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Created February 12, 2024 06:27
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Pre-release version of NanoEls H4 V12 with hardware pulse counter
/* Change values in this section to suit your hardware. */
// Define your hardware parameters here.
const int ENCODER_PPR = 600; // 600 step spindle optical rotary encoder. Fractional values not supported.
const int ENCODER_BACKLASH = 3; // Numer of impulses encoder can issue without movement of the spindle
// Spindle rotary encoder pins. Swap values if the rotation direction is wrong.
#define ENC_A 7
#define ENC_B 15
// Main lead screw (Z) parameters.
const long SCREW_Z_DU = 20000; // 2mm lead screw in deci-microns (10^-7 of a meter)
const long MOTOR_STEPS_Z = 800;
const long SPEED_START_Z = 2 * MOTOR_STEPS_Z; // Initial speed of a motor, steps / second.
const long ACCELERATION_Z = 30 * MOTOR_STEPS_Z; // Acceleration of a motor, steps / second ^ 2.
const long SPEED_MANUAL_MOVE_Z = 6 * MOTOR_STEPS_Z; // Maximum speed of a motor during manual move, steps / second.
const bool INVERT_Z = false; // change (true/false) if the carriage moves e.g. "left" when you press "right".
const bool NEEDS_REST_Z = false; // Set to false for closed-loop drivers, true for open-loop.
const long MAX_TRAVEL_MM_Z = 300; // Lathe bed doesn't allow to travel more than this in one go, 30cm / ~1 foot
const long BACKLASH_DU_Z = 6500; // 0.65mm backlash in deci-microns (10^-7 of a meter)
const char NAME_Z = 'Z'; // Text shown on screen before axis position value, GCode axis name
// Cross-slide lead screw (X) parameters.
const long SCREW_X_DU = 12500; // 1.25mm lead screw with 3x reduction in deci-microns (10^-7) of a meter
const long MOTOR_STEPS_X = 2400; // 800 steps at 3x reduction
const long SPEED_START_X = MOTOR_STEPS_X; // Initial speed of a motor, steps / second.
const long ACCELERATION_X = 10 * MOTOR_STEPS_X; // Acceleration of a motor, steps / second ^ 2.
const long SPEED_MANUAL_MOVE_X = 3 * MOTOR_STEPS_X; // Maximum speed of a motor during manual move, steps / second.
const bool INVERT_X = true; // change (true/false) if the carriage moves e.g. "left" when you press "right".
const bool NEEDS_REST_X = false; // Set to false for all kinds of drivers or X will be unlocked when not moving.
const long MAX_TRAVEL_MM_X = 100; // Cross slide doesn't allow to travel more than this in one go, 10cm
const long BACKLASH_DU_X = 1500; // 0.15mm backlash in deci-microns (10^-7 of a meter)
const char NAME_X = 'X'; // Text shown on screen before axis position value, GCode axis name
// Manual stepping with left/right/up/down buttons. Only used when step isn't default continuous (1mm or 0.1").
const long STEP_TIME_MS = 500; // Time in milliseconds it should take to make 1 manual step.
const long DELAY_BETWEEN_STEPS_MS = 80; // Time in milliseconds to wait between steps.
/* Changing anything below shouldn't be needed for basic use. */
// Configuration for axis connected to A1. This is uncommon. Dividing head (C) motor parameters.
// Throughout the configuration below we assume 1mm = 1degree of rotation, so 1du = 0.0001degree.
const bool ACTIVE_A1 = false; // Whether the axis is connected
const bool ROTARY_A1 = true; // Whether the axis is rotary or linear
const long MOTOR_STEPS_A1 = 300; // Number of motor steps for 1 rotation of the the worm gear screw (full step with 20:30 reduction)
const long SCREW_A1_DU = 20000; // Degrees multiplied by 10000 that the spindle travels per 1 turn of the worm gear. 2 degrees.
const long SPEED_START_A1 = 1600; // Initial speed of a motor, steps / second.
const long ACCELERATION_A1 = 16000; // Acceleration of a motor, steps / second ^ 2.
const long SPEED_MANUAL_MOVE_A1 = 3200; // Maximum speed of a motor during manual move, steps / second.
const bool INVERT_A1 = false; // change (true/false) if the carriage moves e.g. "left" when you press "right".
const bool NEEDS_REST_A1 = false; // Set to false for closed-loop drivers. Open-loop: true if you need holding torque, false otherwise.
const long MAX_TRAVEL_MM_A1 = 360; // Probably doesn't make sense to ask the dividin head to travel multiple turns.
const long BACKLASH_DU_A1 = 0; // Assuming no backlash on the worm gear
const char NAME_A1 = 'C'; // Text shown on screen before axis position value, GCode axis name
// Manual handwheels on A1 and A2. Ignore if you don't have them installed.
const bool PULSE_1_USE = false; // Whether there's a pulse generator connected on A11-A13 to be used for movement.
const char PULSE_1_AXIS = NAME_Z; // Set to NAME_X to make A11-A13 pulse generator control X instead.
const bool PULSE_1_INVERT = false; // Set to true to change the direction in which encoder moves the axis
const bool PULSE_2_USE = false; // Whether there's a pulse generator connected on A21-A23 to be used for movement.
const char PULSE_2_AXIS = NAME_X; // Set to NAME_Z to make A21-A23 pulse generator control Z instead.
const bool PULSE_2_INVERT = true; // Set to false to change the direction in which encoder moves the axis
const float PULSE_PER_REVOLUTION = 100; // PPR of handwheels used on A1 and/or A2.
const long PULSE_MIN_WIDTH_US = 1000; // Microseconds width of the pulse that is required for it to be registered. Prevents noise.
const long PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH = 2; // Prevents spurious reverses when moving using a handwheel. Raise to 3 or 4 if they still happen.
const int ENCODER_STEPS_INT = ENCODER_PPR * 2; // Number of encoder impulses PCNT counts per revolution of the spindle
const int ENCODER_FILTER = 2; // Encoder pulses shorter than this will be ignored. Clock cycles, 1 - 1023.
const int PCNT_LIM = 31000; // Limit used in hardware pulse counter logic.
const int PCNT_CLEAR = 30000; // Limit where we reset hardware pulse counter value to avoid overflow. Less than PCNT_LIM.
const long DUPR_MAX = 254000; // No more than 1 inch pitch
const int STARTS_MAX = 124; // No more than 124-start thread
const long PASSES_MAX = 999; // No more turn or face passes than this
const long SAFE_DISTANCE_DU = 5000; // Step back 0.5mm from the material when moving between cuts in automated modes
const long SAVE_DELAY_US = 5000000; // Wait 5s after last save and last change of saveable data before saving again
const long DIRECTION_SETUP_DELAY_US = 5; // Stepper driver needs some time to adjust to direction change
const long STEPPED_ENABLE_DELAY_MS = 100; // Delay after stepper is enabled and before issuing steps
const char* GCODE_PARTITION = NULL; // Which partition in flash memory should GCode be saved to
// Version of the pref storage format, should be changed when non-backward-compatible
// changes are made to the storage logic, resulting in Preferences wipe on first start.
#define PREF_NAMESPACE "h4"
#define GCODE_NAMESPACE "gc"
// GCode-related constants.
const float LINEAR_INTERPOLATION_PRECISION = 0.1; // 0 < x <= 1, smaller values make for quicker G0 and G1 moves
const bool SPINDLE_PAUSES_GCODE = true; // pause GCode execution when spindle stops
const int GCODE_MIN_RPM = 30; // pause GCode execution if RPM is below this
// To be incremented whenever a measurable improvement is made.
// To be changed whenever a different PCB / encoder / stepper / ... design is used.
#define Z_ENA 16
#define Z_DIR 17
#define Z_STEP 18
#define X_ENA 8
#define X_DIR 19
#define X_STEP 20
#define BUZZ 4
#define SCL 5
#define SDA 6
#define A11 9
#define A12 10
#define A13 11
#define A21 12
#define A22 13
#define A23 14
#define B_LEFT 57
#define B_RIGHT 37
#define B_UP 47
#define B_DOWN 67
#define B_MINUS 5
#define B_PLUS 64
#define B_ON 17
#define B_OFF 27
#define B_STOPL 7
#define B_STOPR 15
#define B_STOPU 6
#define B_STOPD 16
#define B_DISPL 14
#define B_STEP 24
#define B_SETTINGS 34
#define B_MEASURE 54
#define B_REVERSE 44
#define B_0 51
#define B_1 41
#define B_2 61
#define B_3 31
#define B_4 2
#define B_5 21
#define B_6 12
#define B_7 11
#define B_8 22
#define B_9 1
#define B_BACKSPACE 32
#define B_MODE_GEARS 42
#define B_MODE_TURN 52
#define B_MODE_FACE 62
#define B_MODE_CONE 3
#define B_MODE_CUT 13
#define B_MODE_THREAD 23
#define B_MODE_OTHER 33
#define B_X 53
#define B_Z 43
#define B_A 4
#define B_B 63
#define PREF_VERSION "v"
#define PREF_DUPR "d"
#define PREF_POS_Z "zp"
#define PREF_LEFT_STOP_Z "zls"
#define PREF_RIGHT_STOP_Z "zrs"
#define PREF_ORIGIN_POS_Z "zpo"
#define PREF_POS_GLOBAL_Z "zpg"
#define PREF_MOTOR_POS_Z "zpm"
#define PREF_DISABLED_Z "zd"
#define PREF_POS_X "xp"
#define PREF_LEFT_STOP_X "xls"
#define PREF_RIGHT_STOP_X "xrs"
#define PREF_ORIGIN_POS_X "xpo"
#define PREF_POS_GLOBAL_X "xpg"
#define PREF_MOTOR_POS_X "xpm"
#define PREF_DISABLED_X "xd"
#define PREF_POS_A1 "a1p"
#define PREF_LEFT_STOP_A1 "a1ls"
#define PREF_RIGHT_STOP_A1 "a1rs"
#define PREF_ORIGIN_POS_A1 "a1po"
#define PREF_POS_GLOBAL_A1 "a1pg"
#define PREF_MOTOR_POS_A1 "a1pm"
#define PREF_DISABLED_A1 "a1d"
#define PREF_SPINDLE_POS "sp"
#define PREF_SPINDLE_POS_AVG "spa"
#define PREF_OUT_OF_SYNC "oos"
#define PREF_SHOW_ANGLE "ang"
#define PREF_SHOW_TACHO "rpm"
#define PREF_STARTS "sta"
#define PREF_MODE "mod"
#define PREF_MEASURE "mea"
#define PREF_CONE_RATIO "cr"
#define PREF_TURN_PASSES "tp"
#define PREF_MOVE_STEP "ms"
#define PREF_AUX_FORWARD "af"
#define MOVE_STEP_1 10000 // 1mm
#define MOVE_STEP_2 1000 // 0.1mm
#define MOVE_STEP_3 100 // 0.01mm
#define MOVE_STEP_IMP_1 25400 // 1/10"
#define MOVE_STEP_IMP_2 2540 // 1/100"
#define MOVE_STEP_IMP_3 254 // 1/1000" also known as 1 thou
#define MODE_NORMAL 0
#define MODE_ASYNC 2
#define MODE_CONE 3
#define MODE_TURN 4
#define MODE_FACE 5
#define MODE_CUT 6
#define MODE_THREAD 7
#define MODE_ELLIPSE 8
#define MODE_GCODE 9
#define MODE_A1 10
#define MEASURE_INCH 1
#define MEASURE_TPI 2
#define ESTOP_NONE 0
#define ESTOP_KEY 1
#define ESTOP_POS 2
#define ESTOP_ON_OFF 4
// For MEASURE_TPI, round TPI to the nearest integer if it's within this range of it.
// E.g. 80.02tpi would be shown as 80tpi but 80.04tpi would be shown as-is.
const float TPI_ROUND_EPSILON = 0.03;
const float ENCODER_STEPS_FLOAT = ENCODER_STEPS_INT; // Convenience float version of ENCODER_STEPS_INT
const long RPM_BULK = ENCODER_STEPS_INT; // Measure RPM averaged over this number of encoder pulses
const long RPM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MICROS = 1000000; // Don't redraw RPM more often than once per second
const long GCODE_FEED_DEFAULT_DU_SEC = 20000; // Default feed in du/sec in GCode mode
const float GCODE_FEED_MIN_DU_SEC = 167; // Minimum feed in du/sec in GCode mode - F1
#define DREAD(x) digitalRead(x)
#define DHIGH(x) digitalWrite(x, HIGH)
#define DLOW(x) digitalWrite(x, LOW)
#define DWRITE(x, y) digitalWrite(x, y)
#define DELAY(x) vTaskDelay(x / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
// ESP32 hardware pulse counter library used to count spindle encoder pulses.
#include "driver/pcnt.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(21, 48, 47, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 2, 1);
#define LCD_HASH_INITIAL -3845709 // Random number that's unlikely to naturally occur as an actual hash
long lcdHashLine0 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
long lcdHashLine1 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
long lcdHashLine2 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
long lcdHashLine3 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
bool splashScreen = false;
#include <Preferences.h>
#include <Adafruit_TCA8418.h>
Adafruit_TCA8418 keypad;
unsigned long keypadTimeUs = 0;
// Most buttons we only have "down" handling, holding them has no effect.
