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Created April 15, 2012 16:02
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Save kaareal/2393577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Less middleware for compiling less files that working nicely with @import and updates when you change the imported files
* Lifted from
* Refactored to work with less instead of stylus and invoking compile when you change a "@import file"
* Stylus - middleware
* Copyright(c) 2010 LearnBoost <>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var less = require('less')
, fs = require('fs')
, url = require('url')
, basename = require('path').basename
, dirname = require('path').dirname
, mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
, join = require('path').join;
* Import map.
var imports = {};
* Return Connect middleware with the given `options`.
* Options:
* `force` Always re-compile
* `debug` Output debugging information
* `src` Source directory used to find .styl files
* `dest` Destination directory used to output .css files
* when undefined defaults to `src`.
* `compress` Whether the output .css files should be compressed
* Examples:
* Pass the middleware to Connect, grabbing .less files from this directory
* and saving .css files to _./public_. Also supplying our custom `compile` function.
* Following that we have a `staticProvider` layer setup to serve the .css
* files generated by Less.
* app.use(
* lessMiddleware({
* src: __dirname
* , dest: __dirname + '/public'
* })
* );
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Function}
* @api public
module.exports = function(options){
options = options || {};
// Accept src/dest dir
if ('string' == typeof options) {
options = { src: options };
// Force compilation
var force = options.force;
// Debug option
var debug = options.debug;
// Source dir required
var src = options.src;
if (!src) throw new Error('less.middleware() requires "src" directory');
// Default dest dir to source
var dest = options.dest
? options.dest
: src;
// Default compile callback
options.compile = options.compile || function(str, path){
// Middleware
return function stylus(req, res, next) {
if ('GET' != req.method && 'HEAD' != req.method) return next();
var path = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
if (/\.css$/.test(path)) {
var cssPath = join(dest, path)
, stylusPath = join(src, path.replace('.css', '.less'));
if (debug) {
log('source', stylusPath);
log('dest', cssPath);
// Ignore ENOENT to fall through as 404
function error(err) {
next('ENOENT' == err.code
? null
: err);
// Force
if (force) return compile();
// Compile to cssPath
function compile() {
if (debug) log('read', stylusPath);
fs.readFile(stylusPath, 'utf8', function(err, str){
if (err) return error(err);
var parser = new(less.Parser)({
paths: [dirname(stylusPath)], // Specify search paths for @import directives
filename: stylusPath // Specify a filename, for better error messages
delete imports[stylusPath];
parser.parse(str, function (e, tree) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (debug) log('render', stylusPath);
//console.log( stylusPath.replace(dirname(stylusPath), '');
imports[stylusPath] = tree.rules
.filter(function(rule) {
return rule.path;
.map(function(rule) {
return {
mtime :,
path : join(dirname(stylusPath), rule.path)
var css = tree.toCSS({ compress: options.compress }) // Minify CSS output
mkdirp(dirname(cssPath), 0700, function(err){
if (err) return error(err);
fs.writeFile(cssPath, css, 'utf8', next);
// Re-compile on server restart, disregarding
// mtimes since we need to map imports
if (!imports[stylusPath]) return compile();
// Compare mtimes
fs.stat(stylusPath, function(err, stylusStats){
if (err) return error(err);
fs.stat(cssPath, function(err, cssStats){
// CSS has not been compiled, compile it!
if (err) {
if ('ENOENT' == err.code) {
if (debug) log('not found', cssPath);
} else {
} else {
// Source has changed, compile it
if (stylusStats.mtime > cssStats.mtime) {
if (debug) log('modified', cssPath);
// Already compiled, check imports
} else {
checkImports(stylusPath, function(changed){
if (debug && changed.length) {
changed.forEach(function(path) {
log('modified import %s', path);
changed.length ? compile() : next();
} else {
* Check `path`'s imports to see if they have been altered.
* @param {String} path
* @param {Function} fn
* @api private
function checkImports(path, fn) {
var nodes = imports[path];
if (!nodes) return fn();
if (!nodes.length) return fn();
var pending = nodes.length
, changed = [];
fs.stat(imported.path, function(err, stat) {
// error or newer mtime
if (err || !imported.mtime || stat.mtime > imported.mtime) {
--pending || fn(changed);
* Log a message.
* @api private
function log(key, val) {
console.error(' \033[90m%s :\033[0m \033[36m%s\033[0m', key, val);
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