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Created October 9, 2013 12:33
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UWSC.test {
script {
$ 'SEND_KEY("hoge")'
$ 'SEND_KEY("fuga")'
assertUWSC {
class UWSC {
static Script script = new Script()
static AssertUWSC assertUWSC = new AssertUWSC()
def static test(closure) {
UWSC uwsc = new UWSC()
closure.delegate = uwsc
// 実行すべきスクリプトを一時ファイルに書き出し
def file = File.createTempFile("temp","uwc")
println file.toString()
file.withWriter{ it << getCommands() }
println file.text
void script(closure) {
closure.delegate = script
closure( )
void assertUWSC(closure) {
closure.delegate = assertUWSC
static String getCommands(){
def commands = []
commands << script.getCommands() << assertUWSC.getCommands()
return commands.join(System.getProperty('line.separator'))
class Script {
List<String> commands = []
// add uwsc command
def $(String command) {
commands << command
// read uwsc script file
def F(String path){
commands << Arrays.asList(new File(path).text.split('line.separator')))
def String getCommands(){
return 'script'
class AssertUWSC {
def assertTitle(String expected) {
def String getCommands(){
return 'assertUWSC'
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