// Buttons with special "holding" logic have flags below.
bool buttonLeftPressed = false;
bool buttonRightPressed = false;
bool buttonUpPressed = false;
bool buttonDownPressed = false;
bool buttonOffPressed = false;
bool buttonGearsPressed = false;
bool buttonTurnPressed = false;
bool inNumpad = false;
int numpadDigits[20];
int numpadIndex = 0;
bool isOn = false;
bool nextIsOn; // isOn value that should be applied asap
bool nextIsOnFlag; // whether nextIsOn requires attention
unsigned long resetMillis = 0;
int emergencyStop = 0;
bool beepFlag = false; // allows time-critical code to ask for a beep on another core
long dupr = 0; // pitch, tenth of a micron per rotation
long savedDupr = 0; // dupr saved in Preferences
long nextDupr = dupr; // dupr value that should be applied asap
bool nextDuprFlag = false; // whether nextDupr requires attention
SemaphoreHandle_t motionMutex; // controls blocks of code where variables affecting the motion loop() are changed
int starts = 1; // number of starts in a multi-start thread
int savedStarts = 0; // starts saved in Preferences
int nextStarts = starts; // number of starts that should be used asap
bool nextStartsFlag = false; // whether nextStarts requires attention
struct Axis {
SemaphoreHandle_t mutex;
char name;
bool active;
bool rotational;
float motorSteps; // motor steps per revolution of the axis
float screwPitch; // lead screw pitch in deci-microns (10^-7 of a meter)
long pos; // relative position of the tool in stepper motor steps
long savedPos; // value saved in Preferences
float fractionalPos; // fractional distance in steps that we meant to travel but couldn't
long originPos; // relative position of the stepper motor to origin, in steps
long savedOriginPos; // originPos saved in Preferences
long posGlobal; // global position of the motor in steps
long savedPosGlobal; // posGlobal saved in Preferences
int pendingPos; // steps of the stepper motor that we should make as soon as possible
long motorPos; // position of the motor in stepper motor steps, same as pos unless moving back, then differs by backlashSteps
long savedMotorPos; // motorPos saved in Preferences
bool continuous; // whether current movement is expected to continue until an unknown position
long leftStop; // left stop value of pos
long savedLeftStop; // value saved in Preferences
long nextLeftStop; // left stop value that should be applied asap
bool nextLeftStopFlag; // whether nextLeftStop required attention
long rightStop; // right stop value of pos
long savedRightStop; // value saved in Preferences
long nextRightStop; // right stop value that should be applied asap
bool nextRightStopFlag; // whether nextRightStop requires attention
long speed; // motor speed in steps / second
long speedStart; // Initial speed of a motor, steps / second.
long speedMax; // To limit max speed e.g. for manual moves
long speedManualMove; // Maximum speed of a motor during manual move, steps / second.
long acceleration; // Acceleration of a motor, steps / second ^ 2.
long decelerateSteps; // Number of steps before the end position the deceleration should start.
bool direction; // To reset speed when direction changes.
bool directionInitialized;
unsigned long stepStartUs;
int stepperEnableCounter;
bool disabled;
bool savedDisabled;
bool invertStepper; // change (true/false) if the carriage moves e.g. "left" when you press "right".
bool needsRest; // set to false for closed-loop drivers, true for open-loop.
bool movingManually; // whether stepper is being moved by left/right buttons
long estopSteps; // amount of steps to exceed machine limits
long backlashSteps; // amount of steps in reverse direction to re-engage the carriage
long gcodeRelativePos; // absolute position in steps that relative GCode refers to
int ena; // Enable pin of this motor
int dir; // Direction pin of this motor
int step; // Step pin of this motor
void initAxis(Axis* a, char name, bool active, bool rotational, float motorSteps, float screwPitch, long speedStart, long speedManualMove,
long acceleration, bool invertStepper, bool needsRest, long maxTravelMm, long backlashDu, int ena, int dir, int step) {
a->mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
a->name = name;
a->active = active;
a->rotational = rotational;
a->motorSteps = motorSteps;
a->screwPitch = screwPitch;
a->pos = 0;
a->savedPos = 0;
a->fractionalPos = 0.0;
a->originPos = 0;
a->savedOriginPos = 0;
a->posGlobal = 0;
a->savedPosGlobal = 0;
a->pendingPos = 0;
a->motorPos = 0;
a->savedMotorPos = 0;
a->continuous = false;
a->leftStop = 0;
a->savedLeftStop = 0;
a->nextLeftStopFlag = false;
a->rightStop = 0;
a->savedRightStop = 0;
a->nextRightStopFlag = false;
a->speed = speedStart;
a->speedStart = speedStart;
a->speedMax = LONG_MAX;
a->speedManualMove = speedManualMove;
a->acceleration = acceleration;
a->decelerateSteps = 0;
long s = speedManualMove;
while (s > speedStart) {
s -= a->acceleration / float(s);
a->direction = true;
a->directionInitialized = false;
a->stepStartUs = 0;
a->stepperEnableCounter = 0;
a->disabled = false;
a->savedDisabled = false;
a->invertStepper = invertStepper;
a->needsRest = needsRest;
a->movingManually = false;
a->estopSteps = maxTravelMm * 10000 / a->screwPitch * a->motorSteps;
a->backlashSteps = backlashDu * a->motorSteps / a->screwPitch;
a->gcodeRelativePos = 0;
a->ena = ena;
a->dir = dir;
a->step = step;
Axis z;
Axis x;
Axis a1;
unsigned long saveTime = 0; // micros() of the previous Prefs write
unsigned long spindleEncTime = 0; // micros() of the previous spindle update
unsigned long spindleEncTimeDiffBulk = 0; // micros() between RPM_BULK spindle updates
unsigned long spindleEncTimeAtIndex0 = 0; // micros() when spindleEncTimeIndex was 0
int spindleEncTimeIndex = 0; // counter going between 0 and RPM_BULK - 1
long spindlePos = 0; // Spindle position
long spindlePosAvg = 0; // Spindle position accounting for encoder backlash
long savedSpindlePosAvg = 0; // spindlePosAvg saved in Preferences
long savedSpindlePos = 0; // spindlePos value saved in Preferences
int spindleCount = 0; // Last processed spindle encoder pulse counter value.
int spindlePosSync = 0; // Non-zero if gearbox is on and a soft limit was removed while axis was on it
int savedSpindlePosSync = 0; // spindlePosSync saved in Preferences
long spindlePosGlobal = 0; // global spindle position that is unaffected by e.g. zeroing
long savedSpindlePosGlobal = 0; // spindlePosGlobal saved in Preferences
volatile int pulse1Delta = 0; // Outstanding pulses generated by pulse generator on terminal A1.
volatile int pulse2Delta = 0; // Outstanding pulses generated by pulse generator on terminal A2.
bool showAngle = false; // Whether to show 0-359 spindle angle on screen
bool showTacho = false; // Whether to show spindle RPM on screen
bool savedShowAngle = false; // showAngle value saved in Preferences
bool savedShowTacho = false; // showTacho value saved in Preferences
int shownRpm = 0;
unsigned long shownRpmTime = 0; // micros() when shownRpm was set
long moveStep = 0; // thousandth of a mm
long savedMoveStep = 0; // moveStep saved in Preferences
volatile int mode = -1; // mode of operation (ELS, multi-start ELS, asynchronous)
int nextMode = 0; // mode value that should be applied asap
bool nextModeFlag = false; // whether nextMode needs attention
int savedMode = -1; // mode saved in Preferences
int measure = MEASURE_METRIC; // Whether to show distances in inches
int savedMeasure = MEASURE_METRIC; // measure value saved in Preferences
float coneRatio = 1; // In cone mode, how much X moves for 1 step of Z
float savedConeRatio = 0; // value of coneRatio saved in Preferences
float nextConeRatio = 0; // coneRatio that should be applied asap
bool nextConeRatioFlag = false; // whether nextConeRatio requires attention
int turnPasses = 3; // In turn mode, how many turn passes to make
int savedTurnPasses = 0; // value of turnPasses saved in Preferences
long setupIndex = 0; // Index of automation setup step
bool auxForward = true; // True for external, false for external thread
bool savedAuxForward = false; // value of auxForward saved in Preferences
long opIndex = 0; // Index of an automation operation
bool opIndexAdvanceFlag = false; // Whether user requested to move to the next pass
long opSubIndex = 0; // Sub-index of an automation operation
int opDuprSign = 1; // 1 if dupr was positive when operation started, -1 if negative
long opDupr = 0; // dupr that the multi-pass operation started with
const int customCharMmCode = 0;
byte customCharMm[] = {
const int customCharLimUpCode = 1;
byte customCharLimUp[] = {
const int customCharLimDownCode = 2;
byte customCharLimDown[] = {
const int customCharLimLeftCode = 3;
byte customCharLimLeft[] = {
const int customCharLimRightCode = 4;
byte customCharLimRight[] = {
const int customCharLimUpDownCode = 5;
byte customCharLimUpDown[] = {
const int customCharLimLeftRightCode = 6;
byte customCharLimLeftRight[] = {
String gcodeCommand = "";
long gcodeFeedDuPerSec = GCODE_FEED_DEFAULT_DU_SEC;
bool gcodeInitialized = false;
bool gcodeAbsolutePositioning = true;
bool gcodeInBrace = false;
bool gcodeInSemicolon = false;
bool serialInKeycode = false;
int serialKeycode = 0;
String keycodeCommand = "";
bool gcodeInSave = false;
bool gcodeInSaveFirstLine = false;
String gcodeSaveName = "";
String gcodeSaveValue = "";
int gcodeProgramIndex = 0;
int gcodeProgramCount = 0;
String gcodeProgram = "";
int gcodeProgramCharIndex = 0;
hw_timer_t *async_timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);
bool timerAttached = false;
int getApproxRpm() {
unsigned long t = micros();
if (t > spindleEncTime + 50000) {
// RPM less than 10.
spindleEncTimeDiffBulk = 0;
return 0;
if (t < shownRpmTime + RPM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MICROS) {
// Don't update RPM too often to avoid flickering.
return shownRpm;
int rpm = 0;
if (spindleEncTimeDiffBulk > 0) {
rpm = 60000000 / spindleEncTimeDiffBulk;
if (abs(rpm - shownRpm) > (rpm < 1000 ? 3 : 5)) {
// Don't update RPM with insignificant differences.
shownRpm = rpm;
shownRpmTime = t;
return rpm;
bool stepperIsRunning(Axis* a) {
return micros() - a->stepStartUs < 50000;
// Returns number of letters printed.
int printDeciMicrons(long deciMicrons, int precisionPointsMax) {
if (deciMicrons == 0) {
return lcd.print("0");
bool imperial = measure != MEASURE_METRIC;
long v = imperial ? round(deciMicrons / 25.4) : deciMicrons;
int points = 0;
if (v == 0 && precisionPointsMax >= 5) {
points = 5;
} else if ((v % 10) != 0 && precisionPointsMax >= 4) {
points = 4;
} else if ((v % 100) != 0 && precisionPointsMax >= 3) {
points = 3;
} else if ((v % 1000) != 0 && precisionPointsMax >= 2) {
points = 2;
} else if ((v % 10000) != 0 && precisionPointsMax >= 1) {
points = 1;
int count = lcd.print(deciMicrons / (imperial ? 254000.0 : 10000.0), points);
count += imperial ? lcd.print("\"") : lcd.write(customCharMmCode);
return count;
int printDegrees(long degrees10000) {
int points = 0;
if ((degrees10000 % 100) != 0) {
points = 3;
} else if ((degrees10000 % 1000) != 0) {
points = 2;
} else if ((degrees10000 % 10000) != 0) {
points = 1;
int count = lcd.print(degrees10000 / 10000.0, points);
count += lcd.print(char(223)); // degree symbol
return count;
int printDupr(long value) {
int count = 0;
if (measure != MEASURE_TPI) {
count += printDeciMicrons(value, 5);
} else {
float tpi = 254000.0 / value;
if (abs(tpi - round(tpi)) < TPI_ROUND_EPSILON) {
count += lcd.print(int(round(tpi)));
} else {
int tpi100 = round(tpi * 100);
int points = 0;
if ((tpi100 % 10) != 0) {
points = 2;
} else if ((tpi100 % 100) != 0) {
points = 1;
count += lcd.print(tpi, points);
count += lcd.print("tpi");
return count;
void printLcdSpaces(int charIndex) {
// Our screen has width 20.
