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Last active November 6, 2020 03:44
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Solve "Sleeping Barber Problem" with Erlang (more about problem -
-export([run/2, barber/1, clients/1, simulator/2]).
-define(CUT_DUTAION, 20).
run(RoomSize, Duration) ->
% create barber
BPid = spawn(?MODULE, barber, [?CUT_DUTAION]),
% run simulartor with barber PID
SPid = spawn(?MODULE, simulator, [BPid, RoomSize]),
% spawn clients generator
CSPid = spawn(?MODULE, clients, [SPid]),
% create timer to close simulator after duration time
timer:send_after(Duration, SPid, {close, CSPid}).
barber(Duration) ->
{client, Simulator} ->
Simulator ! {barber, done},
clients(Simulator) ->
Rnd = 7 + random:uniform(28), % XXX: you can play with constants
close -> ok
after Rnd ->
Simulator ! {sim, client},
simulator({BPid, Status}, {RoomSize, Client, Total}) ->
case serve_simulation(self(), {BPid, Status}, {RoomSize, Client, Total}) of
{S, C, T} -> simulator({BPid, S}, {RoomSize, C, T});
{close, ClientsGenerator} ->
ClientsGenerator ! close,
io:format("Closed! Served clients (~p)~n", [Total]),
simulator(Barber, RoomSize) ->
simulator({Barber, free}, {RoomSize, 0, 0}).
serve_simulation(Me, {BPid, Status}, {RoomSize, Client, Total}) ->
{sim, client} when Status == free ->
io:format("Client goes to barber~n"),
BPid ! {client, Me},
{busy, 0, Total};
{sim, client} when Status == busy, RoomSize > Client ->
io:format("Client goes to room, new size (~p)~n", [Client+1]),
{busy, Client+1, Total};
{sim, client} ->
io:format("No free space for client, room size (~p)~n", [Client]),
{busy, Client, Total};
{barber, done} when Client > 0 ->
io:format("Take client from room, new size (~p)~n", [Client-1]),
BPid ! {client, Me},
{busy, Client-1, Total+1};
{barber, done} ->
io:format("Barber finished, idle~n", []),
{free, 0, Total+1};
{close, ClientsGenerator} -> {close, ClientsGenerator}
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