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Last active March 10, 2023 12:41
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  • Save kaansan/2502f24c8abb113e3c6b720e722b1fa8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kaansan/2502f24c8abb113e3c6b720e722b1fa8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Programmer Dvorak Layout with Dvorak/Qwerty number order

I updated and created a programmer dvorak layout with dvorak/qwerty number order. I did not touch the shifted keys, I've found it easier with programming. When you have to use calculators, this layout will be helpful more with normal number order. Otherwise it's pretty efficient with shifted number keys for me.

Capslock closed pd-ss-lower-chars

Capslock open pd-ss

Pressed Shift key pd-ss-shift

Instructions for OSX

  • move the layoout file to the ~/Library/Keyboards\ Layouts/
  • select the input source from keyboard settings
  • You might have to restart your pc
mv programmer-dvorak-ultimate.keylayout ~/Library/Keyboards\ Layouts/
<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE keyboard SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/KeyboardLayout.dtd">
<!--Last edited by Ukelele version 359 on 2023-03-10 at 14:57 (GMT+3)-->
<keyboard group="0" id="7773" name="Programmer Dvorak Testo" maxout="1">
<layout first="0" last="6" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="7" last="9" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="10" last="10" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="11" last="11" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="12" last="12" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="13" last="13" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="14" last="15" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="16" last="16" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="17" last="17" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="18" last="19" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="20" last="20" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="21" last="21" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="22" last="28" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="29" last="29" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="30" last="30" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="31" last="31" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="32" last="32" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="33" last="33" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="34" last="34" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="35" last="35" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="36" last="36" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="37" last="37" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="38" last="38" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="39" last="39" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="40" last="40" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="41" last="41" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="42" last="42" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="43" last="44" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="194" last="194" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="195" last="195" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="196" last="196" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="197" last="197" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="198" last="198" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="199" last="199" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="200" last="201" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="202" last="202" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="203" last="203" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="204" last="204" mapSet="ANSI" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="205" last="205" mapSet="ISO" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<layout first="206" last="207" mapSet="JIS" modifiers="modifiers"/>
<modifierMap id="modifiers" defaultIndex="0">
<!-- no modifiers -->
<keyMapSelect mapIndex="0">
<!-- shift -->
<modifier keys=""/>
<keyMapSelect mapIndex="1">
<modifier keys="anyShift"/>
<modifier keys="anyShift anyOption"/>
<keyMapSelect mapIndex="2">
<modifier keys="caps"/>
<keyMapSelect mapIndex="3">
<!-- option -->
<modifier keys="anyShift caps"/>
<keyMapSelect mapIndex="4">
<!-- control + anything but command -->
<modifier keys="caps anyOption"/>
<keyMapSelect mapIndex="5">
<modifier keys="anyShift? caps? anyOption? anyControl"/>
<keyMapSet id="ANSI">
<keyMap index="0">
<!-- number row -->
<!-- starred items are those that are different from Normal state -->
<key code="0" action="a"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="1" action="o"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="2" action="e"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="3" action="u"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="4" action="d"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="5" action="i"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="6" action="apostrophe"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="7" output="q"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="8" action="j"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="9" action="k"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="10" action="compose"/>
<key code="11" output="x"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="12" action="semi"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="13" action="comma"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="14" action="period"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="15" output="p"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="16" output="f"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="17" action="y"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="18" output="&#x0026;"/>
<!-- left pinky 2 -->
<key code="19" output="["/>
<!-- left pinky 1 -->
<key code="20" output="{"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="21" output="}"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="22" output="="/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="23" action="lparen"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="24" output="#"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="25" output="+"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="26" action="asterisk"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="27" output="!"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="28" output=")"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="29" output="]"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="30" action="at"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<!-- home row -->
<!--key code="57" output=""/> <! Caps Lock -->
<key code="31" action="r"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="32" action="g"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="33" action="slash"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="34" action="c"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="35" action="l"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="36" output="&#x000D;"/>