for (; charIndex < 20; charIndex++) {
lcd.print(" ");
long stepsToDu(Axis* a, long steps) {
return round(steps * a->screwPitch / a->motorSteps);
long getAxisPosDu(Axis* a) {
return stepsToDu(a, a->pos + a->originPos);
long getAxisStopDiffDu(Axis* a) {
if (a->leftStop == LONG_MAX || a->rightStop == LONG_MIN) return 0;
return stepsToDu(a, a->leftStop - a->rightStop);
int printAxisPos(Axis* a) {
if (a->rotational) {
return printDegrees(getAxisPosDu(a));
return printDeciMicrons(getAxisPosDu(a), 3);
int printAxisStopDiff(Axis* a, bool addTrailingSpace) {
int count = 0;
if (a->rotational) {
count = printDegrees(getAxisStopDiffDu(a));
} else {
count = printDeciMicrons(getAxisStopDiffDu(a), 3);
if (addTrailingSpace) {
count += lcd.print(' ');
return count;
int printAxisPosWithName(Axis* a, bool addTrailingSpace) {
if (!a->active || a->disabled) return 0;
int count = lcd.print(a->name);
count += printAxisPos(a);
if (addTrailingSpace) {
count += lcd.print(' ');
return count;
int printNoTrailing0(float value) {
long v = round(value * 100000);
int points = 0;
if ((v % 10) != 0) {
points = 5;
} else if ((v % 100) != 0) {
points = 4;
} else if ((v % 1000) != 0) {
points = 3;
} else if ((v % 10000) != 0) {
points = 2;
} else if ((v % 100000) != 0) {
points = 1;
return lcd.print(value, points);
bool needZStops() {
return mode == MODE_TURN || mode == MODE_FACE || mode == MODE_THREAD || mode == MODE_ELLIPSE;
bool isPassMode() {
return mode == MODE_TURN || mode == MODE_FACE || mode == MODE_CUT || mode == MODE_THREAD || mode == MODE_ELLIPSE;
bool manualMovesAllowedWhenOn() {
return mode == MODE_NORMAL || mode == MODE_ASYNC || mode == MODE_CONE || mode == MODE_A1;
int getLastSetupIndex() {
if (mode == MODE_CONE || mode == MODE_GCODE) return 2;
if (mode == MODE_TURN || mode == MODE_FACE || mode == MODE_CUT || mode == MODE_THREAD || mode == MODE_ELLIPSE) return 3;
return 0;
Axis* getPitchAxis() {
return mode == MODE_FACE ? &x : &z;
long getPassModeZStart() {
if (mode == MODE_TURN || mode == MODE_THREAD) return dupr > 0 ? z.rightStop : z.leftStop;
if (mode == MODE_FACE) return auxForward ? z.rightStop : z.leftStop;
if (mode == MODE_ELLIPSE) return dupr > 0 ? z.leftStop : z.rightStop;
return z.pos;
long getPassModeXStart() {
if (mode == MODE_TURN || mode == MODE_THREAD) return auxForward ? x.rightStop : x.leftStop;
if (mode == MODE_FACE || mode == MODE_CUT) return dupr > 0 ? x.rightStop : x.leftStop;
if (mode == MODE_ELLIPSE) return x.rightStop;
return x.pos;
int printMode() {
if (mode == MODE_ASYNC) {
return lcd.print("ASY ");
} else if (mode == MODE_CONE) {
return lcd.print("CONE ");
} else if (mode == MODE_TURN) {
return lcd.print("TURN ");
} else if (mode == MODE_FACE) {
return lcd.print("FACE ");
} else if (mode == MODE_CUT) {
return lcd.print("CUT ");
} else if (mode == MODE_THREAD) {
return lcd.print("THRD ");
} else if (mode == MODE_ELLIPSE) {
return lcd.print("ELLI ");
} else if (mode == MODE_GCODE) {
return lcd.print("GCODE ");
} else if (mode == MODE_A1) {
return lcd.print("A1 ");
return 0;
void updateDisplay() {
int rpm = showTacho ? getApproxRpm() : 0;
int charIndex = 0;
if (splashScreen) {
splashScreen = false;
lcd.setCursor(6, 1);
lcd.setCursor(6, 2);
lcd.print("H" + String(HARDWARE_VERSION) + " V" + String(SOFTWARE_VERSION));
lcdHashLine0 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
lcdHashLine1 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
lcdHashLine2 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
lcdHashLine3 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
if (lcdHashLine0 == LCD_HASH_INITIAL) {
// First run after reset.
lcdHashLine1 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
lcdHashLine2 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
lcdHashLine3 = LCD_HASH_INITIAL;
long newHashLine0 = isOn + (z.leftStop - z.rightStop) + (x.leftStop - x.rightStop) + spindlePosSync + moveStep + mode + measure + setupIndex * 10;
if (lcdHashLine0 != newHashLine0) {
lcdHashLine0 = newHashLine0;
charIndex = 0;
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
if (setupIndex == 0 || !isPassMode()) {
charIndex += printMode();
charIndex += lcd.print(isOn ? "ON " : "off ");
int beforeStops = charIndex;
if (z.leftStop != LONG_MAX) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimLeftCode);
if (x.leftStop != LONG_MAX && x.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimUpDownCode);
} else if (x.leftStop != LONG_MAX) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimUpCode);
} else if (x.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimDownCode);
if (z.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimRightCode);
if (beforeStops != charIndex) {
charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
if (spindlePosSync && !isPassMode()) {
charIndex += lcd.print("SYN ");
if (mode == MODE_NORMAL && !spindlePosSync) {
charIndex += lcd.print("step ");
charIndex += printDeciMicrons(moveStep, 5);
} else {
if (needZStops()) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimLeftRightCode);
charIndex += printAxisStopDiff(&z, true);
while (charIndex < 10) charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
} else {
charIndex += printMode();
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimUpDownCode);
charIndex += printAxisStopDiff(&x, false);
long newHashLine1 = dupr + starts + mode + measure + setupIndex;
if (lcdHashLine1 != newHashLine1) {
lcdHashLine1 = newHashLine1;
charIndex = 0;
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
charIndex += lcd.print("Pitch ");
charIndex += printDupr(dupr);
if (starts != 1) {
charIndex += lcd.print(" x");
charIndex += lcd.print(starts);
long zDisplayPos = z.pos + z.originPos;
long xDisplayPos = x.pos + x.originPos;
long a1DisplayPos = a1.pos + a1.originPos;
long newHashLine2 = zDisplayPos + xDisplayPos + a1DisplayPos + measure + z.disabled + x.disabled + mode;
if (lcdHashLine2 != newHashLine2) {
lcdHashLine2 = newHashLine2;
charIndex = 0;
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
charIndex += printAxisPosWithName(&z, true);
while (charIndex < 10) charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
charIndex += printAxisPosWithName(&x, true);
long numpadResult = getNumpadResult();
long gcodeCommandHash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gcodeCommand.length(); i++) {
gcodeCommandHash += gcodeCommand.charAt(i);
bool spindleStopped = micros() > spindleEncTime + 100000;
long newHashLine3 = z.pos + (showAngle ? spindlePos : -1) + (showTacho ? rpm : -2) + measure + (numpadResult > 0 ? numpadResult : -1) + mode * 5 + dupr +
(mode == MODE_CONE ? round(coneRatio * 10000) : 0) + turnPasses + opIndex + setupIndex + gcodeProgramIndex + gcodeProgramCount + spindleStopped * 3 + (isOn ? 139 : -117) + (inNumpad ? 10 : 0) + (auxForward ? 17 : -31) +
(z.leftStop == LONG_MAX ? 123 : z.leftStop) + (z.rightStop == LONG_MIN ? 1234 : z.rightStop) +
(x.leftStop == LONG_MAX ? 1235 : x.leftStop) + (x.rightStop == LONG_MIN ? 123456 : x.rightStop) + gcodeCommandHash +
(mode == MODE_A1 ? a1.pos + a1.originPos + (a1.leftStop == LONG_MAX ? 123 : a1.leftStop) + (a1.rightStop == LONG_MIN ? 1234 : a1.rightStop) + a1.disabled : 0) + x.pos + z.pos;
if (lcdHashLine3 != newHashLine3) {
lcdHashLine3 = newHashLine3;
charIndex = 0;
lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
if (mode == MODE_A1 && !inNumpad) {
if (a1.leftStop != LONG_MAX && a1.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimUpDownCode);
charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
} else if (a1.leftStop != LONG_MAX) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimDownCode);
charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
} else if (a1.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
charIndex += lcd.write(customCharLimUpCode);
charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
charIndex += printAxisPosWithName(&a1, false);
} else if (mode == MODE_GCODE) {
if (setupIndex == 1 && gcodeProgramCount == 0) {
charIndex += lcd.print("No stored programs");
} else if (setupIndex == 1) {
Preferences pref;
if (gcodeProgramIndex >= gcodeProgramCount) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Program deleted");
} else {
String programName = pref.getString(String(gcodeProgramIndex).c_str());
if (programName.length() == 0) charIndex += lcd.print("(empty name)");
else charIndex += lcd.print(programName.substring(0, 20));
} else if (setupIndex == 2) {
if (spindleStopped) charIndex += lcd.print("Turn on the spindle!");
else charIndex += lcd.print("Spindle on. Go?");
} else if (isOn) {
charIndex += lcd.print(gcodeCommand.substring(0, 20));
} else if (isPassMode()) {
bool missingZStops = needZStops() && (z.leftStop == LONG_MAX || z.rightStop == LONG_MIN);
bool missingStops = missingZStops || x.leftStop == LONG_MAX || x.rightStop == LONG_MIN;
if (!inNumpad && missingStops) {
charIndex += lcd.print(needZStops() ? "Set all stops" : "Set X stops");
} else if (numpadResult != 0 && setupIndex == 1) {
long passes = min(PASSES_MAX, numpadResult);
charIndex += lcd.print(passes);
if (passes == 1) charIndex += lcd.print(" pass?");
else charIndex += lcd.print(" passes?");
} else if (!isOn && setupIndex == 1) {
charIndex += lcd.print(turnPasses);
if (turnPasses == 1) charIndex += lcd.print(" pass?");
else charIndex += lcd.print(" passes?");
} else if (!isOn && setupIndex == 2) {
if (mode == MODE_FACE) {
charIndex += lcd.print(auxForward ? "Right to left?" : "Left to right?");
} else if (mode == MODE_CUT) {
charIndex += lcd.print(dupr >= 0 ? "Pitch > 0, external" : "Pitch < 0, internal");
} else {
charIndex += lcd.print(auxForward ? "External?" : "Internal?");
} else if (!isOn && setupIndex == 3) {
long zOffset = getPassModeZStart() - z.pos;
long xOffset = getPassModeXStart() - x.pos;
charIndex += lcd.print("Go");
if (zOffset != 0) {
charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
charIndex += lcd.print(;
charIndex += printDeciMicrons(stepsToDu(&z, zOffset), 2);
if (xOffset != 0) {
charIndex += lcd.print(" ");
charIndex += lcd.print(;
charIndex += printDeciMicrons(stepsToDu(&x, xOffset), 2);
charIndex += lcd.print("?");
} else if (isOn && numpadResult == 0) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Pass ");
charIndex += lcd.print(opIndex);
charIndex += lcd.print(" of ");
charIndex += lcd.print(max(opIndex, long(turnPasses * starts)));
} else if (mode == MODE_CONE) {
if (numpadResult != 0 && setupIndex == 1) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Use ratio ");
charIndex += lcd.print(numpadToConeRatio(), 5);
charIndex += lcd.print("?");
} else if (!isOn && setupIndex == 1) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Use ratio ");
charIndex += printNoTrailing0(coneRatio);
charIndex += lcd.print("?");
} else if (!isOn && setupIndex == 2) {
charIndex += lcd.print(auxForward ? "External?" : "Internal?");
} else if (!isOn && setupIndex == 3) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Go?");
} else if (isOn && numpadResult == 0) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Cone ratio ");
charIndex += printNoTrailing0(coneRatio);
if (charIndex == 0 && inNumpad) { // Also show for 0 input to allow setting limits to 0.
charIndex += lcd.print("Use ");
charIndex += printDupr(numpadToDeciMicrons());
charIndex += lcd.print("?");
if (charIndex > 0) {
// No space for shared RPM/angle text.
