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Last active April 9, 2021 09:19
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#r "paket:
nuget BlackFox.Fake.BuildTask
nuget Fake.Core.Target
nuget Fake.Core.Process
nuget Fake.Core.ReleaseNotes
nuget Fake.IO.FileSystem
nuget Fake.DotNet.Cli
nuget Fake.DotNet.MSBuild
nuget Fake.DotNet.AssemblyInfoFile
nuget Fake.DotNet.Paket
nuget Fake.DotNet.FSFormatting
nuget Fake.DotNet.Fsi
nuget Fake.DotNet.NuGet
nuget Fake.Api.Github
nuget Fake.DotNet.Testing.Expecto
nuget Fake.Tools.Git //"
#if !FAKE
#load "./.fake/build.fsx/intellisense.fsx"
#r "netstandard" // Temp fix for
open BlackFox.Fake
open System.IO
open Fake.Core
open Fake.DotNet
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.FileSystemOperators
open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
open Fake.Tools
/// user interaction prompts for critical build tasks where you may want to interrupt when you see wrong inputs.
module MessagePrompts =
let prompt (msg:string) =
|> function | "" -> None | s -> Some s
|> (fun s -> s.Replace ("\"","\\\""))
let rec promptYesNo msg =
match prompt (sprintf "%s [Yn]: " msg) with
| Some "Y" | Some "y" -> true
| Some "N" | Some "n" -> false
| _ -> System.Console.WriteLine("Sorry, invalid answer"); promptYesNo msg
let releaseMsg = """This will stage all uncommitted changes, push them to the origin and bump the release version to the latest number in the file.
Do you want to continue?"""
let releaseDocsMsg = """This will push the docs to gh-pages. Remember building the docs prior to this. Do you want to continue?"""
/// Executes a dotnet command in the given working directory
let runDotNet cmd workingDir =
let result =
DotNet.exec (DotNet.Options.withWorkingDirectory workingDir) cmd ""
if result.ExitCode <> 0 then failwithf "'dotnet %s' failed in %s" cmd workingDir
/// Metadata about the project
module ProjectInfo =
let project = "Plotly.NET"
let testProject = "tests/Plotly.NET.Tests/Plotly.NET.Tests.fsproj"
let summary = "A F# interactive charting library using plotly.js"
let solutionFile = "Plotly.NET.sln"
let configuration = "Release"
// Git configuration (used for publishing documentation in gh-pages branch)
// The profile where the project is posted
let gitOwner = "plotly"
let gitHome = sprintf "%s/%s" "" gitOwner
let gitName = "Plotly.NET"
let website = "/Plotly.NET"
let pkgDir = "pkg"
let release = ReleaseNotes.load ""
let projectRepo = ""
let stableVersion = SemVer.parse release.NugetVersion
let stableVersionTag = (sprintf "%i.%i.%i" stableVersion.Major stableVersion.Minor stableVersion.Patch )
let mutable prereleaseSuffix = ""
let mutable prereleaseTag = ""
let mutable isPrerelease = false
/// Barebones, minimal build tasks
module BasicTasks =
open ProjectInfo
let setPrereleaseTag = BuildTask.create "SetPrereleaseTag" [] {
printfn "Please enter pre-release package suffix"
let suffix = System.Console.ReadLine()
prereleaseSuffix <- suffix
prereleaseTag <- (sprintf "%s-%s" release.NugetVersion suffix)
isPrerelease <- true
let clean = BuildTask.create "Clean" [] {
!! "src/**/bin"
++ "src/**/obj"
++ "pkg"
++ "bin"
|> Shell.cleanDirs
let build = BuildTask.create "Build" [clean] {
|> id
let copyBinaries = BuildTask.create "CopyBinaries" [clean; build] {
let targets =
!! "src/**/*.??proj"
-- "src/**/*.shproj"
|> (fun f -> ((Path.getDirectory f) </> "bin" </> configuration, "bin" </> (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension f)))
for i in targets do printfn "%A" i
|> Seq.iter (fun (fromDir, toDir) -> Shell.copyDir toDir fromDir (fun _ -> true))
/// Test executing build tasks
module TestTasks =
open ProjectInfo
open BasicTasks
let runTests = BuildTask.create "RunTests" [clean; build; copyBinaries] {
let standardParams = Fake.DotNet.MSBuild.CliArguments.Create ()
Fake.DotNet.DotNet.test(fun testParams ->
testParams with
