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Created June 29, 2015 09:06
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kaareal@Kaares-MacBook-Pro ~/c/ansible> make staging-nervecenter
Git codebase is up-to-date
ansible-playbook -f20 -i inventories/ec2-private --limit "tag_role_nervecenter:&tag_environment_staging" playbooks/full-stack.yml
PLAY [tag_role_redis] *********************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_redis-sentinel] ************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_cassandra] *****************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_mongo] *********************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_rabbitmq] ******************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_trends-elasticsearch] ******************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_elasticsearch-trends] ******************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_labs-elasticsearch] ********************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_elasticsearch:&tag_environment_staging] ************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_elasticsearch:&tag_environment_prod] ***************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_elasticsearch-master:&tag_environment_prod] ********************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_labs-bottlenose-api] *******************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_bottlenose-api] ************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [tag_role_nervecenter:&tag_environment_staging] **************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
fatal: [] => SSH Error: data could not be sent to the remote host. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh
fatal: [] => SSH Error: data could not be sent to the remote host. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh
TASK: [ssh-keys | Create .ssh directories] ************************************
FATAL: no hosts matched or all hosts have already failed -- aborting
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
to retry, use: --limit @/Users/kaareal/full-stack.retry : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0 : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0
make: *** [staging-nervecenter] Error 3
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