} else if (showAngle) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Angle ");
charIndex += lcd.print(spindleModulo(spindlePos) * 360 / ENCODER_STEPS_FLOAT, 2);
charIndex += lcd.print(char(223));
} else if (showTacho) {
charIndex += lcd.print("Tacho ");
charIndex += lcd.print(rpm);
charIndex += lcd.print("rpm");
unsigned long pulse1HighMicros = 0;
unsigned long pulse2HighMicros = 0;
// Called on a FALLING interrupt for the first axis rotary encoder pin.
void IRAM_ATTR pulse1Enc() {
unsigned long now = micros();
if (DREAD(A12)) {
pulse1HighMicros = now;
} else if (now > pulse1HighMicros + PULSE_MIN_WIDTH_US) {
pulse1Delta += (DREAD(A13) ? -1 : 1) * (PULSE_1_INVERT ? -1 : 1);
// Called on a FALLING interrupt for the second axis rotary encoder pin.
void IRAM_ATTR pulse2Enc() {
unsigned long now = micros();
if (DREAD(A22)) {
pulse2HighMicros = now;
} else if (now > pulse2HighMicros + PULSE_MIN_WIDTH_US) {
pulse2Delta += (DREAD(A23) ? -1 : 1) * (PULSE_2_INVERT ? -1 : 1);
void setAsyncTimerEnable(bool value) {
if (value) {
} else {
void taskDisplay(void *param) {
while (emergencyStop == ESTOP_NONE) {
// Calling Preferences.commit() blocks all interrupts for 30ms, don't call saveIfChanged() if
// encoder is likely to move soon.
unsigned long now = micros();
if (!stepperIsRunning(&z) && !stepperIsRunning(&x) && (now > spindleEncTime + SAVE_DELAY_US) && (now < saveTime || now > saveTime + SAVE_DELAY_US) && (now < keypadTimeUs || now > keypadTimeUs + SAVE_DELAY_US)) {
if (saveIfChanged()) {
saveTime = now;
if (beepFlag) {
beepFlag = false;
if (abs(z.pendingPos) > z.estopSteps || abs(x.pendingPos) > x.estopSteps) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("EMERGENCY STOP");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
if (emergencyStop == ESTOP_KEY) {
lcd.print("Key down at power-up");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print("Hardware failure?");
} else if (emergencyStop == ESTOP_POS) {
lcd.print("Requested position");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print("outside machine");
} else if (emergencyStop == ESTOP_MARK_ORIGIN) {
lcd.print("Unable to");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print("mark origin");
} else if (emergencyStop == ESTOP_ON_OFF) {
lcd.print("Unable to");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print("turn on/off");
} else if (emergencyStop == ESTOP_OFF_MANUAL_MOVE) {
lcd.print("Off during");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print("manual move");
void taskKeypad(void *param) {
while (emergencyStop == ESTOP_NONE) {
void waitForPendingPosNear0(Axis* a) {
while (abs(a->pendingPos) > a->motorSteps / 3) {
void waitForPendingPos0(Axis* a) {
while (a->pendingPos != 0) {
bool isContinuousStep() {
return moveStep == (measure == MEASURE_METRIC ? MOVE_STEP_1 : MOVE_STEP_IMP_1);
// For rotational axis the moveStep of 0.1" means 0.1°.
long getMoveStepForAxis(Axis* a) {
return (a->rotational && measure != MEASURE_METRIC) ? (moveStep / 25.4) : moveStep;
long getStepMaxSpeed(Axis* a) {
return isContinuousStep() ? a->speedManualMove : min(long(a->speedManualMove), abs(getMoveStepForAxis(a)) * 1000 / STEP_TIME_MS);
void waitForStep(Axis* a) {
if (isContinuousStep()) {
// Move continuously for default step.
} else {
// Move with tiny pauses allowing to stop precisely.
a->continuous = false;
int getAndResetPulses(Axis* a) {
int delta = 0;
if (PULSE_1_AXIS == a->name) {
if (pulse1Delta < -PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH) {
delta = pulse1Delta + PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH;
} else if (pulse1Delta > PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH) {
delta = pulse1Delta - PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH;
} else if (PULSE_2_AXIS == a->name) {
if (pulse2Delta < -PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH) {
delta = pulse2Delta + PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH;
} else if (pulse2Delta > PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH) {
delta = pulse2Delta - PULSE_HALF_BACKLASH;
return delta;
void taskMoveZ(void *param) {
while (emergencyStop == ESTOP_NONE) {
int pulseDelta = getAndResetPulses(&z);
bool left = buttonLeftPressed;
bool right = buttonRightPressed;
if (!left && !right && pulseDelta == 0) {
if (spindlePosSync != 0) {
// Edge case.
if (isOn && !manualMovesAllowedWhenOn()) {
int sign = pulseDelta == 0 ? (left ? 1 : -1) : (pulseDelta > 0 ? 1 : -1);
bool stepperOn = true;
stepperEnable(&z, true);
z.movingManually = true;
if (isOn && dupr != 0 && mode == MODE_NORMAL) {
// Move by moveStep in the desired direction but stay in the thread by possibly traveling a little more.
int diff = ceil(moveStep * 1.0 / abs(dupr * starts)) * ENCODER_STEPS_FLOAT * sign * (dupr > 0 ? 1 : -1);
long prevSpindlePos = spindlePos;
bool resting = false;
do {
z.speedMax = z.speedManualMove;
if (xSemaphoreTake(motionMutex, 100) == pdTRUE) {
if (!resting) {
spindlePos += diff;
spindlePosAvg += diff;
// If spindle is moving, it will be changing spindlePos at the same time. Account for it.
while (diff > 0 ? (spindlePos < prevSpindlePos) : (spindlePos > prevSpindlePos)) {
spindlePos += diff;
spindlePosAvg += diff;
prevSpindlePos = spindlePos;
long newPos = posFromSpindle(&z, prevSpindlePos, true);
if (newPos != z.pos) {
stepToContinuous(&z, newPos);
} else if (z.pos == (left ? z.leftStop : z.rightStop)) {
// We're standing on a stop with the L/R move button pressed.
resting = true;
if (stepperOn) {
stepperEnable(&z, false);
stepperOn = false;
} while (left ? buttonLeftPressed : buttonRightPressed);
} else {
z.speedMax = getStepMaxSpeed(&z);
int delta = 0;
do {
float fractionalDelta = (pulseDelta == 0 ? moveStep * sign / z.screwPitch : pulseDelta / PULSE_PER_REVOLUTION) * z.motorSteps + z.fractionalPos;
delta = round(fractionalDelta);
// Don't lose fractional steps when moving by 0.01" or 0.001".
z.fractionalPos = fractionalDelta - delta;
if (delta == 0) {
// When moveStep is e.g. 1 micron and MOTOR_STEPS_Z is 200, make delta non-zero.
delta = sign;
long posCopy = z.pos + z.pendingPos;
// Don't left-right move out of stops.
if (posCopy + delta > z.leftStop) {
delta = z.leftStop - posCopy;
} else if (posCopy + delta < z.rightStop) {
delta = z.rightStop - posCopy;
z.speedMax = getStepMaxSpeed(&z);
stepToContinuous(&z, posCopy + delta);
} while (delta != 0 && (left ? buttonLeftPressed : buttonRightPressed));
z.continuous = false;
if (isOn && mode == MODE_CONE) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(motionMutex, 100) != pdTRUE) {
} else {
} else if (isOn && mode == MODE_ASYNC) {
// Restore async direction.
z.movingManually = false;
if (stepperOn) {
stepperEnable(&z, false);
z.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
void taskMoveX(void *param) {
while (emergencyStop == ESTOP_NONE) {
int pulseDelta = getAndResetPulses(&x);
bool up = buttonUpPressed || pulseDelta > 0;
bool down = buttonDownPressed || pulseDelta < 0;
if (!up && !down) {
if (isOn && !manualMovesAllowedWhenOn()) {
x.movingManually = true;
x.speedMax = getStepMaxSpeed(&x);
stepperEnable(&x, true);
int delta = 0;
int sign = up ? 1 : -1;
do {
float fractionalDelta = (pulseDelta == 0 ? moveStep * sign / x.screwPitch : pulseDelta / PULSE_PER_REVOLUTION) * x.motorSteps + x.fractionalPos;
delta = round(fractionalDelta);
// Don't lose fractional steps when moving by 0.01" or 0.001".
x.fractionalPos = fractionalDelta - delta;
if (delta == 0) {
// When moveStep is e.g. 1 micron and MOTOR_STEPS_Z is 200, make delta non-zero.
delta = sign;
long posCopy = x.pos + x.pendingPos;
if (posCopy + delta > x.leftStop) {
delta = x.leftStop - posCopy;
} else if (posCopy + delta < x.rightStop) {
delta = x.rightStop - posCopy;
stepToContinuous(&x, posCopy + delta);
pulseDelta = getAndResetPulses(&x);
} while (delta != 0 && (pulseDelta != 0 || (up ? buttonUpPressed : buttonDownPressed)));
x.continuous = false;
if (isOn && mode == MODE_CONE) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(motionMutex, 100) != pdTRUE) {
} else {
x.movingManually = false;
x.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
stepperEnable(&x, false);
void taskMoveA1(void *param) {
while (emergencyStop == ESTOP_NONE) {
bool plus = buttonTurnPressed;
bool minus = buttonGearsPressed;
if (mode != MODE_A1 || (!plus && !minus)) {
a1.movingManually = true;
a1.speedMax = getStepMaxSpeed(&a1);
stepperEnable(&a1, true);
int delta = 0;
int sign = plus ? 1 : -1;
do {
float fractionalDelta = getMoveStepForAxis(&a1) * sign / a1.screwPitch * a1.motorSteps + a1.fractionalPos;
delta = round(fractionalDelta);
a1.fractionalPos = fractionalDelta - delta;
if (delta == 0) delta = sign;
long posCopy = a1.pos + a1.pendingPos;
if (posCopy + delta > a1.leftStop) {
delta = a1.leftStop - posCopy;
} else if (posCopy + delta < a1.rightStop) {
delta = a1.rightStop - posCopy;
stepToContinuous(&a1, posCopy + delta);
} while (plus ? buttonTurnPressed : buttonGearsPressed);
a1.continuous = false;
// Restore async direction.
if (isOn && mode == MODE_A1) updateAsyncTimerSettings();
a1.movingManually = false;
a1.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
stepperEnable(&a1, false);
void taskGcode(void *param) {
while (emergencyStop == ESTOP_NONE) {
if (mode != MODE_GCODE) {
gcodeInitialized = false;
} else if (!gcodeInitialized) {
gcodeInitialized = true;
gcodeCommand = "";
gcodeAbsolutePositioning = true;
gcodeInBrace = false;
gcodeInSemicolon = false;
// Implementing a relevant subset of RS274 (Gcode) and GRBL (state management) covering basic use cases.
char receivedChar = '\0';
bool isSerial = false;
if (mode == MODE_GCODE && isOn && gcodeProgramCharIndex < gcodeProgram.length()) {
receivedChar = gcodeProgram.charAt(gcodeProgramCharIndex);
} else if (Serial.available() > 0) {
isSerial = true;
receivedChar =;
int charCode = int(receivedChar);
if (charCode > 0) {
if (gcodeInBrace) {
if (receivedChar == ')') gcodeInBrace = false;
} else if (serialInKeycode) {
if (charCode < 32) {
if (serialKeycode == 0) {
serialKeycode = keycodeCommand.toInt();
} else {
serialInKeycode = false;
keycodeCommand = "";
} else {
keycodeCommand += receivedChar;
} else if (receivedChar == '(') {
gcodeInBrace = true;
} else if (receivedChar == ';' /* start of comment till end of line */) {
gcodeInSemicolon = true;
} else if (gcodeInSemicolon && charCode >= 32) {
// Ignoring comment.
} else if (receivedChar == '!' /* stop */) {
} else if (receivedChar == '~' /* resume */) {
} else if (receivedChar == '%' /* start/end marker */) {
// Not using % markers in this implementation.
} else if (receivedChar == '?' /* status */) {
Serial.print(isOn ? "Run" : "Idle");
float divisor = measure == MEASURE_METRIC ? 10000.0 : 254000.0;
Serial.print(getAxisPosDu(&x) / divisor, 3);
Serial.print(getAxisPosDu(&z) / divisor, 3);
Serial.print(round(gcodeFeedDuPerSec * 60 / 10000.0));
Serial.print("H" + String(HARDWARE_VERSION) + "V" + String(SOFTWARE_VERSION));
Serial.print(">"); // no new line to allow client to easily cut out the status response
} else if (gcodeInSave && receivedChar == '"' /* end of saved program */) {
gcodeInSave = false;
if (gcodeSaveName.length() == 0) {
if (removeAllGcode()) Serial.println("ok");
} else if (gcodeSaveValue.length() > 1) {
if (saveGcode()) Serial.println("ok");
} else if (gcodeSaveName.length() == 1) {
Serial.println("error: name must be at least 2 chars");
} else {
Preferences pref;
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (!pref.isKey(String(i).c_str())) break;
if (gcodeSaveName.equals(pref.getString(String(i).c_str()))) {
found = true;
if (removeGcode(i)) Serial.println("ok");
if (!found) Serial.println("error: name not found");
gcodeSaveName = "";
gcodeSaveValue = "";
} else if (!gcodeInSave && receivedChar == '"' /* start of save program */) {
gcodeInSave = true;
gcodeInSaveFirstLine = true;
} else if (gcodeInSaveFirstLine && receivedChar >= 32) {
gcodeSaveName += receivedChar;
} else if (gcodeInSaveFirstLine && receivedChar < 32) {
gcodeInSaveFirstLine = false;
} else if (gcodeInSave) {
gcodeSaveValue += receivedChar;
if (receivedChar < 32) {
gcodeInBrace = false;
gcodeInSemicolon = false;
} else if (isOn) {
if (gcodeInBrace && charCode < 32) {
Serial.println("error: comment not closed");
} else if (charCode < 32 && gcodeCommand.length() > 1) {
if (handleGcodeCommand(gcodeCommand) && isSerial) Serial.println("ok");
gcodeCommand = "";
gcodeInSemicolon = false;
} else if (charCode < 32) {
if (isSerial) Serial.println("ok");
gcodeCommand = "";
} else if (charCode >= 32 && (charCode == 'G' || charCode == 'M')) {
// Split consequent G and M commands on one line.
