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Created April 18, 2014 04:12
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A Lua grammar for nearley
# Adapted from
# No comments implemented yet, because lua comments are hard.
Chunk -> _ Block _
Block -> _Block
| _Block __ ReturnStat
ReturnStat -> "return" __ ExpList
| "return" __ ExpList _ ";"
_Block -> Statement
| _Block _ ";" _ Statement
| _Block __ Statement
Statement ->
VarList _ "=" _ ExpList
| FunctionCall
| Label
| "break"
| "goto" __ Name
| "do" __ Block __ "end"
| "while" __ Exp __ "do" __ Block __ "end"
| "repeat" __ Block __ "until" __ Exp
| "if" __ Exp __ "then" __ Block __ Else
| "for" __ NameList __ "in" __ ExpList __ "do" __ Block __ "end"
| "function" __ FunctionName _ FunctionBody
| "local" __ "function" __ Name __ FunctionBody
| "local" __ NameList
| "local" __ NameList _ "=" _ ExpList
Else -> "end"
| _Else __ "end"
| _Else __ "else" __ Block __ "end"
_Else -> "elseif" __ Exp __ "then" __ Block
| _Else __ "elseif" __ Exp __ "then" __ Block
Label -> "::" _ Name _ "::"
# Names
# See Section 2.1
Name -> _name {% function(d) {return {'name': d[0]}; } %}
_name -> [a-zA-Z_] {% id %}
| _name [\w_] {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1]; } %}
NameList -> Name
| NameList _ "," _ Name
Var -> Name
| PrefixExp _ "[" _ Exp _ "]"
| PrefixExp _ "." _ Name
VarList -> Var
| VarList _ "," _ Var
ExpList -> Exp
| ExpList _ "," _ Exp
PrefixExp -> Var
| FunctionCall
| Parenthesized
FunctionCall ->
PrefixExp _ Args
| PrefixExp _ ":" _ Name _ Args
Args ->
"(" _ ")"
| "(" _ ExpList _ ")"
| String
FunctionName -> _functionname
| _functionname ":" Name
_functionname -> Name
| FunctionName _ "." _ FunctionName
FunctionDef -> "function" __ FunctionBody
FunctionBody -> "(" _ ParamList _ ")" __ Block __ "end"
| "(" _ ")" __ Block __ "end"
ParamList -> NameList
| NameList _ "," _ "..."
| "..."
# Tables
TableConstructor -> "{" _ FieldList _ "}"
| "{" _ "}"
FieldList -> _FieldList
| _FieldList _ FieldSep
_FieldList -> Field
| _FieldList _ FieldSep _ Field
Field -> "[" _ Exp _ "]" _ "=" _ Exp | Name _ "=" _ Exp | Exp
FieldSep -> "," | ";"
# Expressions
Exp -> Binop {% id %}
Binop -> ExpOr {% id %}
Parenthesized -> "(" Exp ")"
ExpOr -> ExpOr __ "or" __ ExpAnd
| ExpAnd {% id %}
ExpAnd -> ExpAnd __ "and" __ ExpComparison
| ExpComparison {% id %}
ExpComparison ->
ExpComparison _ "<" _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpComparison _ ">" _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpComparison _ "<=" _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpComparison _ ">=" _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpComparison _ "~=" _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpComparison _ "==" _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpConcatenation
ExpConcatenation ->
ExpSum _ ".." _ ExpConcatenation
| ExpSum
ExpSum ->
ExpSum _ "+" _ ExpProduct
| ExpSum _ "-" _ ExpProduct
| ExpProduct
ExpProduct ->
ExpProduct _ "*" _ ExpUnary
| ExpProduct _ "/" _ ExpUnary
| ExpProduct _ "%" _ ExpUnary
| ExpUnary
ExpUnary ->
"not" __ ExpPow
| "#" _ ExpPow
| "-" _ ExpPow
| ExpPow
ExpPow ->
| Atom _ "^" _ ExpPow
Atom -> Number | String | PrefixExp | "nil" | "false" | "true" | Parenthesized | FunctionDef | TableConstructor
# Primitives
# ==========
# Numbers
Number -> _number {% function(d) {return {'literal': parseFloat(d[0])}} %}
_posint ->
[0-9] {% id %}
| _posint [0-9] {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1]} %}
_int ->
"-" _posint {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1]; }%}
| _posint {% id %}
_float ->
_int {% id %}
| _int "." _posint {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1] + d[2]; }%}
_number ->
_float {% id %}
| _float "e" _int {% function(d){return d[0] + d[1] + d[2]; } %}
String -> "\"" _string "\"" {% function(d) {return {'literal':d[1]}; } %}
_string ->
null {% function() {return ""; } %}
| _string _stringchar {% function(d) {return d[0] + d[1];} %}
_stringchar ->
[^\\"] {% id %}
| "\\" [^] {% function(d) {return JSON.parse("\"" + d[0] + d[1] + "\""); } %}
# Whitespace
_ -> null | _ [\s] {% function() {} %}
__ -> [\s] | __ [\s] {% function() {} %}
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