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Created June 23, 2010 14:00
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# basic example of how to use avrBridgePy.
# once you have a reference to the wrapped library,
# you can use the API defined in avrBridgeC.h
# this example blinks an led on portD - pin0
import time
import avrBridgePy as avrBridgePy
#get a wrapper instance
bridge = avrBridgePy.avrBridge()
#get a direct reference to libavrBridgeC
mega = bridge.mega
#configure pinD0 as output
mega.setPortPinDir(bridge.PORTD, 0, bridge.OUT)
while True:
print "ON"
mega.setPortPin(bridge.PORTD, 0, bridge.ON)
print "OFF"
mega.setPortPin(bridge.PORTD, 0, bridge.OFF)
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