// No "ok" for commands in the middle of the line.
gcodeCommand = receivedChar;
} else if (charCode >= 32) {
gcodeCommand += receivedChar;
} else if (receivedChar == '=' /* start of keycode command */) {
serialInKeycode = true;
keycodeCommand = "";
} else {
// ignoring non-realtime command input when off
// to flush any commands coming after an error
if (mode == MODE_GCODE && isOn && gcodeProgramCharIndex > 0 && gcodeProgramCharIndex == gcodeProgram.length()) {
bool saveGcode() {
Preferences pref;
bool success = false;
if (gcodeSaveName.length() < 2) {
Serial.println("error: name must be at least 2 chars");
} else if (gcodeSaveValue.length() < 2) {
Serial.println("error: program too short");
} else if (pref.freeEntries() < 2 || gcodeProgramCount >= 256) {
Serial.println("error: memory full");
} else if (pref.isKey(gcodeSaveName.c_str())) {
if (pref.putString(gcodeSaveName.c_str(), gcodeSaveValue) != gcodeSaveValue.length()) {
Serial.println("error: failed to overwrite");
} else {
success = true;
} else {
if (pref.putString(String(gcodeProgramCount).c_str(), gcodeSaveName) == 0) {
Serial.println("error: not enough memory for program name");
} else if (pref.putString(gcodeSaveName.c_str(), gcodeSaveValue) != gcodeSaveValue.length()) {
Serial.println("error: not enough memory for program text");
} else {
success = true;
return success;
bool removeGcode(int indexToRemove) {
Preferences pref;
bool success = false;
if (indexToRemove >= 0 && indexToRemove < 256 && pref.isKey(String(indexToRemove).c_str())) {
success = true;
String programName = pref.getString(String(indexToRemove).c_str());
if (programName.length() > 0) {
// Move all the following program names down to avoid holes.
for (int i = indexToRemove + 1; pref.isKey(String(i).c_str()); i++) {
pref.putString(String(i - 1).c_str(), pref.getString(String(i).c_str()));
if (gcodeProgramCount > 0) gcodeProgramCount--;
if (gcodeProgramCount > 0 && gcodeProgramIndex >= gcodeProgramCount) {
gcodeProgramIndex = gcodeProgramCount - 1;
} else {
Serial.print("error: program to delete not found at index ");
return success;
bool removeAllGcode() {
Preferences pref;
bool success = pref.clear();
if (!success) Serial.println("error: failed clearing GCODE_NAMESPACE");
return true;
// Attaching interrupt on core 0 to have more time on core 1 where axes are moved.
void taskAttachInterrupts(void *param) {
pcnt_config_t pcntConfig;
pcntConfig.pulse_gpio_num = ENC_A;
pcntConfig.ctrl_gpio_num = ENC_B; = PCNT_CHANNEL_0;
pcntConfig.unit = PCNT_UNIT_0;
pcntConfig.pos_mode = PCNT_COUNT_INC;
pcntConfig.neg_mode = PCNT_COUNT_DEC;
pcntConfig.lctrl_mode = PCNT_MODE_REVERSE;
pcntConfig.hctrl_mode = PCNT_MODE_KEEP;
pcntConfig.counter_h_lim = PCNT_LIM;
pcntConfig.counter_l_lim = -PCNT_LIM;
pcnt_set_filter_value(PCNT_UNIT_0, ENCODER_FILTER);
if (PULSE_1_USE) attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(A12), pulse1Enc, CHANGE);
if (PULSE_2_USE) attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(A22), pulse2Enc, CHANGE);
void setEmergencyStop(int kind) {
emergencyStop = kind;
xSemaphoreTake(z.mutex, 10);
xSemaphoreTake(x.mutex, 10);
xSemaphoreTake(a1.mutex, 10);
void setup() {
pinMode(Z_DIR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Z_STEP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Z_ENA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(X_DIR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(X_STEP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(X_ENA, OUTPUT);
if (ACTIVE_A1) {
pinMode(A12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BUZZ, OUTPUT);
if (PULSE_1_USE) {
pinMode(A11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A12, INPUT);
pinMode(A13, INPUT);
if (PULSE_2_USE) {
pinMode(A21, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A22, INPUT);
pinMode(A23, INPUT);
Preferences pref;
isOn = false;
savedDupr = dupr = pref.getLong(PREF_DUPR);
motionMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
savedStarts = starts = min(STARTS_MAX, max(1, pref.getInt(PREF_STARTS)));
z.savedPos = z.pos = pref.getLong(PREF_POS_Z);
z.savedPosGlobal = z.posGlobal = pref.getLong(PREF_POS_GLOBAL_Z);
z.savedOriginPos = z.originPos = pref.getLong(PREF_ORIGIN_POS_Z);
z.savedMotorPos = z.motorPos = pref.getLong(PREF_MOTOR_POS_Z);
z.savedLeftStop = z.leftStop = pref.getLong(PREF_LEFT_STOP_Z, LONG_MAX);
z.savedRightStop = z.rightStop = pref.getLong(PREF_RIGHT_STOP_Z, LONG_MIN);
z.savedDisabled = z.disabled = pref.getBool(PREF_DISABLED_Z, false);
x.savedPos = x.pos = pref.getLong(PREF_POS_X);
x.savedPosGlobal = x.posGlobal = pref.getLong(PREF_POS_GLOBAL_X);
x.savedOriginPos = x.originPos = pref.getLong(PREF_ORIGIN_POS_X);
x.savedMotorPos = x.motorPos = pref.getLong(PREF_MOTOR_POS_X);
x.savedLeftStop = x.leftStop = pref.getLong(PREF_LEFT_STOP_X, LONG_MAX);
x.savedRightStop = x.rightStop = pref.getLong(PREF_RIGHT_STOP_X, LONG_MIN);
x.savedDisabled = x.disabled = pref.getBool(PREF_DISABLED_X, false);
a1.savedPos = a1.pos = pref.getLong(PREF_POS_A1);
a1.savedPosGlobal = a1.posGlobal = pref.getLong(PREF_POS_GLOBAL_A1);
a1.savedOriginPos = a1.originPos = pref.getLong(PREF_ORIGIN_POS_A1);
a1.savedMotorPos = a1.motorPos = pref.getLong(PREF_MOTOR_POS_A1);
a1.savedLeftStop = a1.leftStop = pref.getLong(PREF_LEFT_STOP_A1, LONG_MAX);
a1.savedRightStop = a1.rightStop = pref.getLong(PREF_RIGHT_STOP_A1, LONG_MIN);
a1.savedDisabled = a1.disabled = pref.getBool(PREF_DISABLED_A1, false);
savedSpindlePos = spindlePos = pref.getLong(PREF_SPINDLE_POS);
savedSpindlePosAvg = spindlePosAvg = pref.getLong(PREF_SPINDLE_POS_AVG);
savedSpindlePosSync = spindlePosSync = pref.getInt(PREF_OUT_OF_SYNC);
savedSpindlePosGlobal = spindlePosGlobal = pref.getLong(PREF_SPINDLE_POS_GLOBAL);
savedShowAngle = showAngle = pref.getBool(PREF_SHOW_ANGLE);
savedShowTacho = showTacho = pref.getBool(PREF_SHOW_TACHO);
savedMoveStep = moveStep = pref.getLong(PREF_MOVE_STEP, MOVE_STEP_1);
setModeFromLoop(savedMode = pref.getInt(PREF_MODE));
savedMeasure = measure = pref.getInt(PREF_MEASURE);
savedConeRatio = coneRatio = pref.getFloat(PREF_CONE_RATIO, coneRatio);
savedTurnPasses = turnPasses = pref.getInt(PREF_TURN_PASSES, turnPasses);
savedAuxForward = auxForward = pref.getBool(PREF_AUX_FORWARD, true);
if (!z.needsRest && !z.disabled) {
if (!x.needsRest && !x.disabled) {
if ( && !a1.needsRest && !a1.disabled) {
if (pref.begin(GCODE_NAMESPACE, false, GCODE_PARTITION)) {
gcodeProgramCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (pref.isKey(String(i).c_str())) {
} else {
lcd.begin(20, 4);
lcd.createChar(customCharMmCode, customCharMm);
lcd.createChar(customCharLimLeftCode, customCharLimLeft);
lcd.createChar(customCharLimRightCode, customCharLimRight);
lcd.createChar(customCharLimUpCode, customCharLimUp);
lcd.createChar(customCharLimDownCode, customCharLimDown);
lcd.createChar(customCharLimUpDownCode, customCharLimUpDown);
lcd.createChar(customCharLimLeftRightCode, customCharLimLeftRight);
if (!Wire.begin(SDA, SCL)) {
Serial.println("I2C initialization failed");
} else if (!keypad.begin(TCA8418_DEFAULT_ADDR, &Wire)) {
Serial.println("TCA8418 key controller not found");
} else {
keypad.matrix(7, 7);
// Non-time-sensitive tasks on core 0.
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskDisplay, "taskDisplay", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
if (keypad.available()) {
} else {
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskKeypad, "taskKeypad", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskMoveZ, "taskMoveZ", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskMoveX, "taskMoveX", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
if ( xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskMoveA1, "taskMoveA1", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskAttachInterrupts, "taskAttachInterrupts", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskGcode, "taskGcode", 10000 /* stack size */, NULL, 0 /* priority */, NULL, 0 /* core */);
bool saveIfChanged() {
// Should avoid calling Preferences whenever possible to reduce memory wear and avoid ~20ms write delay that blocks interrupts.
if (dupr == savedDupr && starts == savedStarts && z.pos == z.savedPos && z.originPos == z.savedOriginPos && z.posGlobal == z.savedPosGlobal && z.motorPos == z.savedMotorPos && z.leftStop == z.savedLeftStop && z.rightStop == z.savedRightStop && z.disabled == z.savedDisabled &&
spindlePos == savedSpindlePos && spindlePosAvg == savedSpindlePosAvg && spindlePosSync == savedSpindlePosSync && savedSpindlePosGlobal == spindlePosGlobal && showAngle == savedShowAngle && showTacho == savedShowTacho && moveStep == savedMoveStep &&
mode == savedMode && measure == savedMeasure && x.pos == x.savedPos && x.originPos == x.savedOriginPos && x.posGlobal == x.savedPosGlobal && x.motorPos == x.savedMotorPos && x.leftStop == x.savedLeftStop && x.rightStop == x.savedRightStop && x.disabled == x.savedDisabled &&
a1.pos == a1.savedPos && a1.originPos == a1.savedOriginPos && a1.posGlobal == a1.savedPosGlobal && a1.motorPos == a1.savedMotorPos && a1.leftStop == a1.savedLeftStop && a1.rightStop == a1.savedRightStop && a1.disabled == a1.savedDisabled &&
coneRatio == savedConeRatio && turnPasses == savedTurnPasses && savedAuxForward == auxForward) return false;
Preferences pref;
if (dupr != savedDupr) pref.putLong(PREF_DUPR, savedDupr = dupr);
if (starts != savedStarts) pref.putInt(PREF_STARTS, savedStarts = starts);
if (z.pos != z.savedPos) pref.putLong(PREF_POS_Z, z.savedPos = z.pos);
if (z.posGlobal != z.savedPosGlobal) pref.putLong(PREF_POS_GLOBAL_Z, z.savedPosGlobal = z.posGlobal);
if (z.originPos != z.savedOriginPos) pref.putLong(PREF_ORIGIN_POS_Z, z.savedOriginPos = z.originPos);
if (z.motorPos != z.savedMotorPos) pref.putLong(PREF_MOTOR_POS_Z, z.savedMotorPos = z.motorPos);
if (z.leftStop != z.savedLeftStop) pref.putLong(PREF_LEFT_STOP_Z, z.savedLeftStop = z.leftStop);
if (z.rightStop != z.savedRightStop) pref.putLong(PREF_RIGHT_STOP_Z, z.savedRightStop = z.rightStop);
if (z.disabled != z.savedDisabled) pref.putBool(PREF_DISABLED_Z, z.savedDisabled = z.disabled);
if (spindlePos != savedSpindlePos) pref.putLong(PREF_SPINDLE_POS, savedSpindlePos = spindlePos);
if (spindlePosAvg != savedSpindlePosAvg) pref.putLong(PREF_SPINDLE_POS_AVG, savedSpindlePosAvg = spindlePosAvg);
if (spindlePosSync != savedSpindlePosSync) pref.putInt(PREF_OUT_OF_SYNC, savedSpindlePosSync = spindlePosSync);
if (spindlePosGlobal != savedSpindlePosGlobal) pref.putLong(PREF_SPINDLE_POS_GLOBAL, savedSpindlePosGlobal = spindlePosGlobal);
if (showAngle != savedShowAngle) pref.putBool(PREF_SHOW_ANGLE, savedShowAngle = showAngle);
if (showTacho != savedShowTacho) pref.putBool(PREF_SHOW_TACHO, savedShowTacho = showTacho);
if (moveStep != savedMoveStep) pref.putLong(PREF_MOVE_STEP, savedMoveStep = moveStep);
if (mode != savedMode) pref.putInt(PREF_MODE, savedMode = mode);
if (measure != savedMeasure) pref.putInt(PREF_MEASURE, savedMeasure = measure);
if (x.pos != x.savedPos) pref.putLong(PREF_POS_X, x.savedPos = x.pos);
if (x.posGlobal != x.savedPosGlobal) pref.putLong(PREF_POS_GLOBAL_X, x.savedPosGlobal = x.posGlobal);
if (x.originPos != x.savedOriginPos) pref.putLong(PREF_ORIGIN_POS_X, x.savedOriginPos = x.originPos);
if (x.motorPos != x.savedMotorPos) pref.putLong(PREF_MOTOR_POS_X, x.savedMotorPos = x.motorPos);
if (x.leftStop != x.savedLeftStop) pref.putLong(PREF_LEFT_STOP_X, x.savedLeftStop = x.leftStop);
if (x.rightStop != x.savedRightStop) pref.putLong(PREF_RIGHT_STOP_X, x.savedRightStop = x.rightStop);
if (x.disabled != x.savedDisabled) pref.putBool(PREF_DISABLED_X, x.savedDisabled = x.disabled);
if (a1.pos != a1.savedPos) pref.putLong(PREF_POS_A1, a1.savedPos = a1.pos);
if (a1.posGlobal != a1.savedPosGlobal) pref.putLong(PREF_POS_GLOBAL_A1, a1.savedPosGlobal = a1.posGlobal);
if (a1.originPos != a1.savedOriginPos) pref.putLong(PREF_ORIGIN_POS_A1, a1.savedOriginPos = a1.originPos);
if (a1.motorPos != a1.savedMotorPos) pref.putLong(PREF_MOTOR_POS_A1, a1.savedMotorPos = a1.motorPos);
if (a1.leftStop != a1.savedLeftStop) pref.putLong(PREF_LEFT_STOP_A1, a1.savedLeftStop = a1.leftStop);
if (a1.rightStop != a1.savedRightStop) pref.putLong(PREF_RIGHT_STOP_A1, a1.savedRightStop = a1.rightStop);
if (a1.disabled != a1.savedDisabled) pref.putBool(PREF_DISABLED_A1, a1.savedDisabled = a1.disabled);
if (coneRatio != savedConeRatio) pref.putFloat(PREF_CONE_RATIO, savedConeRatio = coneRatio);
if (turnPasses != savedTurnPasses) pref.putInt(PREF_TURN_PASSES, savedTurnPasses = turnPasses);
if (auxForward != savedAuxForward) pref.putBool(PREF_AUX_FORWARD, savedAuxForward = auxForward);
return true;
void markAxisOrigin(Axis* a) {
bool hasSemaphore = xSemaphoreTake(a->mutex, 10) == pdTRUE;
if (!hasSemaphore) {
beepFlag = true;
if (a->leftStop != LONG_MAX) {
a->leftStop -= a->pos;
if (a->rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
a->rightStop -= a->pos;
a->motorPos -= a->pos;
a->originPos += a->pos;
a->pos = 0;
a->fractionalPos = 0;
a->pendingPos = 0;
if (hasSemaphore) {
void zeroSpindlePos() {
spindlePos = 0;
spindlePosAvg = 0;
spindlePosSync = 0;
// Loose the thread and mark current physical positions of
// encoder and stepper as a new 0. To be called when dupr changes
// or ELS is turned on/off. Without this, changing dupr will
// result in stepper rushing across the lathe to the new position.
