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Created October 9, 2019 14:55
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def train(net, criterion, opti, train_loader, val_loader, args):
for ep in range(args.max_eps):
for it, (seq, attn_masks, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):
#Clear gradients
#Converting these to cuda tensors
seq, attn_masks, labels = seq.cuda(args.gpu), attn_masks.cuda(args.gpu), labels.cuda(args.gpu)
#Obtaining the logits from the model
logits = net(seq, attn_masks)
#Computing loss
loss = criterion(logits.squeeze(-1), labels.float())
#Backpropagating the gradients
#Optimization step
if (it + 1) % args.print_every == 0:
acc = get_accuracy_from_logits(logits, labels)
print("Iteration {} of epoch {} complete. Loss : {} Accuracy : {}".format(it+1, ep+1, loss.item(), acc))
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