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Last active May 24, 2024 03:06
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Sums the values of two associative arrays with the same keys. 同じキーを持つ 2 つの連想配列の値を合計します。
* Sums the values of two associative arrays with the same keys.
* This function takes two associative arrays with identical keys and
* returns a new array where each value is the sum of the corresponding
* values from the input arrays.
* @param array $array1 The first associative array.
* @param array $array2 The second associative array.
* @return array The resulting associative array with summed values.
function array_sum_values($array1, $array2) {
return array_reduce(
function ($carry, $key) use ($array1, $array2) {
$carry[$key] = $array1[$key] + $array2[$key];
return $carry;
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