// Must be called while holding motionMutex.
void markOrigin() {
void markAxis0(Axis* a) {
a->originPos = -a->pos;
Axis* getAsyncAxis() {
return mode == MODE_A1 ? &a1 : &z;
void updateAsyncTimerSettings() {
// dupr and therefore direction can change while we're in async mode.
setDir(getAsyncAxis(), dupr > 0);
// dupr can change while we're in async mode, keep updating timer frequency.
timerAlarmWrite(async_timer, getTimerLimit(), true);
// without this timer stops working if already above new limit
timerWrite(async_timer, 0);
void setDupr(long value) {
// Can't apply changes right away since we might be in the middle of motion logic.
nextDupr = value;
nextDuprFlag = true;
// Must be called while holding motionMutex.
void applyDupr() {
if (nextDupr == dupr) {
dupr = nextDupr;
if (mode == MODE_ASYNC || mode == MODE_A1) {
void setStarts(int value) {
// Can't apply changes right away since we might be in the middle of motion logic.
nextStarts = value;
nextStartsFlag = true;
// Must be called while holding motionMutex.
void applyStarts() {
if (starts == nextStarts) {
starts = nextStarts;
void setMeasure(int value) {
if (measure == value) {
measure = value;
moveStep = measure == MEASURE_METRIC ? MOVE_STEP_1 : MOVE_STEP_IMP_1;
unsigned int getTimerLimit() {
if (dupr == 0) {
return 65535;
return min(long(65535), long(1000000 / (z.motorSteps * abs(dupr) / z.screwPitch)) - 1); // 1000000/Hz - 1
// Only used for async movement in ASYNC and A1 modes.
// Keep code in this method to absolute minimum to achieve high stepper speeds.
void IRAM_ATTR onAsyncTimer() {
Axis* a = getAsyncAxis();
if (!isOn || a->movingManually || (mode != MODE_ASYNC && mode != MODE_A1)) {
} else if (dupr > 0 && a->pos < a->leftStop) {
if (a->pos <= a->motorPos) {
} else if (dupr < 0 && a->pos > a->rightStop) {
if (a->pos >= a->motorPos + a->backlashSteps) {
} else {
a->stepStartUs = micros();
void setModeFromTask(int value) {
nextMode = value;
nextModeFlag = true;
void setModeFromLoop(int value) {
if (mode == value) {
if (isOn) {
if (mode == MODE_THREAD) {
} else if (mode == MODE_ASYNC || mode == MODE_A1) {
mode = value;
setupIndex = 0;
if (mode == MODE_ASYNC || mode == MODE_A1) {
if (!timerAttached) {
timerAttached = true;
timerAttachInterrupt(async_timer, &onAsyncTimer, true);
void setTurnPasses(int value) {
if (isOn) {
} else {
turnPasses = value;
void setConeRatio(float value) {
// Can't apply changes right away since we might be in the middle of motion logic.
nextConeRatio = value;
nextConeRatioFlag = true;
void applyConeRatio() {
if (nextConeRatio == coneRatio) {
coneRatio = nextConeRatio;
void reset() {
z.leftStop = LONG_MAX;
z.nextLeftStopFlag = false;
z.rightStop = LONG_MIN;
z.nextRightStopFlag = false;
z.originPos = 0;
z.posGlobal = 0;
z.motorPos = 0;
z.pendingPos = 0;
z.disabled = false;
x.leftStop = LONG_MAX;
x.nextLeftStopFlag = false;
x.rightStop = LONG_MIN;
x.nextRightStopFlag = false;
x.originPos = 0;
x.posGlobal = 0;
x.motorPos = 0;
x.pendingPos = 0;
x.disabled = false;
a1.leftStop = LONG_MAX;
a1.nextLeftStopFlag = false;
a1.rightStop = LONG_MIN;
a1.nextRightStopFlag = false;
a1.originPos = 0;
a1.posGlobal = 0;
a1.motorPos = 0;
a1.pendingPos = 0;
a1.disabled = false;
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_1;
showTacho = false;
showAngle = false;
auxForward = true;
long normalizePitch(long pitch) {
int scale = 1;
if (measure == MEASURE_METRIC) {
// Drop the 3rd and 4th precision point if any.
scale = 100;
} else if (measure == MEASURE_INCH) {
// Always drop the 4th precision point in inch representation if any.
scale = 254;
return round(pitch / scale) * scale;
void buttonPlusMinusPress(bool plus) {
// Mutex is aquired in setDupr() and setStarts().
bool minus = !plus;
if (mode == MODE_THREAD && setupIndex == 2) {
if (minus && starts > 2) {
setStarts(starts - 1);
} else if (plus && starts < STARTS_MAX) {
setStarts(starts + 1);
} else if (isPassMode() && setupIndex == 1 && getNumpadResult() == 0) {
if (minus && turnPasses > 1) {
setTurnPasses(turnPasses - 1);
} else if (plus && turnPasses < PASSES_MAX) {
setTurnPasses(turnPasses + 1);
} else if (measure != MEASURE_TPI) {
int delta = measure == MEASURE_METRIC ? MOVE_STEP_3 : MOVE_STEP_IMP_3;
// Switching between mm/inch/tpi often results in getting non-0 3rd and 4th
// precision points that can't be easily controlled. Remove them.
long normalizedDupr = normalizePitch(dupr);
if (minus && dupr > -DUPR_MAX) {
setDupr(max(-DUPR_MAX, normalizedDupr - delta));
} else if (plus && dupr < DUPR_MAX) {
setDupr(min(DUPR_MAX, normalizedDupr + delta));
} else { // TPI
if (dupr == 0) {
setDupr(plus ? 1 : -1);
} else {
long currentTpi = round(254000.0 / dupr);
long tpi = currentTpi + (plus ? 1 : -1);
long newDupr = tpi == 0 ? (plus ? DUPR_MAX : -DUPR_MAX) : round(254000.0 / tpi);
// Happens for small pitches like 0.01mm.
if (newDupr == dupr) {
newDupr += plus ? -1 : 1;
if (newDupr != dupr && newDupr < DUPR_MAX && newDupr > -DUPR_MAX) {
void beep() {
tone(BUZZ, 1000, 500);
void buttonOnOffPress(bool on) {
resetMillis = millis();
bool missingZStops = needZStops() && (z.leftStop == LONG_MAX || z.rightStop == LONG_MIN);
if (on && isPassMode() && (missingZStops || x.leftStop == LONG_MAX || x.rightStop == LONG_MIN)) {
} else if (!isOn && on && mode == MODE_GCODE && gcodeProgramIndex >= gcodeProgramCount && setupIndex == 1) {
} else if (!isOn && on && setupIndex < getLastSetupIndex()) {
// Move to the next setup step.
} else if (isOn && on && (mode == MODE_TURN || mode == MODE_FACE || mode == MODE_THREAD)) {
// Move to the next pass.
opIndexAdvanceFlag = true;
} else if (!on && (z.movingManually || x.movingManually || x.movingManually)) {
} else if (!isOn && on && mode == MODE_GCODE && gcodeProgramIndex >= gcodeProgramCount) {
} else if (!isOn && on && mode == MODE_GCODE) {
Preferences pref;
if (!pref.isKey(String(gcodeProgramIndex).c_str())) {
} else {
String programName = pref.getString(String(gcodeProgramIndex).c_str());
if (programName.length() == 0) {
} else {
gcodeProgramCharIndex = 0;
gcodeProgram = pref.getString(programName.c_str());
gcodeProgram += '\n'; // ensures the last line is executed
} else {
void setIsOnFromTask(bool on) {
nextIsOn = on;
nextIsOnFlag = true;
void setIsOnFromLoop(bool on) {
if (isOn && on) {
if (!on) {
isOn = false;
setupIndex = 0;
stepperEnable(&z, on);
stepperEnable(&x, on);
stepperEnable(&a1, on);
if (on) {
isOn = true;
opDuprSign = dupr >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
opDupr = dupr;
opIndex = 0;
opIndexAdvanceFlag = false;
opSubIndex = 0;
setupIndex = 0;
void buttonOffRelease() {
if (millis() - resetMillis > 3000) {
splashScreen = true;
void setLeftStop(Axis* a, long value) {
// Can't apply changes right away since we might be in the middle of motion logic.
a->nextLeftStop = value;
a->nextLeftStopFlag = true;
void leaveStop(Axis* a, long oldStop) {
if (mode == MODE_CONE) {
// To avoid rushing to a far away position if standing on limit.
} else if (mode == MODE_NORMAL && a == getPitchAxis() && a->pos == oldStop) {
// Spindle is most likely out of sync with the stepper because
// it was spinning while the lead screw was on the stop.
spindlePosSync = spindleModulo(spindlePos - spindleFromPos(a, a->pos));
void applyLeftStop(Axis* a) {
// Accept left stop even if it's lower than pos.
// Stop button press processing takes time during which motor could have moved.
long oldStop = a->leftStop;
a->leftStop = a->nextLeftStop;
leaveStop(a, oldStop);
void setRightStop(Axis* a, long value) {
// Can't apply changes right away since we might be in the middle of motion logic.
a->nextRightStop = value;
a->nextRightStopFlag = true;
void applyRightStop(Axis* a) {
// Accept right stop even if it's higher than pos.
