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Last active May 13, 2019 13:19
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Save kachayev/50d89615101444cd62ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// The Task:
// get twitter username
// read users' tweets (all of them or with given limit)
// calculate "audience" for each tweet: number of uniq users how saw each tweet
// (set union of users' followers and all retweeters' followers)
// The Idea:
// pool of tweeter users (we need auth data for each request)
// with shared "queues" for requests: read timeline, get retweets, find followers
// 3 actors: TimelineReader, RetweetsReader, FollowersReader
// shared channels for communication: tweet ids, user screen names
// TimelineReader: sequentially read tweets, emit IDs to RetweetsReader
// RetweetsReader: for each ID fetch list of retweets, emit all mentioned user to FollowersReader
// FollowersReader: for each user name fetch followers, keep cache of already seen users
// The ugly part: how to find that everything is done?
// wait group + stop channel + waiting true|false flag
// why use single "done" channel for actor instead of separated
// channel for each request? cause we handle map[string]strig for
// results. and it means that only top-level actor can normally deal
// with responses from other actors.
// You can find more ugly parts in comments:
// * how to implement abstract type-safe Pool of Worker(s)?
// * how to implement abstract type-safe Future of something?
// * how to avoid code duplicates for Request/Reply pattern without getting type checker cry?
// * how to solve backpressure problem without deadlocks and suicides?
package main
import (
var (
tkey = "<KEY>"
tsecret = "<SECRET>"
tokens = []string{
type AnalyzedTweet struct {
Id int64
Text string
Retweets int
Favorites int
Audience int
type Reader struct {
Index int
Client *anaconda.TwitterApi
Limit int
Requests chan Request
// xxx: note, that there is no way how to describe
// list of concrete types. something similar to
// type Request = QueryRequest | RetweetRequest | FollowerRequest
type Request interface {
type QueryRequest struct {
Username string
MaxId int64
Left int
Requester chan []anaconda.Tweet
func (rq QueryRequest) Do(r *Reader) {
log.Printf("perform query @%s from id %d", rq.Username, rq.MaxId)
// xxx: need to limit number of requests somehow
// xxx: note, that you probably do not need to
// use goroutine here, you need to create special
// queue procedure to read and keep all requests,
// before worker is ready to take new task
go func(){
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", min(rq.Left, 1000)))
if rq.MaxId != 0 {
v.Set("max_id", fmt.Sprintf("%d", rq.MaxId))
v.Set("screen_name", strings.TrimPrefix(rq.Username, "@"))
results, err := r.Client.GetUserTimeline(v)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error (%d): %s", r.Index, err.Error())
rq.Requester <- results
type RetweetRequest struct {
Id int64
Requester chan *RetweetResponse
func (rq RetweetRequest) Do(r *Reader) {
log.Printf("looking retweets for #%d", rq.Id)
// xxx: need to limit number of requests somehow
go func() {
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("count", "1000")
result, err := r.Client.GetRetweets(rq.Id, v)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error (%d): %s", r.Index, err.Error())
log.Printf("fetch %d retweets for #%d", len(result), rq.Id)
rq.Requester <- &RetweetResponse{rq.Id, result}
type RetweetResponse struct {
Id int64
Tweets []anaconda.Tweet
type FollowerRequest struct {
Name string
Requester chan *FollowerResponse
func (rq FollowerRequest) Do(r *Reader) {
log.Printf("looking followers for @%s", rq.Name)
// xxx: need to limit number of requests somehow
go func() {
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("screen_name", rq.Name)
v.Set("count", "200")
result := r.Client.GetFollowersListAll(v)
followers := []anaconda.User{}
// xxx: not the best approach... reading too many pages
// we will block current worker cause of API calls
// limitation, so it's better to expose channel outside
// and send tasks to worker pool to read independent pages
// (we know number of followers, so easily can do this)
for page := range result {
followers = append(followers, page.Followers...)
log.Printf("fetch %d followers for %s", len(followers), rq.Name)
rq.Requester <- &FollowerResponse{rq.Name, followers}
type FollowerResponse struct {
Name string
Users []anaconda.User
type TwitterGateway struct {
Key string
Secret string
Readers []*Reader
Requests chan Request
func min(a int, b int) int {
if a > b {
return b
return a
func (r *Reader) Run() {
for rq := range r.Requests {
func NewTwitterGateway(key string, secret string, users []string) *TwitterGateway {
queue := make(chan Request, 5000)
readers := []*Reader{}
for i, fullToken := range users {
parts := strings.Split(fullToken, ":")
apiClient := anaconda.NewTwitterApi(parts[0], parts[1])
r := &Reader{i+1, apiClient, 450, queue}
go r.Run()
readers = append(readers, r)
log.Println("==> initialized ", len(readers), " readers")
return &TwitterGateway{key, secret, readers, queue}
func minId(tweets []anaconda.Tweet) int64 {
m := int64(0)
for _, t := range tweets {
if t.Id < m || m == 0 {
m = t.Id
return m
func (tg *TwitterGateway) TimelineReader(username string, limit int, rtc chan int64) []anaconda.Tweet {
userTweets := []anaconda.Tweet{}
maxId := int64(0)
for {
if limit != 0 && len(userTweets) >= limit {
resp := make(chan []anaconda.Tweet)
tg.Requests <- QueryRequest{username, maxId, limit-len(userTweets), resp}
tweets := <- resp
if len(tweets) == 0 {
cursor := maxId
id := minId(tweets)
if id < maxId || maxId == 0 {
maxId = id
if cursor == maxId {
for _, t := range tweets {
if !strings.HasPrefix(t.Text, "RT ") {
// ownRetweets += t.RetweetCount
// ownFavorites += t.FavoriteCount
rtc <- t.Id
// if t.RetweetCount > 5 && !strings.HasPrefix(t.Text, "RT ") {
// log.Printf("%d retweets: %s", t.RetweetCount, t.Text)
// }
userTweets = append(userTweets, tweets...)
