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Last active December 17, 2015 16:09
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def file = new File('/Users/kaakaa_hoe/Documents/codeIQ/shufflers/shufflers.txt')
Set resultList = new HashSet()
def cand = [:]
file.splitEachLine(' ') { array ->
def idList = getRegsList(array, /[0-9]+/)
def nameList = getRegsList(array, /[a-z]+/)
if(cand.size() == 0){
cand.putAll([ nameList, [idList] ].combinations().collect{ it as MapEntry })
} else {
nameList.each{ name ->
cand[name] = cand[name].intersect(idList)
} else {
cand[name] = idList
def i = 0
while (!extractResult(cand, resultList) && i < 100 ) { i++ }
def extractResult(cand, resultList) {
def obvious = cand.findAll { name, id -> id.size == 1 }
obvious.each { name, ids ->
cand.each { cand_name, cand_ids ->
cand[cand_name] -= ids
resultList.addAll(obvious.collect{ name, id -> "${id.join(' ')} = $name" })
return obvious.size() == 0
def getRegsList(array, regs) {
return array.findAll { it ==~ regs }
resultList.addAll(cand.collect{ name, ids -> "${ids.join(' ')} = $name" })
def footer = """
- Groovy 2.1.3
- GroovyConsole
- 2時間強
- 確定した答えを候補からどのように削除していくのかを考えすぎてハマりました。
def outputFile = new File('/Users/kaakaa_hoe/Documents/codeIQ/shufflers/answer.txt')
outputFile.withWriter { out ->
resultList.sort().each { out.println it }
out.println footer
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