// Stop button press processing takes time during which motor could have moved.
long oldStop = a->rightStop;
a->rightStop = a->nextRightStop;
leaveStop(a, oldStop);
void buttonLeftStopPress(Axis* a) {
setLeftStop(a, a->leftStop == LONG_MAX ? a->pos : LONG_MAX);
void buttonRightStopPress(Axis* a) {
setRightStop(a, a->rightStop == LONG_MIN ? a->pos : LONG_MIN);
void buttonDisplayPress() {
if (!showAngle && !showTacho) {
showAngle = true;
} else if (showAngle) {
showAngle = false;
showTacho = true;
} else {
showTacho = false;
void buttonMoveStepPress() {
if (measure == MEASURE_METRIC) {
if (moveStep == MOVE_STEP_1) {
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_2;
} else if (moveStep == MOVE_STEP_2) {
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_3;
} else {
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_1;
} else {
if (moveStep == MOVE_STEP_IMP_1) {
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_IMP_2;
} else if (moveStep == MOVE_STEP_IMP_2) {
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_IMP_3;
} else {
moveStep = MOVE_STEP_IMP_1;
void setDir(Axis* a, bool dir) {
// Start slow if direction changed.
if (a->direction != dir || !a->directionInitialized) {
a->speed = a->speedStart;
a->direction = dir;
a->directionInitialized = true;
DWRITE(a->dir, dir ^ a->invertStepper);
void buttonModePress() {
if (mode == MODE_NORMAL) {
setModeFromTask(ACTIVE_A1 ? MODE_A1 : MODE_ELLIPSE);
} else if (mode == MODE_A1) {
} else if (mode == MODE_ELLIPSE) {
} else if (mode == MODE_GCODE) {
} else {
void buttonMeasurePress() {
if (measure == MEASURE_METRIC) {
} else if (measure == MEASURE_INCH) {
} else {
void buttonReversePress() {
void numpadPress(int digit) {
if (!inNumpad) {
numpadIndex = 0;
numpadDigits[numpadIndex] = digit;
if (numpadIndex < 7) {
} else {
numpadIndex = 0;
void numpadBackspace() {
if (inNumpad && numpadIndex > 0) {
void resetNumpad() {
numpadIndex = 0;
long getNumpadResult() {
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numpadIndex; i++) {
result += numpadDigits[i] * pow(10, numpadIndex - 1 - i);
return result;
void numpadPlusMinus(bool plus) {
if (numpadDigits[numpadIndex - 1] < 9 && plus) {
numpadDigits[numpadIndex - 1]++;
} else if (numpadDigits[numpadIndex - 1] > 1 && !plus) {
numpadDigits[numpadIndex - 1]--;
// TODO: implement going over 9 and below 1.
long numpadToDeciMicrons() {
long result = getNumpadResult();
if (result == 0) {
return 0;
if (measure == MEASURE_INCH) {
result = result * 254;
} else if (measure == MEASURE_TPI) {
result = round(254000.0 / result);
} else { // Metric
result = result * 10;
return result;
float numpadToConeRatio() {
return getNumpadResult() / 100000.0;
bool processNumpad(int keyCode) {
if (keyCode == B_0) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_1) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_2) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_3) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_4) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_5) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_6) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_7) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_8) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_9) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (keyCode == B_BACKSPACE) {
inNumpad = true;
} else if (inNumpad && (keyCode == B_PLUS || keyCode == B_MINUS)) {
numpadPlusMinus(keyCode == B_PLUS);
return true;
} else if (inNumpad) {
inNumpad = false;
return processNumpadResult(keyCode);
return inNumpad;
bool processNumpadResult(int keyCode) {
long newDu = numpadToDeciMicrons();
float newConeRatio = numpadToConeRatio();
long numpadResult = getNumpadResult();
// Ignore numpad input unless confirmed with ON.
if (keyCode == B_ON) {
if (isPassMode() && setupIndex == 1) {
setTurnPasses(int(min(PASSES_MAX, numpadResult)));
} else if (mode == MODE_CONE && setupIndex == 1) {
} else {
if (abs(newDu) <= DUPR_MAX) {
// Don't use this ON press for starting the motion.
return true;
// Shared piece for stops and moves.
Axis* a = (keyCode == B_STOPL || keyCode == B_STOPR || keyCode == B_LEFT || keyCode == B_RIGHT || keyCode == B_Z) ? &z : &x;
int sign = ((keyCode == B_STOPL || keyCode == B_STOPU || keyCode == B_LEFT || keyCode == B_UP || keyCode == B_Z || keyCode == B_X || keyCode == B_A) ? 1 : -1);
if (mode == MODE_A1 && (keyCode == B_MODE_GEARS || keyCode == B_MODE_TURN || keyCode == B_MODE_FACE || keyCode == B_MODE_CONE || keyCode == B_MODE_THREAD)) {
a = &a1;
sign = (keyCode == B_MODE_GEARS || keyCode == B_MODE_FACE) ? -1 : 1;
long pos = a->pos + (a->rotational ? numpadResult * 10 : newDu) / a->screwPitch * a->motorSteps * sign;
// Potentially assign a new value to a limit. Treat newDu as a relative distance from current position.
if (keyCode == B_STOPL) {
setLeftStop(&z, pos);
return true;
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPR) {
setRightStop(&z, pos);
return true;
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPU) {
setLeftStop(&x, pos);
return true;
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPD) {
setRightStop(&x, pos);
return true;
} else if (mode == MODE_A1) {
if (keyCode == B_MODE_CONE) {
setLeftStop(&a1, pos);
return true;
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_FACE) {
setRightStop(&a1, pos);
return true;
// Potentially move by newDu in the given direction.
// We don't support precision manual moves when ON yet. Can't stay in the thread for most modes.
if (!isOn && (keyCode == B_LEFT || keyCode == B_RIGHT || keyCode == B_UP || keyCode == B_DOWN || (mode == MODE_A1 && (keyCode == B_MODE_GEARS || keyCode == B_MODE_TURN)))) {
if (pos < a->rightStop) {
pos = a->rightStop;
} else if (pos > a->leftStop) {
pos = a->leftStop;
} else if (abs(pos - a->pos) > a->estopSteps) {
return true;
a->speedMax = a->speedManualMove;
stepToFinal(a, pos);
return true;
// Set axis 0 newDu ahead.
if (keyCode == B_Z || keyCode == B_X || (mode == MODE_A1 && keyCode == B_MODE_THREAD)) {
a->originPos = -pos;
return true;
// Set X axis 0 from diameter.
if (keyCode == B_A) {
a->originPos = -(a->pos + pos) / 2;
return true;
if (keyCode == B_STEP) {
if (newDu > 0) {
moveStep = newDu;
} else {
return true;
return false;
void processKeypadEvent() {
int event = 0;
if (serialKeycode != 0) {
event = serialKeycode;
serialKeycode = 0;
} else if (keypad.available() > 0) {
event = keypad.getEvent();
if (event == 0) return;
int keyCode = event;
bitWrite(keyCode, 7, 0);
bool isPress = bitRead(event, 7) == 1; // 1 - press, 0 - release
keypadTimeUs = micros();
// Off button always gets handled.
if (keyCode == B_OFF) {
buttonOffPressed = isPress;
isPress ? buttonOnOffPress(false) : buttonOffRelease();
if (mode == MODE_GCODE && isOn) {
// Not allowed to interfere other than turn off.
if (isPress && keyCode != B_OFF) beep();
// Releases don't matter in numpad but it has to run before LRUD since it might handle those keys.
if (isPress && processNumpad(keyCode)) {
// Setup wizard navigation.
if (isPress && setupIndex == 2 && (keyCode == B_LEFT || keyCode == B_RIGHT)) {
auxForward = !auxForward;
} else if (isPress && mode == MODE_GCODE && setupIndex == 1 && (keyCode == B_UP || keyCode == B_DOWN)) {
if (gcodeProgramIndex > 0 && keyCode == B_UP) gcodeProgramIndex--;
else if (gcodeProgramIndex == 0 && gcodeProgramCount > 0 && keyCode == B_UP) gcodeProgramIndex = gcodeProgramCount - 1;
else if ((gcodeProgramIndex < gcodeProgramCount - 1) && keyCode == B_DOWN) gcodeProgramIndex++;
else if (keyCode == B_DOWN) gcodeProgramIndex = 0;
} else if (isPress && mode == MODE_GCODE && setupIndex == 1 && keyCode == B_MINUS) {
} else if (keyCode == B_LEFT) { // Make sure isPress=false propagates to motion flags.
buttonLeftPressed = isPress;
} else if (keyCode == B_RIGHT) {
buttonRightPressed = isPress;
} else if (keyCode == B_UP) {
buttonUpPressed = isPress;
} else if (keyCode == B_DOWN) {
buttonDownPressed = isPress;
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_GEARS) {
buttonGearsPressed = isPress;
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_TURN) {
buttonTurnPressed = isPress;
// For all other keys we have no "release" logic.
if (!isPress) {
// Rest of the buttons.
if (keyCode == B_PLUS) {
} else if (keyCode == B_MINUS) {
} else if (keyCode == B_ON) {
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPL) {
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPR) {
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPU) {
} else if (keyCode == B_STOPD) {
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_OTHER) {
} else if (keyCode == B_DISPL) {
} else if (keyCode == B_X) {
} else if (keyCode == B_Z) {
} else if (keyCode == B_A) {
x.disabled = !x.disabled;
} else if (keyCode == B_B) {
z.disabled = !z.disabled;
} else if (keyCode == B_STEP) {
} else if (keyCode == B_SETTINGS) {
// TODO.
} else if (keyCode == B_REVERSE) {
} else if (keyCode == B_MEASURE) {
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_GEARS && mode != MODE_A1) {
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_TURN && mode != MODE_A1) {
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_FACE) {
mode == MODE_A1 ? buttonRightStopPress(&a1) : setModeFromTask(MODE_FACE);
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_CONE) {
mode == MODE_A1 ? buttonLeftStopPress(&a1) : setModeFromTask(MODE_CONE);
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_CUT) {
if (mode == MODE_A1) {
a1.disabled = !a1.disabled;
} else {
} else if (keyCode == B_MODE_THREAD) {
mode == MODE_A1 || (mode == MODE_GCODE && ACTIVE_A1) ? markAxis0(&a1) : setModeFromTask(MODE_THREAD);
// Moves the stepper so that the tool is located at the newPos.
bool stepToContinuous(Axis* a, long newPos) {
return stepTo(a, newPos, true);
bool stepToFinal(Axis* a, long newPos) {
return stepTo(a, newPos, false);
bool stepTo(Axis* a, long newPos, bool continuous) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(a->mutex, 10) == pdTRUE) {
a->continuous = continuous;
if (newPos == a->pos) {
a->pendingPos = 0;
} else {
a->pendingPos = newPos - a->motorPos - (newPos > a->pos ? 0 : a->backlashSteps);
return true;
return false;
// Calculates stepper position from spindle position.
long posFromSpindle(Axis* a, long s, bool respectStops) {
long newPos = s * a->motorSteps / a->screwPitch / ENCODER_STEPS_FLOAT * dupr * starts;
// Respect left/right stops.
if (respectStops) {
if (newPos < a->rightStop) {
newPos = a->rightStop;
} else if (newPos > a->leftStop) {
newPos = a->leftStop;
return newPos;
// Calculates spindle position from stepper position.
long spindleFromPos(Axis* a, long p) {
return p * a->screwPitch * ENCODER_STEPS_FLOAT / a->motorSteps / (dupr * starts);
void stepperEnable(Axis* a, bool value) {
if (!a->needsRest || !a->active) {
if (value) {
if (value == 1) {
} else if (a->stepperEnableCounter > 0) {
if (a->stepperEnableCounter == 0) {
void updateEnable(Axis* a) {
if (!a->disabled && (!a->needsRest || a->stepperEnableCounter > 0)) {
// Stepper driver needs some time before it will react to pulses.
} else {
void moveAxis(Axis* a) {
// Most of the time a step isn't needed.
if (a->pendingPos == 0) {
if (a->speed > a->speedStart) {
unsigned long nowUs = micros();
float delayUs = 1000000.0 / a->speed;
if (nowUs - a->stepStartUs < delayUs - 5) {
// Not enough time has passed to issue this step.
if (xSemaphoreTake(a->mutex, 1) == pdTRUE) {
// Check pendingPos again now that we have the mutex.
if (a->pendingPos != 0) {
bool dir = a->pendingPos > 0;
setDir(a, dir);
int delta = dir ? 1 : -1;
a->pendingPos -= delta;
if (dir && a->motorPos >= a->pos) {
} else if (!dir && a->motorPos <= (a->pos - a->backlashSteps)) {
a->motorPos += delta;
a->posGlobal += delta;
bool accelerate = a->continuous || a->pendingPos >= a->decelerateSteps || a->pendingPos <= -a->decelerateSteps;
a->speed += (accelerate ? 1 : -1) * a->acceleration * delayUs / 1000000.0;
if (a->speed > a->speedMax) {
a->speed = a->speedMax;
} else if (a->speed < a->speedStart) {
a->speed = a->speedStart;
a->stepStartUs = nowUs;
void modeGearbox() {
if (z.movingManually) {
z.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
stepToContinuous(&z, posFromSpindle(&z, spindlePosAvg, true));
long spindleModulo(long value) {
value = value % ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
if (value < 0) {
return value;
long auxSafeDistance, startOffset;
void modeTurn(Axis* main, Axis* aux) {
if (main->movingManually || aux->movingManually || turnPasses <= 0 ||
main->leftStop == LONG_MAX || main->rightStop == LONG_MIN ||
aux->leftStop == LONG_MAX || aux->rightStop == LONG_MIN ||
dupr == 0 || (dupr * opDuprSign < 0) || starts < 1) {
// Variables below have to be re-calculated every time because origin can change
// while TURN is running e.g. due to dupr change.
long mainStartStop = opDuprSign > 0 ? main->rightStop : main->leftStop;
long mainEndStop = opDuprSign > 0 ? main->leftStop : main->rightStop;
long auxStartStop = auxForward ? aux->rightStop : aux->leftStop;
long auxEndStop = auxForward ? aux->leftStop : aux->rightStop;
// opIndex 0 is only executed once, do setup calculations here.
if (opIndex == 0) {
auxSafeDistance = (auxForward ? -1 : 1) * SAFE_DISTANCE_DU * aux->motorSteps / aux->screwPitch;
startOffset = starts == 1 ? 0 : round(ENCODER_STEPS_FLOAT / starts);
// Move to right-bottom limit.
main->speedMax = main->speedManualMove;
aux->speedMax = aux->speedManualMove;
long auxPos = auxStartStop;
// Overstep by 1 so that "main" backlash is taken out before "opSubIndex == 1".
long mainPos = mainStartStop + (opDuprSign > 0 ? -1 : 1);
stepToFinal(main, mainPos);
stepToFinal(aux, auxPos);
if (main->pos == mainPos && aux->pos == auxPos) {
stepToFinal(main, mainStartStop);
opIndex = 1;
opSubIndex = 0;
} else if (opIndex <= turnPasses * starts) {
if (opIndexAdvanceFlag && (opIndex + starts) < turnPasses * starts) {
opIndexAdvanceFlag = false;
opIndex += starts;
long auxPos = auxEndStop - (auxEndStop - auxStartStop) / turnPasses * (turnPasses - ceil(opIndex / float(starts)));
// Bringing X to starting position.
if (opSubIndex == 0) {
stepToFinal(aux, auxPos);
if (aux->pos == auxPos) {
opSubIndex = 1;
spindlePosSync = spindleModulo(spindlePosGlobal - spindleFromPos(main, main->posGlobal) + startOffset * (opIndex - 1));
return; // Instead of jumping to the next step, let spindlePosSync get to 0 first.
