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Last active October 18, 2019 02:48
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Seattle UseR: Intro to tidyverse, October 2019

Introduction to tidyverse

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Seattle UseR meetup, October 2019

Get the data:

big_epa_cars <- readr::read_csv("")
big_epa_cars <- readr::read_csv("")
# selecting columns with dplyr
sel_columns <- select(big_epa_cars, fuelType, city08, co2)
# select range of columns
sel_range <- select(big_epa_cars, barrels08:charge240)
# select columns starting with the same thing
sel_starts <- select(big_epa_cars, starts_with("comb"))
# also ends_with(), contains()
# select rows conditionally
filtered_rows <- filter(big_epa_cars, fuelType == "Electricity")
## Challenge: create a new object from big_epa_cars called first_cols that includes only the first four columns
## Challenge: create a new object from big_epa_cars called city_cols that includes all columns containing "city"
## Challenge: create a new object from big_epa_cars called fuel_cols that includes the following columns: fuelType, drive, cylinders, year
## Challenge: create a new object from big_epa_cars called rear_rows that includes all cars with Rear-Wheel Drive (from column drive)
#### Combining commands ####
# use intermediate objects to combine commands (answer from previous challenge)
fuel_cols <- select(big_epa_cars, fuelType, drive, cylinders, year)
rear_rows <- filter(fuel_cols, drive == "Rear-Wheel Drive")
# nest commands (same object as created above, but here only in two lines)
rear_fuel <- filter(select(big_epa_cars, fuelType, drive, cylinders, year), drive == "Rear-Wheel Drive")
# combine commands using pipes (improves readability of complex commands)
# same example as above
piped <- big_epa_cars %>%
select(fuelType, drive, guzzler, year) %>%
filter(drive == "Rear-Wheel Drive")
# extract race, ethinicity, and disease from cases born prior to 1930
piped2 <- big_epa_cars %>%
filter(cylinders > 8) %>%
select(guzzler, year)
# does the order of commands differ?
piped3 <- big_epa_cars %>%
select(guzzler, year) %>%
filter(cylinders > 8)
# in this case, yes it does matter!
## Challenge: Use pipes to extract the columns model, co2, and range from the object big_epa_cars for guzzlers (TRUE) that were manufactured after 2000 (column year)
big_epa_cars %>%
filter(guzzler == TRUE) %>%
filter(year > 2000) %>%
select(model, co2, range)
#### Mutate ####
# mutate allows unit conversions or ratios, creates a new column
# convert miles to km
city_mpg_km <- big_epa_cars %>%
mutate(city_km = city08 * 1.6)
# convert two columns at once, send to head for easier viewing
big_epa_cars %>%
mutate(city_km = city08 * 1.6,
comb_km = comb08 * 1.6) %>%
## Challenge: extract only cars that are model Corolla or Prius and create a new column called diff_mpg representing the difference between highway mpg (highway08) and city mpg (city08)
big_epa_cars %>%
mutate(diff_mpg = highway08 - city08) %>%
filter(model == "Corolla") %>%
#### Split-apply-combine ####
# frame the problem: we want to summarize data by types of drive
# show categories in drive
distinct(big_epa_cars, drive)
# group_by not always useful by itself, but powerful together with tally()
# count number of individuals with each tumor stage
big_epa_cars %>%
group_by(drive) %>%
tally() # empty parentheses not required, but good practice
# shows missing data, too
# the split/apply/combine approach:
# split data into groups,
# apply an analysis to each group,
# combine results back into one object
# summarize average city mpg by drive
big_epa_cars %>%
group_by(drive) %>%
summarize(mean_city08 = mean(city08, na.rm = TRUE))
# why doesn't the above work to remove NA?
# remove NA, add visualization
big_epa_cars %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(drive) %>%
summarize(mean_city08 = mean(city08, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x=drive, y=mean_city08))
# more complex
big_epa_cars %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(drive, model) %>%
summarize(mean_city08 = mean(city08, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_boxplot(aes(x=drive, y=mean_city08))
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