<!-- Return -->
<!-- bottom row -->
<!--key code="56" output=""/> <! Left Shift -->
<!-- even though this key is not here on actual ANSI keyboards
we add a binding here for keyboards which physically have
ISO layout but are mis-classified (VMware Fusion)
<key code="37" action="n"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="38" action="h"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="39" output="-"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="40" action="t"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="41" action="s"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="42" output="\"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<key code="43" output="w"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="44" action="z"/>
<!-- right pinky -->
<!--key code="60" output=""/> <! Right Shift -->
<!-- numpad -->
<key code="45" output="b"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="46" action="m"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="47" output="v"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="48" output="&#x0009;"/>
<!-- Tab -->
<key code="49" action="space"/>
<!-- Spacebar -->
<!--key code="54" output=""/> <! Right Command -->
<!--key code="61" output=""/> <! Right Option -->
<!--key code="110" output=""/> <! Contextual Menu -->
<!--key code="62" output=""/> <! Right Control -->
<!-- function row -->
<key code="50" output="$"/>
<!-- left pinky 3 -->
<key code="51" output="&#x0008;"/>
<!-- Backspace -->
<!-- top row -->
<key code="53" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Esc -->
<key code="55" output=""/>
<key code="57" output=""/>
<key code="64" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="65" output="."/>
<!-- Decimal Sep. -->
<!-- modifiers -->
<!--key code="59" output=""/> <! Left Control -->
<!--key code="58" output=""/> <! Left Option -->
<!--key code="55" output=""/> <! Left Command -->
<key code="66" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="67" output="-"/>
<!-- Num * -->
<key code="69" output="+"/>
<!-- Num + -->
<key code="70" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="71" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Num Lock -->
<key code="72" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="75" output="*"/>
<!-- Num / -->
<key code="76" output="&#x0003;"/>
<!-- Enter -->
<key code="77" output="&#x001E;"/>
<key code="78" output="+"/>
<!-- Num - -->
<key code="79" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="80" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="81" output="/"/>
<!-- Num = -->
<key code="82" output="0"/>
<!-- Num 0 -->
<key code="83" output="7"/>
<!-- Num 1 -->
<key code="84" output="8"/>
<!-- Num 2 -->
<key code="85" output="9"/>
<!-- Num 3 -->
<key code="86" output="4"/>
<!-- Num 4 -->
<key code="87" output="5"/>
<!-- Num 5 -->
<key code="88" output="6"/>
<!-- Num 6 -->
<key code="89" output="1"/>
<!-- Num 7 -->
<key code="91" output="2"/>
<!-- Num 8 -->
<key code="92" output="3"/>
<!-- Num 9 -->
<key code="96" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F5 -->
<key code="97" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F6 -->
<key code="98" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F7 -->
<key code="99" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F3 -->
<key code="100" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F8 -->
<key code="101" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F9 -->
<key code="103" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F11 -->
<key code="105" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- PrtScn -->
<key code="106" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="107" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- ScrLk -->
<key code="109" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F10 -->
<key code="111" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F12 -->
<key code="113" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- Pause -->
<!-- navigation and control keys -->
<key code="114" output="&#x0005;"/>
<!-- Ins -->
<key code="115" output="&#x0001;"/>
<!-- Home -->
<key code="116" output="&#x000B;"/>
<!-- PgUp -->
<key code="117" output="&#x007F;"/>
<!-- Del -->
<key code="118" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F4 -->
<key code="119" output="&#x0004;"/>
<!-- End -->
<key code="120" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F2 -->
<key code="121" output="&#x000C;"/>
<!-- PgDn -->
<!-- arrow keys -->
<key code="122" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F1 -->
<key code="123" output="&#x001C;"/>
<!-- Left -->
<key code="124" output="&#x001D;"/>
<!-- Right -->
<key code="125" output="&#x001F;"/>
<!-- Down -->
<key code="126" output="&#x001E;"/>
<!-- Up -->
<keyMap index="1">
<!-- number row -->
<!-- keys that are not affected by Caps Lock are marked with + -->
<key code="0" action="A"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="1" action="O"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="2" action="E"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="3" action="U"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="4" action="D"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="5" action="I"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="6" action="quote"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="7" output="Q"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="8" action="J"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="9" action="K"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="10" action="compose"/>
<key code="11" output="X"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="12" action="colon"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="13" action="less"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="14" action="greater"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="15" output="P"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="16" output="F"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="17" output="Y"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="18" output="%"/>
<!-- left pinky 2 -->
<key code="19" output="7"/>
<!-- left pinky 1 -->
<key code="20" output="5"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="21" output="3"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="22" output="9"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="23" output="1"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="24" action="backquote"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="25" output="4"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="26" action="zero 1"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="27" output="8"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="28" output="2"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="29" output="6"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="30" action="caret"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<!-- home row -->
<!--key code="57" output=""/> <! Caps Lock -->