Logger = Some "console;verbosity=detailed"
Configuration = DotNet.BuildConfiguration.fromString configuration
NoBuild = true
) testProject
// to do: use this once we have actual tests
let runTestsWithCodeCov = BuildTask.create "RunTestsWithCodeCov" [clean; build; copyBinaries] {
let standardParams = Fake.DotNet.MSBuild.CliArguments.Create ()
Fake.DotNet.DotNet.test(fun testParams ->
testParams with
MSBuildParams = {
standardParams with
Properties = [
Logger = Some "console;verbosity=detailed"
) testProject
/// Package creation
module PackageTasks =
open ProjectInfo
open BasicTasks
open TestTasks
let pack = BuildTask.create "Pack" [clean; build; runTests; copyBinaries] {
if promptYesNo (sprintf "creating stable package with version %s OK?" stableVersionTag )
!! "src/**/*.*proj"
|> Seq.iter (Fake.DotNet.DotNet.pack (fun p ->
let msBuildParams =
{p.MSBuildParams with
Properties = ([
"PackageReleaseNotes", (release.Notes |> String.concat "\r\n")
] @ p.MSBuildParams.Properties)
p with
MSBuildParams = msBuildParams
OutputPath = Some pkgDir
else failwith "aborted"
let packPrerelease = BuildTask.create "PackPrerelease" [setPrereleaseTag; clean; build; runTests; copyBinaries] {
if promptYesNo (sprintf "package tag will be %s OK?" prereleaseTag )
!! "src/**/*.*proj"
//-- "src/**/Plotly.NET.Interactive.fsproj"
|> Seq.iter (Fake.DotNet.DotNet.pack (fun p ->
let msBuildParams =
{p.MSBuildParams with
Properties = ([
"Version", prereleaseTag
"PackageReleaseNotes", (release.Notes |> String.toLines )
] @ p.MSBuildParams.Properties)
p with
VersionSuffix = Some prereleaseSuffix
OutputPath = Some pkgDir
MSBuildParams = msBuildParams
failwith "aborted"
/// Build tasks for documentation setup and development
module DocumentationTasks =
open ProjectInfo
open BasicTasks
let initDocPage = BuildTask.create "InitDocsPage" [] {
printfn "Please enter filename"
let filename = System.Console.ReadLine()
printfn "Please enter title"
let title = System.Console.ReadLine()
let path = "./docs" </> filename
let lines = """
(*** hide ***)
(*** condition: prepare ***)
#r @"..\packages\Newtonsoft.Json\lib\netstandard2.0\Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
#r "../bin/Plotly.NET/netstandard2.1/Plotly.NET.dll"
(*** condition: ipynb ***)
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, {{fsdocs-package-version}}"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, {{fsdocs-package-version}}"
#endif // IPYNB
# {{TITLE}}
if (promptYesNo (sprintf "creating file %s with title %s OK?" path title)) then
|> String.replace "{{FILENAME}}" filename
|> String.replace "{{TITLE}}" title
|> fun content -> File.WriteAllText (path,content)
failwith "aborted"
let buildDocs = BuildTask.create "BuildDocs" [build; copyBinaries] {
printfn "building docs with stable version %s" stableVersionTag
(sprintf "fsdocs build --eval --clean --property Configuration=Release --parameters fsdocs-package-version %s" stableVersionTag)
let buildDocsPrerelease = BuildTask.create "BuildDocsPrerelease" [setPrereleaseTag; build; copyBinaries] {
printfn "building docs with prerelease version %s" prereleaseTag
(sprintf "fsdocs build --eval --clean --property Configuration=Release --parameters fsdocs-package-version %s" prereleaseTag)
let watchDocs = BuildTask.create "WatchDocs" [build; copyBinaries] {
printfn "watching docs with stable version %s" stableVersionTag
(sprintf "fsdocs watch --eval --clean --property Configuration=Release --parameters fsdocs-package-version %s" stableVersionTag)
let watchDocsPrerelease = BuildTask.create "WatchDocsPrerelease" [setPrereleaseTag; build; copyBinaries] {
printfn "watching docs with prerelease version %s" prereleaseTag
(sprintf "fsdocs watch --eval --clean --property Configuration=Release --parameters fsdocs-package-version %s" prereleaseTag)
/// Buildtasks that release stuff, e.g. packages, git tags, documentation, etc.
