASYNCLATER and requests a sync later

C: JOIN #bigchan
S: modernclient! JOIN #bigchan
S: 353 modernclient @ #bigchan :user1 user2 user3 user4 user5 ...
S: 353 modernclient @ #bigchan :user51 user52 user53 user54 ...
S: 353 modernclient @ #bigchan :user101 user102 user103 user104 ...
S: 353 modernclient @ #bigchan :user151 user152 user153 user154 ...
S: 366 modernclient #bigchan :End of /NAMES list.
S: ERR_METADATASYNCLATER modernclient #bigchan 4

client waits 4 seconds

S: ERR_METADATASYNCLATER modernclient #bigchan 6

client waits 6 seconds

S: METADATA user52 foo * :example value 1
S: METADATA user2 bar * :second example value 
S: METADATA user1 foo * :third example value
S: METADATA user1 bar * :this is another example value
S: METADATA user152 baz * :Lorem ipsum
S: METADATA user3 website *
S: METADATA user152 bar * :dolor sit amet

...and many more metadata messages

Client sending an invalid subcommand

S: ERR_METADATAINVALIDSUBCOMMAND FOO :invalid metadata subcommand

Capability value in CAP LS 1

C: CAP LS 302
S: CAP * LS :userhost-in-names draft/metadata=foo,maxsub=50,bar draft/metadata-notify-2 multi-prefix

Capability value in CAP LS 2

C: CAP LS 302
S: CAP * LS :draft/metadata=maxsub=25 draft/metadata-notify-2 multi-prefix invite-notify
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