<key code="31" action="R"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="32" action="G"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="33" output="?"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="34" action="C"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="35" action="L"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="36" output="&#x000D;"/>
<!-- Return -->
<!-- bottom row -->
<!--key code="56" output=""/> <! Left Shift -->
<!-- compose action is not affected by Shift; allows us to
prematurely press the modifier before hitting the next
key without altering the outcome
<key code="37" action="N"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="38" action="H"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="39" output="_"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="40" action="T"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="41" action="S"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="42" output="|"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<key code="43" output="W"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="44" action="Z"/>
<!-- right pinky -->
<!--key code="60" output=""/> <! Right Shift -->
<!-- numpad -->
<key code="45" output="B"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="46" action="M"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="47" output="V"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="48" output="&#x0009;"/>
<!-- Tab -->
<key code="49" action="space"/>
<!-- Spacebar -->
<!--key code="54" output=""/> <! Right Command -->
<!--key code="61" output=""/> <! Right Option -->
<!--key code="110" output=""/> <! Contextual Menu -->
<!--key code="62" output=""/> <! Right Control -->
<!-- function row -->
<key code="50" action="tilde"/>
<!-- left pinky 3 -->
<key code="51" output="&#x0008;"/>
<!-- Backspace -->
<!-- top row -->
<key code="53" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Esc -->
<key code="64" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="65" output=";"/>
<!-- Decimal Sep. -->
<!-- modifiers -->
<!--key code="59" output=""/> <! Left Control -->
<!--key code="58" output=""/> <! Left Option -->
<!--key code="55" output=""/> <! Left Command -->
<key code="66" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="67" output="$"/>
<!-- Num * -->
<key code="69" output=","/>
<!-- Num + -->
<key code="70" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="71" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Num Lock -->
<key code="72" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="75" output=")"/>
<!-- Num / -->
<key code="76" output="&#x0003;"/>
<!-- Enter -->
<key code="77" output="&#x001E;"/>
<key code="78" output=","/>
<!-- Num - -->
<key code="79" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="80" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="81" output="("/>
<!-- Num = -->
<key code="82" output="\"/>
<!-- Num 0 -->
<key code="83" output="="/>
<!-- Num 1 -->
<key code="84" output="x"/>
<!-- Num 2 -->
<key code="85" output=":"/>
<!-- Num 3 -->
<key code="86" output="D"/>
<!-- Num 4 -->
<key code="87" output="E"/>
<!-- Num 5 -->
<key code="88" output="F"/>
<!-- Num 6 -->
<key code="89" output="A"/>
<!-- Num 7 -->
<key code="91" output="B"/>
<!-- Num 8 -->
<key code="92" output="C"/>
<!-- Num 9 -->
<key code="96" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F5 -->
<key code="97" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F6 -->
<key code="98" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F7 -->
<key code="99" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F3 -->
<key code="100" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F8 -->
<key code="101" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F9 -->
<key code="103" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F11 -->
<key code="105" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- PrtScn -->
<key code="106" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="107" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- ScrLk -->
<key code="109" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F10 -->
<key code="111" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F12 -->
<key code="113" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- Pause -->
<!-- navigation and control keys -->
<key code="114" output="&#x0005;"/>
<!-- Ins -->
<key code="115" output="&#x0001;"/>
<!-- Home -->
<key code="116" output="&#x000B;"/>
<!-- PgUp -->
<key code="117" output="&#x007F;"/>
<!-- Del -->
<key code="118" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F4 -->
<key code="119" output="&#x0004;"/>
<!-- End -->
<key code="120" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F2 -->
<key code="121" output="&#x000C;"/>
<!-- PgDn -->
<!-- arrow keys -->
<key code="122" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F1 -->
<key code="123" output="&#x001C;"/>
<!-- Left -->
<key code="124" output="&#x001D;"/>
<!-- Right -->
<key code="125" output="&#x001F;"/>
<!-- Down -->
<key code="126" output="&#x001E;"/>
<!-- Up -->
<keyMap index="2">
<!-- number row -->
<!-- those keys that are unaffected by Caps Lock (marked with at) should
behave as in the regular shift map; the others are cancelled by the
Shift modifier. thus, this map is a copy of the normal map, with
those keys marked as unaffected in the caps map replaced with the
value from the shift map -->
<key code="0" action="A"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="1" action="O"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="2" action="E"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="3" action="U"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="4" action="D"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="5" action="I"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="6" action="apostrophe"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="7" output="Q"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="8" action="J"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="9" action="K"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="10" action="compose"/>
<key code="11" output="X"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="12" action="semi"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="13" action="comma"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="14" action="period"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="15" output="P"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="16" output="F"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="17" output="Y"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="18" output="1"/>
<!-- left pinky 2 -->
<key code="19" output="2"/>
<!-- left pinky 1 -->
<key code="20" output="3"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="21" output="4"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="22" output="6"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="23" output="5"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="24" output="#"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="25" output="9"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="26" action="zero"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="27" output="&#x0026;"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="28" output="8"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="29" output="0"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="30" action="at"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<!-- home row -->