log.Println("==> closing retweets channel")
return userTweets
func (tg *TwitterGateway) RetweetsReader(rtc chan int64, fc chan string) map[int64][]anaconda.Tweet {
retweets := map[int64][]anaconda.Tweet{}
done := make(chan *RetweetResponse)
stop := make(chan bool)
waiting := false
var tasks sync.WaitGroup
for {
select {
case id, ok := <- rtc:
if ok {
// xxx: off course it's much easier to use separated
// channel for results instead of single "done" with
// the same select loop. but the problem is shared
// retweets map that we can't safely update from
// child gorouting (at least without locks)
tg.Requests <- RetweetRequest{id, done}
} else if !waiting {
waiting = true
go func(){
case rt := <- done:
retweets[rt.Id] = rt.Tweets
for _, t := range rt.Tweets {
// xxx: slow client / slow server?
log.Printf("ask for followers for @%s", t.User.ScreenName)
fc <- t.User.ScreenName
case <-stop:
log.Println("==> closing followers channel")
break loop
return retweets
func (tg *TwitterGateway) FollowersReader(username string, fc chan string) map[string][]string {
followers := map[string][]string{username: []string{}}
done := make(chan *FollowerResponse)
stop := make(chan bool)
waiting := false
var tasks sync.WaitGroup
tg.Requests <- FollowerRequest{username, done}
for {
select {
case name, ok := <- fc:
if ok {
if _, present := followers[name]; !present {
followers[name] = []string{}
tg.Requests <- FollowerRequest{name, done}
} else if !waiting {
waiting = true
go func() {
case fls := <- done:
users := []string{}
for _, u := range fls.Users {
users = append(users, u.ScreenName)
followers[fls.Name] = users
case <-stop:
break loop
return followers
type Pair struct {
Key string
Value int
type ByValue []Pair
// xxx: please, kill me
func (a ByValue) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByValue) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByValue) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Value > a[j].Value }
// xxx: please, kill me twice
type ByAudience []AnalyzedTweet
func (a ByAudience) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByAudience) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByAudience) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Audience > a[j].Audience }
func (tg *TwitterGateway) AnalyzeUser(username string, limit int) {
start := time.Now()
// xxx: actually it's an actor, we just don't try to
// attract someone's attention. there are 3 actors:
// 1) TimelineReader (emit tweet IDs to RetweetsReader)
// 2) RetweetsReader (accept IDs and emits Names to FollowerReader)
// 3) FollowersReader (accept ScreenNames and keep local cache)
// use sync.WaitGroup to track when to stop
var (
allActors sync.WaitGroup
userTweets []anaconda.Tweet
retweets map[int64][]anaconda.Tweet
followers map[string][]string
retweetsChan := make(chan int64)
followersChan := make(chan string)
go func() {
// never use waitgroup inside "actor", it leads to high coupling
defer allActors.Done()
userTweets = tg.TimelineReader(username, limit, retweetsChan)
go func() {
defer allActors.Done()
retweets = tg.RetweetsReader(retweetsChan, followersChan)
go func() {
defer allActors.Done()
followers = tg.FollowersReader(username, followersChan)
totalRetweets := 0
ownRetweets := 0
totalFavorites := 0
retweetFrequency := map[string]int{} // user -> number of retweets
analyzedTweets := []AnalyzedTweet{}
for _, t := range userTweets {
totalRetweets += t.RetweetCount
totalFavorites += t.FavoriteCount
if !strings.HasPrefix(t.Text, "RT ") {
ownRetweets += t.RetweetCount
// calculate audience
audience := map[string]bool{}
for _, f := range followers[username] {
audience[f] = true
for _, frt := range retweets[t.Id] {
c, ok := retweetFrequency[frt.User.ScreenName]
if !ok {
c = 0
retweetFrequency[frt.User.ScreenName] = c + 1
for _, f := range followers[frt.User.ScreenName] {
audience[f] = true
text := t.Text
if len(text) > 100 {
text = text[0:100] + "..."
at := AnalyzedTweet{
analyzedTweets = append(analyzedTweets, at)
pairFrequency := []Pair{}
for name, count := range retweetFrequency {
pairFrequency = append(pairFrequency, Pair{name, count})
// xxx: please, kill me once again
// xxx: now!
fmt.Println("Elapsed time:", time.Since(start))
fmt.Println("Tweets:", len(userTweets))
fmt.Println("Retweets:", totalRetweets)
fmt.Println("Own retweets:", ownRetweets)
fmt.Println("Favorites:", totalFavorites)
fmt.Println("Analyzed tweets:", len(analyzedTweets))
for _, p := range pairFrequency {
fmt.Printf("%d\t@%s\t%d\n", p.Value, p.Key, len(followers[p.Key]))
for _, at := range analyzedTweets {
if at.Retweets > 0 {
fmt.Printf("#%d\trt %d\tfav %d\taud %d\t%s\n", at.Id, at.Retweets, at.Favorites, at.Audience, at.Text)
func main() {
num := runtime.NumCPU()
log.Printf("Set GOMAXPROCS to: %d", num)
tg := NewTwitterGateway(tkey, tsecret, tokens)
username := ""
limit := 0
flag.StringVar(&username, "username", username, "twitter user screen name")
flag.IntVar(&limit, "limit", limit, "when to stop")
if username == "" {
log.Fatal("Error: provide username to work with")
log.Printf("==> collecting tweets for @%s", username)
tg.AnalyzeUser(username, limit)
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