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Last active December 14, 2015 04:39
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configurations{ iso }
iso fileTree(dir: 'lib', includes: ['*.jar'])
task iso << {
ant.taskdef(name: 'makeiso', classpath: configurations.iso.asPath, classname:'de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.rbg.hatlak.iso9660.ISOTask')
def params = [:]
params['destfile'] = 'minimal.iso'
params['basedir'] = '.'
params['name'] = 'Minimal'
params['includes'] = 'src'
//params['excludes'] = '**'
//params['copyrightFile'] = './build.gradle'
//params['bootImage'] = 'tomsrtbt-2.0.103.ElTorito.288.img'
//params['bootImageSectorCount'] = '1'
//params['bootImageEmulation'] = '2.88'
//params['bootImagePlatformID'] = 'X86'
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