<!--key code="57" output=""/> <! Caps Lock -->
<key code="31" action="R"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="32" action="G"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="33" action="slash"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="34" action="C"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="35" action="L"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="36" output="&#x000D;"/>
<!-- Return -->
<!-- bottom row -->
<!--key code="56" output=""/> <! Left Shift -->
<key code="37" action="N"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="38" action="H"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="39" output="_"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="40" action="T"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="41" action="S"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="42" output="\"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<key code="43" output="W"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="44" action="Z"/>
<!-- right pinky -->
<!--key code="60" output=""/> <! Right Shift -->
<!-- numpad -->
<key code="45" output="B"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="46" action="M"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="47" output="V"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="48" output="&#x0009;"/>
<!-- Tab -->
<key code="49" action="space"/>
<!-- Spacebar -->
<!--key code="54" output=""/> <! Right Command -->
<!--key code="61" output=""/> <! Right Option -->
<!--key code="110" output=""/> <! Contextual Menu -->
<!--key code="62" output=""/> <! Right Control -->
<!-- function row -->
<key code="50" output="$"/>
<!-- left pinky 3 -->
<key code="51" output="&#x0008;"/>
<!-- Backspace -->
<!-- top row -->
<key code="53" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Esc -->
<key code="64" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="65" output="."/>
<!-- Decimal Sep. -->
<!-- modifiers -->
<!--key code="59" output=""/> <! Left Control -->
<!--key code="58" output=""/> <! Left Option -->
<!--key code="55" output=""/> <! Left Command -->
<key code="66" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="67" output="-"/>
<!-- Num * -->
<key code="69" output="+"/>
<!-- Num + -->
<key code="70" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="71" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Num Lock -->
<key code="72" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="75" output="*"/>
<!-- Num / -->
<key code="76" output="&#x0003;"/>
<!-- Enter -->
<key code="77" output="&#x001E;"/>
<key code="78" output="+"/>
<!-- Num - -->
<key code="79" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="80" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="81" output="/"/>
<!-- Num = -->
<key code="82" output="0"/>
<!-- Num 0 -->
<key code="83" output="7"/>
<!-- Num 1 -->
<key code="84" output="8"/>
<!-- Num 2 -->
<key code="85" output="9"/>
<!-- Num 3 -->
<key code="86" output="4"/>
<!-- Num 4 -->
<key code="87" output="5"/>
<!-- Num 5 -->
<key code="88" output="6"/>
<!-- Num 6 -->
<key code="89" output="1"/>
<!-- Num 7 -->
<key code="91" output="2"/>
<!-- Num 8 -->
<key code="92" output="3"/>
<!-- Num 9 -->
<key code="96" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F5 -->
<key code="97" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F6 -->
<key code="98" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F7 -->
<key code="99" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F3 -->
<key code="100" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F8 -->
<key code="101" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F9 -->
<key code="103" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F11 -->
<key code="105" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- PrtScn -->
<key code="106" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="107" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- ScrLk -->
<key code="109" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F10 -->
<key code="111" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F12 -->
<key code="113" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- Pause -->
<!-- navigation and control keys -->
<key code="114" output="&#x0005;"/>
<!-- Ins -->
<key code="115" output="&#x0001;"/>
<!-- Home -->
<key code="116" output="&#x000B;"/>
<!-- PgUp -->
<key code="117" output="&#x007F;"/>
<!-- Del -->
<key code="118" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F4 -->
<key code="119" output="&#x0004;"/>
<!-- End -->
<key code="120" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F2 -->
<key code="121" output="&#x000C;"/>
<!-- PgDn -->
<!-- arrow keys -->
<key code="122" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F1 -->
<key code="123" output="&#x001C;"/>
<!-- Left -->
<key code="124" output="&#x001D;"/>
<!-- Right -->
<key code="125" output="&#x001F;"/>
<!-- Down -->
<key code="126" output="&#x001E;"/>
<!-- Up -->
<keyMap index="3">
<!-- number row -->
<!-- option, a.k.a. Alt Graph. starred entries indicate that they
effectively unassigned and return the value of the normal map -->
<key code="0" action="a"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="1" action="o"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="2" action="e"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="3" action="u"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="4" action="d"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="5" action="i"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="6" action="quote"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="7" output="q"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="8" action="j"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="9" action="k"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="10" action="compose"/>
<key code="11" output="x"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="12" action="colon"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="13" action="less"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="14" action="greater"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="15" output="p"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="16" output="f"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="17" action="y"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="18" output="%"/>
<!-- left pinky 2 -->
<key code="19" output="["/>
<!-- left pinky 1 -->
<key code="20" output="{"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="21" output="}"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="22" output="="/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="23" action="lparen"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="24" action="backquote"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="25" output="+"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="26" action="asterisk"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="27" output="!"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="28" output=")"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="29" output="]"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="30" action="caret"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<!-- home row -->