module ReleaseTasks =
open ProjectInfo
open BasicTasks
open TestTasks
open PackageTasks
open DocumentationTasks
let createTag = BuildTask.create "CreateTag" [clean; build; copyBinaries; runTests; pack] {
if promptYesNo (sprintf "tagging branch with %s OK?" stableVersionTag ) then
Git.Branches.tag "" stableVersionTag
Git.Branches.pushTag "" projectRepo stableVersionTag
failwith "aborted"
let createPrereleaseTag = BuildTask.create "CreatePrereleaseTag" [setPrereleaseTag; clean; build; copyBinaries; runTests; packPrerelease] {
if promptYesNo (sprintf "tagging branch with %s OK?" prereleaseTag ) then
Git.Branches.tag "" prereleaseTag
Git.Branches.pushTag "" projectRepo prereleaseTag
failwith "aborted"
let publishNuget = BuildTask.create "PublishNuget" [clean; build; copyBinaries; runTests; pack] {
let targets = (!! (sprintf "%s/*.*pkg" pkgDir ))
for target in targets do printfn "%A" target
let msg = sprintf "release package with version %s?" stableVersionTag
if promptYesNo msg then
let source = ""
let apikey = Environment.environVar "NUGET_KEY"
for artifact in targets do
let result = DotNet.exec id "nuget" (sprintf "push -s %s -k %s %s --skip-duplicate" source apikey artifact)
if not result.OK then failwith "failed to push packages"
else failwith "aborted"
let publishNugetPrerelease = BuildTask.create "PublishNugetPrerelease" [clean; build; copyBinaries; runTests; packPrerelease] {
let targets = (!! (sprintf "%s/*.*pkg" pkgDir ))
for target in targets do printfn "%A" target
let msg = sprintf "release package with version %s?" prereleaseTag
if promptYesNo msg then
let source = ""
let apikey = Environment.environVar "NUGET_KEY"
for artifact in targets do
let result = DotNet.exec id "nuget" (sprintf "push -s %s -k %s %s --skip-duplicate" source apikey artifact)
if not result.OK then failwith "failed to push packages"
else failwith "aborted"
let releaseDocs = BuildTask.create "ReleaseDocs" [buildDocs] {
let msg = sprintf "release docs for version %s?" stableVersionTag
if promptYesNo msg then
Shell.cleanDir "temp"
Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand "." (sprintf "clone %s temp/gh-pages --depth 1 -b gh-pages" projectRepo) |> ignore
Shell.copyRecursive "output" "temp/gh-pages" true |> printfn "%A"
Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand "temp/gh-pages" "add ." |> printfn "%s"
let cmd = sprintf """commit -a -m "Update generated documentation for version %s""" stableVersionTag
Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand "temp/gh-pages" cmd |> printfn "%s"
Git.Branches.push "temp/gh-pages"
else failwith "aborted"
let prereleaseDocs = BuildTask.create "PrereleaseDocs" [buildDocsPrerelease] {
let msg = sprintf "release docs for version %s?" prereleaseTag
if promptYesNo msg then
Shell.cleanDir "temp"
Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand "." (sprintf "clone %s temp/gh-pages --depth 1 -b gh-pages" projectRepo) |> ignore
Shell.copyRecursive "output" "temp/gh-pages" true |> printfn "%A"
Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand "temp/gh-pages" "add ." |> printfn "%s"
let cmd = sprintf """commit -a -m "Update generated documentation for version %s""" prereleaseTag
Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand "temp/gh-pages" cmd |> printfn "%s"
Git.Branches.push "temp/gh-pages"
else failwith "aborted"
open BasicTasks
open TestTasks
open PackageTasks
open DocumentationTasks
open ReleaseTasks
/// Full release of nuget package, git tag, and documentation for the stable version.
let _release =
[clean; build; copyBinaries; runTests; pack; buildDocs; createTag; publishNuget; releaseDocs]
/// Full release of nuget package, git tag, and documentation for the prerelease version.
let _preRelease =
[setPrereleaseTag; clean; build; copyBinaries; runTests; packPrerelease; buildDocsPrerelease; createPrereleaseTag; publishNugetPrerelease; prereleaseDocs]
// run copyBinaries by default
BuildTask.runOrDefault copyBinaries
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