<!--key code="57" output=""/> <! Caps Lock -->
<key code="31" action="r"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="32" action="g"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="33" output="?"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="34" action="c"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="35" action="l"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="36" output="&#x000D;"/>
<!-- Return -->
<!-- bottom row -->
<!--key code="56" output=""/> <! Left Shift -->
<!-- even though this key is not here on actual ANSI keyboards
we add a binding here for keyboards which physically have
ISO layout but are mis-classified (VMware Fusion)
<key code="37" action="n"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="38" action="h"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="39" output="-"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="40" action="t"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="41" action="s"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="42" output="|"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<key code="43" output="w"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="44" action="z"/>
<!-- right pinky -->
<!--key code="60" output=""/> <! Right Shift -->
<!-- numpad -->
<key code="45" output="b"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="46" action="m"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="47" output="v"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="48" output="&#x0009;"/>
<!-- Tab -->
<key code="49" action="space"/>
<!-- Spacebar -->
<!--key code="54" output=""/> <! Right Command -->
<!--key code="61" output=""/> <! Right Option -->
<!--key code="110" output=""/> <! Contextual Menu -->
<!--key code="62" output=""/> <! Right Control -->
<!-- function row -->
<key code="50" action="tilde"/>
<!-- left pinky 3 -->
<key code="51" output="&#x0008;"/>
<!-- Backspace -->
<!-- top row -->
<key code="53" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Esc -->
<key code="64" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="65" output="."/>
<!-- Decimal Sep. -->
<!-- modifiers -->
<!--key code="59" output=""/> <! Left Control -->
<!--key code="58" output=""/> <! Left Option -->
<!--key code="55" output=""/> <! Left Command -->
<key code="66" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="67" output="-"/>
<!-- Num * -->
<key code="69" output="+"/>
<!-- Num + -->
<key code="70" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="71" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Num Lock -->
<key code="72" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="75" output="*"/>
<!-- Num / -->
<key code="76" output="&#x0003;"/>
<!-- Enter -->
<key code="77" output="&#x001E;"/>
<key code="78" output="+"/>
<!-- Num - -->
<key code="79" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="80" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="81" output="/"/>
<!-- Num = -->
<key code="82" output="0"/>
<!-- Num 0 -->
<key code="83" output="7"/>
<!-- Num 1 -->
<key code="84" output="8"/>
<!-- Num 2 -->
<key code="85" output="9"/>
<!-- Num 3 -->
<key code="86" output="4"/>
<!-- Num 4 -->
<key code="87" output="5"/>
<!-- Num 5 -->
<key code="88" output="6"/>
<!-- Num 6 -->
<key code="89" output="1"/>
<!-- Num 7 -->
<key code="91" output="2"/>
<!-- Num 8 -->
<key code="92" output="3"/>
<!-- Num 9 -->
<key code="96" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F5 -->
<key code="97" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F6 -->
<key code="98" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F7 -->
<key code="99" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F3 -->
<key code="100" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F8 -->
<key code="101" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F9 -->
<key code="103" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F11 -->
<key code="105" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- PrtScn -->
<key code="106" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="107" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- ScrLk -->
<key code="109" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F10 -->
<key code="111" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F12 -->
<key code="113" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- Pause -->
<!-- navigation and control keys -->
<key code="114" output="&#x0005;"/>
<!-- Ins -->
<key code="115" output="&#x0001;"/>
<!-- Home -->
<key code="116" output="&#x000B;"/>
<!-- PgUp -->
<key code="117" output="&#x007F;"/>
<!-- Del -->
<key code="118" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F4 -->
<key code="119" output="&#x0004;"/>
<!-- End -->
<key code="120" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F2 -->
<key code="121" output="&#x000C;"/>
<!-- PgDn -->
<!-- arrow keys -->
<key code="122" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F1 -->
<key code="123" output="&#x001C;"/>
<!-- Left -->
<key code="124" output="&#x001D;"/>
<!-- Right -->
<key code="125" output="&#x001F;"/>
<!-- Down -->
<key code="126" output="&#x001E;"/>
<!-- Up -->
<keyMap index="4">
<key code="0" output="Å"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="1" output="Ø"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="2" output="Æ"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="3" output="É"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="4" output="Ð"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="5" action="i"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="6" action="acute"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="7" output="q"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="8" action="j"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="9" action="k"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="10" action="compose"/>
<key code="11" output="x"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="12" action="diaeresis"/>
<!-- left pinky -->
<key code="13" output="«"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="14" output="»"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="15" output="¶"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="16" output="f"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="17" output="Ü"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="18" output="&#x0026;"/>
<!-- left pinky 2 -->
<key code="19" output="¤"/>
<!-- left pinky 1 -->
<key code="20" output="¢"/>
<!-- left ring -->
<key code="21" output="¥"/>
<!-- left middle -->
<key code="22" output="£"/>
<!-- left index 2 -->
<key code="23" output="€"/>
<!-- left index 1 -->
<key code="24" action="grave"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="25" output="+"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="26" action="asterisk"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="27" output="¡"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="28" output="½"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="29" output="]"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="30" action="circum"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<!-- home row -->
<!--key code="57" output=""/> <! Caps Lock -->
<key code="31" output="®"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="32" output=""/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="33" output="¿"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="34" output="Ç"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="35" action="l"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="36" output="&#x000D;"/>
<!-- Return -->
<!-- bottom row -->
<!--key code="56" output=""/> <! Left Shift -->
<!-- even though this key is not here on actual ANSI keyboards
we add a binding here for keyboards which physically have
ISO layout but are mis-classified (VMware Fusion)
<key code="37" output="Ñ"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="38" action="acute"/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="39" output="-"/>
<!-- right pinky 2 -->
<key code="40" output="Þ"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="41" output="ß"/>
<!-- right pinky 1 -->
<key code="42" output="\"/>
<!-- right pinky 3 -->
<key code="43" output="w"/>
<!-- right middle -->
<key code="44" action="z"/>
<!-- right pinky -->
<!--key code="60" output=""/> <! Right Shift -->
<!-- numpad -->
<key code="45" output="b"/>
<!-- right index 2 -->
<key code="46" output=""/>
<!-- right index 1 -->
<key code="47" output="v"/>
<!-- right ring -->
<key code="48" output="&#x0009;"/>
<!-- Tab -->
<key code="49" action="space"/>
<!-- Spacebar -->
<!--key code="54" output=""/> <! Right Command -->
<!--key code="61" output=""/> <! Right Option -->
<!--key code="110" output=""/> <! Contextual Menu -->
<!--key code="62" output=""/> <! Right Control -->
<!-- function row -->
<key code="50" action="nasal"/>
<!-- left pinky 3 -->
<key code="51" output="&#x0008;"/>
<!-- Backspace -->
<!-- top row -->
<key code="53" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Esc -->
<key code="64" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="65" output="."/>
<!-- Decimal Sep. -->
<!-- modifiers -->
<!--key code="59" output=""/> <! Left Control -->
<!--key code="58" output=""/> <! Left Option -->
<!--key code="55" output=""/> <! Left Command -->
<key code="66" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="67" output="-"/>
<!-- Num * -->
<key code="69" output="+"/>
<!-- Num + -->
<key code="70" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="71" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- Num Lock -->
<key code="72" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="75" output="*"/>
<!-- Num / -->
<key code="76" output="&#x0003;"/>
<!-- Enter -->
<key code="77" output="&#x001E;"/>
<key code="78" output="+"/>
<!-- Num - -->
<key code="79" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="80" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="81" output="/"/>
<!-- Num = -->
<key code="82" output="0"/>
<!-- Num 0 -->
<key code="83" output="7"/>
<!-- Num 1 -->
<key code="84" output="8"/>
<!-- Num 2 -->
<key code="85" output="9"/>
<!-- Num 3 -->
<key code="86" output="4"/>
<!-- Num 4 -->
<key code="87" output="5"/>
<!-- Num 5 -->
<key code="88" output="6"/>
<!-- Num 6 -->
<key code="89" output="1"/>
<!-- Num 7 -->
<key code="91" output="2"/>
<!-- Num 8 -->
<key code="92" output="3"/>
<!-- Num 9 -->
<key code="96" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F5 -->
<key code="97" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F6 -->
<key code="98" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F7 -->
<key code="99" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F3 -->
<key code="100" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F8 -->
<key code="101" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F9 -->
<key code="103" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F11 -->
<key code="105" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- PrtScn -->
<key code="106" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="107" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- ScrLk -->
<key code="109" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F10 -->
<key code="111" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F12 -->
<key code="113" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- Pause -->
<!-- navigation and control keys -->
<key code="114" output="&#x0005;"/>
<!-- Ins -->
<key code="115" output="&#x0001;"/>
<!-- Home -->
<key code="116" output="&#x000B;"/>
<!-- PgUp -->
<key code="117" output="&#x007F;"/>
<!-- Del -->
<key code="118" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F4 -->
<key code="119" output="&#x0004;"/>
<!-- End -->
<key code="120" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F2 -->
<key code="121" output="&#x000C;"/>
<!-- PgDn -->
<!-- arrow keys -->
<key code="122" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- F1 -->
<key code="123" output="&#x001C;"/>
<!-- Left -->
<key code="124" output="&#x001D;"/>
<!-- Right -->
<key code="125" output="&#x001F;"/>
<!-- Down -->
<key code="126" output="&#x001E;"/>
<!-- Up -->
<keyMap index="5">
<!-- number row -->
<key code="0" output="&#x0001;"/>
<!-- ctrl-A -->
<key code="1" output="&#x000F;"/>
<!-- ctrl-O -->
<key code="2" output="&#x0005;"/>
<!-- ctrl-E -->
<key code="3" output="&#x0015;"/>
<!-- ctrl-U -->
<key code="4" output="&#x0004;"/>
<!-- ctrl-D -->
<key code="5" output="&#x0009;"/>
<!-- ctrl-I -->
<key code="6" output=""/>
<key code="7" output="&#x0011;"/>
<!-- ctrl-Q -->
<key code="8" output="&#x000A;"/>
<!-- ctrl-J -->
<key code="9" output="&#x000B;"/>
<!-- ctrl-K -->
<key code="11" output="&#x0018;"/>
<!-- ctrl-X -->
<key code="12" output=""/>
<key code="13" output=""/>
<key code="14" output=""/>
<key code="15" output="&#x0010;"/>
<!-- ctrl-P -->
<key code="16" output="&#x0006;"/>
<!-- ctrl-F -->
<key code="17" output="&#x0019;"/>
<!-- ctrl-Y -->
<key code="18" output=""/>
<key code="19" output="&#x001B;"/>
<!-- ctrl-[ -->
<key code="20" output=""/>
<key code="21" output=""/>
<key code="22" output=""/>
<key code="23" output=""/>
<key code="24" output=""/>
<key code="25" output=""/>
<key code="26" output=""/>
<key code="27" output=""/>
<key code="28" output=""/>
<key code="29" output="&#x001D;"/>
<!-- ctrl-] -->
<key code="30" output=""/>
<!-- ctrl-@ -->
<!-- home row -->
<key code="31" output="&#x0012;"/>
<!-- ctrl-R -->
<key code="32" output="&#x0007;"/>
<!-- ctrl-G -->
<key code="33" output=""/>
<key code="34" output="&#x0003;"/>
<!-- ctrl-C -->
<key code="35" output="&#x000C;"/>
<!-- ctrl-L -->
<key code="36" output="&#x000D;"/>
<key code="37" output="&#x000E;"/>
<!-- ctrl-N -->
<key code="38" output="&#x0008;"/>
<!-- ctrl-H -->
<key code="39" output="&#x001F;"/>
<!-- ctrl-_ -->
<key code="40" output="&#x0014;"/>
<!-- ctrl-T -->
<key code="41" output="&#x0013;"/>
<!-- ctrl-S -->
<key code="42" output="&#x001C;"/>
<!-- ctrl-\ -->
<!-- bottom row -->
<key code="43" output="&#x0017;"/>
<!-- ctrl-W -->
<key code="44" output="&#x001A;"/>
<!-- ctrl-Z -->
<key code="45" output="&#x0002;"/>
<!-- ctrl-B -->
<key code="46" output="&#x000D;"/>
<!-- ctrl-M -->
<key code="47" output="&#x0016;"/>
<!-- ctrl-V -->
<key code="48" output="&#x0009;"/>
<key code="49" output=""/>
<key code="51" output="&#x007F;"/>
<!-- ctrl-Backspace -->
<!-- top row -->
<key code="53" output="&#x001B;"/>
<key code="64" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="65" output=""/>
<key code="66" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="67" output=""/>
<key code="69" output=""/>
<key code="70" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="71" output="&#x001B;"/>
<key code="72" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="75" output=""/>
<key code="76" output="&#x0003;"/>
<key code="77" output="&#x001E;"/>
<key code="78" output=""/>
<key code="79" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="80" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="81" output=""/>
<key code="82" output=""/>
<key code="83" output=""/>
<key code="84" output=""/>
<key code="85" output=""/>
<key code="86" output=""/>
<key code="87" output=""/>
<key code="88" output=""/>
<key code="89" output=""/>
<key code="91" output=""/>
<key code="92" output=""/>
<key code="96" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="97" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="98" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="99" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="100" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="101" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="103" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="105" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="106" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="107" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="109" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="111" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="113" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="114" output="&#x0005;"/>
<key code="115" output="&#x0001;"/>
<key code="116" output="&#x000B;"/>
<key code="117" output="&#x007F;"/>
<key code="118" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="119" output="&#x0004;"/>
<key code="120" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="121" output="&#x000C;"/>
<key code="122" output="&#x0010;"/>
<key code="123" output="&#x001C;"/>
<key code="124" output="&#x001D;"/>
<key code="125" output="&#x001F;"/>
<key code="126" output="&#x001E;"/>
<keyMapSet id="ISO">
<keyMap index="0" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="0">
<key code="10" output="$"/>
<key code="50" action="compose"/>
<key code="94" action="compose"/>
<!-- ABNT kbds only -->
<keyMap index="1" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="1">
<key code="10" action="tilde"/>
<key code="50" action="compose"/>
<key code="94" action="compose"/>
<!-- ABNT kbds only -->
<keyMap index="2" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="2">
<key code="10" output="$"/>
<key code="50" action="compose"/>
<key code="94" action="compose"/>
<!-- ABNT kbds only -->
<keyMap index="3" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="3">
<key code="10" action="tilde"/>
<key code="50" action="compose"/>
<key code="94" action="compose"/>
<!-- ABNT kbds only -->
<keyMap index="4" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="4">
<key code="10" action="nasal"/>
<key code="50" action="compose"/>
<key code="94" action="compose"/>
<!-- ABNT kbds only -->
<keyMap index="5" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="5">
<key code="10" output="$"/>
<key code="50" action="compose"/>
<key code="94" action="compose"/>
<!-- ABNT kbds only -->
<keyMapSet id="JIS">
<keyMap index="0" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="0">
<key code="93" output=""/>
<!-- Yen -->
<key code="94" output=""/>
<!-- Underscore -->
<key code="95" output=""/>
<!-- Keypad Comma -->
<key code="102" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Eisu -->
<key code="104" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Kana -->
<keyMap index="1" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="1">
<key code="93" output=""/>
<!-- Yen -->
<key code="94" output=""/>
<!-- Underscore -->
<key code="95" output=""/>
<!-- Keypad Comma -->
<key code="102" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Eisu -->
<key code="104" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Kana -->
<keyMap index="2" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="2">
<key code="93" output=""/>
<!-- Yen -->
<key code="94" output=""/>
<!-- Underscore -->
<key code="95" output=""/>
<!-- Keypad Comma -->
<key code="102" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Eisu -->
<key code="104" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Kana -->
<keyMap index="3" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="3">
<key code="93" output=""/>
<!-- Yen -->
<key code="94" output=""/>
<!-- Underscore -->
<key code="95" output=""/>
<!-- Keypad Comma -->
<key code="102" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Eisu -->
<key code="104" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Kana -->
<keyMap index="4" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="4">
<key code="93" output=""/>
<!-- Yen -->
<key code="94" output=""/>
<!-- Underscore -->
<key code="95" output=""/>
<!-- Keypad Comma -->
<key code="102" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Eisu -->
<key code="104" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Kana -->
<keyMap index="5" baseMapSet="ANSI" baseIndex="5">
<key code="93" output=""/>
<!-- Yen -->
<key code="94" output=""/>
<!-- Underscore -->
<key code="95" output=""/>
<!-- Keypad Comma -->
<key code="102" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Eisu -->
<key code="104" output=""/>
<!-- Switch to Kana -->
<action id="A">
<when state="none" output="A"/>
<when state="acute" output="Á"/>
<when state="alig" output="Å"/>
<when state="circum" output="Â"/>
<when state="compose" next="alig"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="Ä"/>
<when state="grave" output="À"/>
<when state="macron" output="Ā"/>
<when state="nasal" output="Ã"/>
<when state="ring" output="Å"/>
<action id="C">
<when state="none" output="C"/>
<when state="cedilla" output="Ç"/>
<when state="compose" next="caron"/>
<action id="D">
<when state="none" output="D"/>
<when state="compose" next="eth"/>
<action id="E">
<when state="none" output="E"/>
<when state="acute" output="É"/>
<when state="alig" output="Æ"/>
<when state="circum" output="Ê"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="Ë"/>
<when state="grave" output="È"/>
<action id="G">
<when state="none" output="G"/>
<action id="H">
<when state="none" output="H"/>
<action id="I">
<when state="none" output="I"/>
<when state="acute" output="Í"/>
<when state="circum" output="Î"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="Ï"/>
<when state="grave" output="Ì"/>
<action id="J">
<when state="none" output="J"/>
<action id="K">
<when state="none" output="K"/>
<action id="L">
<when state="none" output="L"/>
<action id="M">
<when state="none" output="M"/>
<when state="thorn" output="™"/>
<action id="N">
<when state="none" output="N"/>
<when state="nasal" output="Ñ"/>
<action id="O">
<when state="none" output="O"/>
<when state="acute" output="Ó"/>
<when state="caron" output="©"/>
<when state="circum" output="Ô"/>
<when state="compose" next="ring"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="Ö"/>
<when state="grave" output="Ò"/>
<when state="nasal" output="Õ"/>
<when state="stroke" output="Ø"/>
<action id="R">
<when state="none" output="R"/>
<action id="S">
<when state="none" output="S"/>
<when state="compose" next="ssharp"/>
<when state="dot" output="Ș"/>
<action id="T">
<when state="none" output="T"/>
<when state="compose" next="thorn"/>
<when state="dot" output="Ț"/>
<action id="U">
<when state="none" output="U"/>
<when state="acute" output="Ú"/>
<when state="circum" output="Û"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="Ü"/>
<when state="grave" output="Ù"/>
<action id="Y">
<when state="none" output="Y"/>
<when state="acute" output="Ý"/>
<action id="Z">
<when state="none" output="Z"/>
<action id="a">
<when state="none" output="a"/>
<when state="acute" output="á"/>
<when state="alig" output="å"/>
<when state="circum" output="â"/>
<when state="compose" next="alig"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="ä"/>
<when state="grave" output="à"/>
<when state="macron" output="ā"/>
<when state="nasal" output="ã"/>
<when state="ring" output="å"/>
<action id="acute">
<when state="none" next="acute"/>
<action id="apostrophe">
<when state="none" output="&#x0027;"/>
<when state="compose" next="acute"/>
<when state="greater" output="’"/>
<when state="less" output="‘"/>
<action id="asterisk">
<when state="none" output="*"/>
<when state="compose" next="ring"/>
<action id="at">
<when state="none" output="@"/>
<when state="compose" next="alig"/>
<action id="backquote">
<when state="none" output="`"/>
<when state="compose" next="grave"/>
<action id="breve">
<when state="none" next="breve"/>
<action id="c">
<when state="none" output="c"/>
<when state="cedilla" output="ç"/>
<when state="compose" next="caron"/>
<action id="caret">
<when state="none" output="^"/>
<when state="compose" next="circum"/>
<action id="circum">
<when state="none" next="circum"/>
<action id="colon">
<when state="none" output=":"/>
<when state="compose" next="diaeresis"/>
<action id="comma">
<when state="none" output=","/>
<when state="compose" next="cedilla"/>
<action id="compose">
<when state="none" next="compose"/>
<action id="d">
<when state="none" output="d"/>
<when state="compose" next="eth"/>
<action id="dash">
<when state="none" output="-"/>
<when state="compose" next="macron"/>
<when state="dot" output="·"/>
<action id="diaeresis">
<when state="none" next="diaeresis"/>
<action id="e">
<when state="none" output="e"/>
<when state="acute" output="é"/>
<when state="alig" output="æ"/>
<when state="circum" output="ê"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="ë"/>
<when state="grave" output="è"/>
<action id="g">
<when state="none" output="g"/>
<action id="grave">
<when state="none" next="grave"/>
<action id="greater">
<when state="none" output="&#x003E;"/>
<when state="acute" output="’"/>
<when state="compose" next="greater"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="”"/>
<!-- dead key actions; go straight to a state and wait for key -->
<action id="h">
<when state="none" output="h"/>
<action id="i">
<when state="none" output="i"/>
<when state="acute" output="í"/>
<when state="circum" output="î"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="ï"/>
<when state="grave" output="ì"/>
<action id="j">
<when state="none" output="j"/>
<action id="k">
<when state="none" output="k"/>
<action id="l">
<when state="none" output="l"/>
<action id="less">
<when state="none" output="&#x003C;"/>
<when state="acute" output="‘"/>
<when state="compose" next="less"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="“"/>
<action id="lparen">
<when state="none" output="("/>
<when state="compose" next="breve"/>
<action id="m">
<when state="none" output="m"/>
<action id="n">
<when state="none" output="n"/>
<when state="nasal" output="ñ"/>
<action id="nasal">
<when state="none" next="nasal"/>
<!-- same as the terminator table below -->
<action id="o">
<when state="none" output="o"/>
<when state="acute" output="ó"/>
<when state="caron" output="©"/>
<when state="circum" output="ô"/>
<when state="compose" next="ring"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="ö"/>
<when state="grave" output="ò"/>
<when state="nasal" output="õ"/>
<when state="stroke" output="ø"/>
<action id="period">
<when state="none" output="."/>
<when state="compose" next="dot"/>
<when state="dot" output="…"/>
<action id="quote">
<when state="none" output="&#x0022;"/>
<when state="compose" next="diaeresis"/>
<when state="greater" output="”"/>
<when state="less" output="“"/>
<action id="r">
<when state="none" output="r"/>
<action id="s">
<when state="none" output="s"/>
<when state="compose" next="ssharp"/>
<when state="dot" output="ș"/>
<action id="semi">
<when state="none" output=";"/>
<when state="compose" next="diaeresis"/>
<action id="slash">
<when state="none" output="/"/>
<when state="compose" next="stroke"/>
<action id="space">
<when state="none" output=" "/>
<when state="acute" output="´"/>
<when state="alig" output="a"/>
<when state="breve" output="("/>
<when state="caron" output="c"/>
<when state="cedilla" output="¸"/>
<when state="circum" output="ˆ"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="¨"/>
<when state="dot" output="."/>
<when state="eth" output="e"/>
<when state="grave" output="`"/>
<when state="greater" output="&#x003E;"/>
<when state="less" output="&#x003C;"/>
<when state="macron" output="-"/>
<when state="nasal" output="˜"/>
<when state="ring" output="o"/>
<when state="ssharp" output="s"/>
<when state="stroke" output="/"/>
<when state="thorn" output="t"/>
<action id="t">
<when state="none" output="t"/>
<when state="compose" next="thorn"/>
<when state="dot" output="ț"/>
<action id="tilde">
<when state="none" output="~"/>
<when state="compose" next="nasal"/>
<action id="u">
<when state="none" output="u"/>
<when state="acute" output="ú"/>
<when state="circum" output="û"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="ü"/>
<when state="grave" output="ù"/>
<action id="y">
<when state="none" output="y"/>
<when state="acute" output="ý"/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="ÿ"/>
<action id="z">
<when state="none" output="z"/>
<action id="zero">
<when state="none" output="7"/>
<when state="stroke" output="∞"/>
<action id="zero 1">
<when state="none" output="0"/>
<when state="stroke" output="∞"/>
<when state="acute" output="´"/>
<when state="alig" output="a"/>
<when state="breve" output="˘"/>
<when state="caron" output="c"/>
<when state="cedilla" output="¸"/>
<when state="circum" output="ˆ"/>
<when state="compose" output=""/>
<when state="diaeresis" output="¨"/>
<when state="dot" output="˙"/>
<when state="eth" output="d"/>
<when state="grave" output="`"/>
<when state="greater" output="&#x003E;"/>
<when state="less" output="&#x003C;"/>
<when state="macron" output="-"/>
<when state="nasal" output="˜"/>
<when state="ring" output="o"/>
<when state="ssharp" output="s"/>
<when state="stroke" output="/"/>
<when state="thorn" output="t"/>
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