// spindlePosSync counted down to 0, start thread from here.
if (opSubIndex == 1) {
main->speedMax = LONG_MAX;
opSubIndex = 2;
// markOrigin() changed Start/EndStop values, re-calculate them.
// Doing the pass cut.
if (opSubIndex == 2) {
// In case we were pushed to the next opIndex before finishing the current one.
stepToFinal(aux, auxPos);
stepToContinuous(main, posFromSpindle(main, spindlePosAvg, true));
if (main->pos == mainEndStop) {
opSubIndex = 3;
// Retracting the tool
if (opSubIndex == 3) {
long auxPos = auxStartStop + auxSafeDistance;
stepToFinal(aux, auxPos);
if (aux->pos == auxPos) {
opSubIndex = 4;
// Returning to start of main.
if (opSubIndex == 4) {
main->speedMax = main->speedManualMove;
// Overstep by 1 so that "main" backlash is taken out before "opSubIndex == 2".
long mainPos = mainStartStop + (opDuprSign > 0 ? -1 : 1);
stepToFinal(main, mainPos);
if (main->pos == mainPos) {
stepToFinal(main, mainStartStop);
opSubIndex = 0;
} else {
// Move to right-bottom limit.
main->speedMax = main->speedManualMove;
long auxPos = auxStartStop;
long mainPos = mainStartStop;
stepToFinal(main, mainPos);
stepToFinal(aux, auxPos);
if (main->pos == mainPos && aux->pos == auxPos) {
void modeCone() {
if (z.movingManually || x.movingManually || coneRatio == 0) {
float zToXRatio = -coneRatio / 2 / z.motorSteps * x.motorSteps / x.screwPitch * z.screwPitch * (auxForward ? 1 : -1);
if (zToXRatio == 0) {
// TODO: calculate maximum speeds and accelerations to avoid potential desync.
x.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
z.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
// Respect limits of both axis by translating them into limits on spindlePos value.
long spindle = spindlePosAvg;
long spindleMin = LONG_MIN;
long spindleMax = LONG_MAX;
if (z.leftStop != LONG_MAX) {
(dupr > 0 ? spindleMax : spindleMin) = spindleFromPos(&z, z.leftStop);
if (z.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
(dupr > 0 ? spindleMin: spindleMax) = spindleFromPos(&z, z.rightStop);
if (x.leftStop != LONG_MAX) {
long lim = spindleFromPos(&z, round(x.leftStop / zToXRatio));
if (zToXRatio < 0) {
(dupr > 0 ? spindleMin: spindleMax) = lim;
} else {
(dupr > 0 ? spindleMax : spindleMin) = lim;
if (x.rightStop != LONG_MIN) {
long lim = spindleFromPos(&z, round(x.rightStop / zToXRatio));
if (zToXRatio < 0) {
(dupr > 0 ? spindleMax : spindleMin) = lim;
} else {
(dupr > 0 ? spindleMin: spindleMax) = lim;
if (spindle > spindleMax) {
spindle = spindleMax;
} else if (spindle < spindleMin) {
spindle = spindleMin;
stepToContinuous(&z, posFromSpindle(&z, spindle, true));
stepToContinuous(&x, round(z.pos * zToXRatio));
void modeCut() {
if (x.movingManually || turnPasses <= 0 || x.leftStop == LONG_MAX || x.rightStop == LONG_MIN || dupr == 0 || dupr * opDuprSign < 0) {
long startStop = opDuprSign > 0 ? x.rightStop : x.leftStop;
long endStop = opDuprSign > 0 ? x.leftStop : x.rightStop;
if (opIndex == 0) {
// Move to back limit.
x.speedMax = x.speedManualMove;
long xPos = startStop;
stepToFinal(&x, xPos);
if (x.pos == xPos) {
opIndex = 1;
opSubIndex = 0;
} else if (opIndex <= turnPasses) {
// Set spindlePos and x.pos in sync.
if (opSubIndex == 0) {
spindlePosAvg = spindlePos = spindleFromPos(&x, x.pos);
opSubIndex = 1;
// Doing the pass cut.
if (opSubIndex == 1) {
x.speedMax = LONG_MAX;
long endPos = endStop - (endStop - startStop) / turnPasses * (turnPasses - opIndex);
long xPos = posFromSpindle(&x, spindlePosAvg, true);
if (dupr > 0 && xPos > endPos) xPos = endPos;
else if (dupr < 0 && xPos < endPos) xPos = endPos;
stepToContinuous(&x, xPos);
if (x.pos == endPos) {
opSubIndex = 2;
// Returning to start.
if (opSubIndex == 2) {
x.speedMax = x.speedManualMove;
stepToFinal(&x, startStop);
if (x.pos == startStop) {
opSubIndex = 0;
} else {
void modeEllipse(Axis* main, Axis* aux) {
if (main->movingManually || aux->movingManually || turnPasses <= 0 ||
main->leftStop == LONG_MAX || main->rightStop == LONG_MIN ||
aux->leftStop == LONG_MAX || aux->rightStop == LONG_MIN ||
main->leftStop == main->rightStop ||
aux->leftStop == aux->rightStop ||
dupr == 0 || dupr != opDupr) {
// Start from left or right depending on the pitch.
long mainStartStop = opDuprSign > 0 ? main->rightStop : main->leftStop;
long mainEndStop = opDuprSign > 0 ? main->leftStop : main->rightStop;
long auxStartStop = aux->rightStop;
long auxEndStop = aux->leftStop;
main->speedMax = main->speedManualMove;
aux->speedMax = aux->speedManualMove;
if (opIndex == 0) {
opIndex = 1;
opSubIndex = 0;
spindlePos = 0;
spindlePosAvg = 0;
} else if (opIndex <= turnPasses) {
float pass0to1 = opIndex / float(turnPasses);
long mainDelta = round(pass0to1 * (mainEndStop - mainStartStop));
long auxDelta = round(pass0to1 * (auxEndStop - auxStartStop));
long spindleDelta = spindleFromPos(main, mainDelta);
// Move to starting position.
if (opSubIndex == 0) {
long auxPos = auxStartStop;
stepToFinal(aux, auxPos);
if (aux->pos == auxPos) {
opSubIndex = 1;
} else if (opSubIndex == 1) {
long mainPos = mainEndStop - mainDelta;
stepToFinal(main, mainPos);
if (main->pos == mainPos) {
opSubIndex = 2;
spindlePos = 0;
spindlePosAvg = 0;
} else if (opSubIndex == 2) {
float progress0to1 = 0;
if ((spindleDelta > 0 && spindlePosAvg >= spindleDelta) || (spindleDelta < 0 && spindlePosAvg <= spindleDelta)) {
progress0to1 = 1;
} else {
progress0to1 = spindlePosAvg / float(spindleDelta);
float mainCoeff = auxForward ? cos(HALF_PI * (3 + progress0to1)) : (1 + sin(HALF_PI * (progress0to1 - 1)));
long mainPos = mainEndStop - mainDelta + round(mainDelta * mainCoeff);
float auxCoeff = auxForward ? (1 + sin(HALF_PI * (3 + progress0to1))) : sin(HALF_PI * progress0to1);
long auxPos = auxStartStop + round(auxDelta * auxCoeff);
stepToContinuous(main, mainPos);
stepToContinuous(aux, auxPos);
if (progress0to1 == 1 && main->pos == mainPos && aux->pos == auxPos) {
opSubIndex = 0;
} else if (opIndex == turnPasses + 1) {
stepToFinal(aux, auxStartStop);
if (aux->pos == auxStartStop) {
long mmOrInchToAbsolutePos(Axis* a, float mmOrInch) {
long scaleToDu = measure == MEASURE_METRIC ? 10000 : 254000;
long part1 = a->gcodeRelativePos;
long part2 = round(mmOrInch * scaleToDu / a->screwPitch * a->motorSteps);
return part1 + part2;
String getValueString(const String& command, char letter) {
int index = command.indexOf(letter);
if (index == -1) {
return "";
String valueString;
for (int i = index + 1; i < command.length(); i++) {
char c = command.charAt(i);
if (isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-') {
valueString += c;
} else {
return valueString;
float getFloat(const String& command, char letter) {
return getValueString(command, letter).toFloat();
int getInt(const String& command, char letter) {
return getValueString(command, letter).toInt();
void updateAxisSpeeds(long diffX, long diffZ, long diffA1) {
if (diffX == 0 && diffZ == 0 && diffA1 == 0) return;
long absX = abs(diffX);
long absZ = abs(diffZ);
long absC = abs(diffA1);
float stepsPerSecX = gcodeFeedDuPerSec * x.motorSteps / x.screwPitch;
float minStepsPerSecX = GCODE_FEED_MIN_DU_SEC * x.motorSteps / x.screwPitch;
if (stepsPerSecX > x.speedManualMove) stepsPerSecX = x.speedManualMove;
else if (stepsPerSecX < minStepsPerSecX) stepsPerSecX = minStepsPerSecX;
float stepsPerSecZ = gcodeFeedDuPerSec * z.motorSteps / z.screwPitch;
float minStepsPerSecZ = GCODE_FEED_MIN_DU_SEC * z.motorSteps / z.screwPitch;
if (stepsPerSecZ > z.speedManualMove) stepsPerSecZ = z.speedManualMove;
else if (stepsPerSecZ < minStepsPerSecZ) stepsPerSecZ = minStepsPerSecZ;
float stepsPerSecA1 = gcodeFeedDuPerSec * a1.motorSteps / a1.screwPitch;
float minStepsPerSecA1 = GCODE_FEED_MIN_DU_SEC * a1.motorSteps / a1.screwPitch;
if (stepsPerSecA1 > a1.speedManualMove) stepsPerSecA1 = a1.speedManualMove;
else if (stepsPerSecA1 < minStepsPerSecA1) stepsPerSecA1 = minStepsPerSecA1;
float secX = absX / stepsPerSecX;
float secZ = absZ / stepsPerSecZ;
float secA1 = absC / stepsPerSecA1;
float sec = ACTIVE_A1 ? max(max(secX, secZ), secA1) : max(secX, secZ);
x.speedMax = sec > 0 ? absX / sec : x.speedManualMove;
z.speedMax = sec > 0 ? absZ / sec : z.speedManualMove;
a1.speedMax = sec > 0 ? absC / sec : a1.speedManualMove;
void setFeedRate(const String& command) {
float feed = getFloat(command, 'F');
if (feed <= 0) return;
gcodeFeedDuPerSec = round(feed * (measure == MEASURE_METRIC ? 10000 : 254000) / 60.0);
void gcodeWaitEpsilon(int epsilon) {
while (abs(x.pendingPos) > epsilon || abs(z.pendingPos) > epsilon || abs(a1.pendingPos) > epsilon || (SPINDLE_PAUSES_GCODE && getApproxRpm() < GCODE_MIN_RPM)) {
void gcodeWaitNear() {
void gcodeWaitStop() {
// Rapid positioning / linear interpolation.
void G00_01(const String& command) {
long xStart = x.pos;
long zStart = z.pos;
long a1Start = a1.pos;
long xEnd = command.indexOf( >= 0 ? mmOrInchToAbsolutePos(&x, getFloat(command, : xStart;
long zEnd = command.indexOf( >= 0 ? mmOrInchToAbsolutePos(&z, getFloat(command, : zStart;
long a1End = command.indexOf( >= 0 ? mmOrInchToAbsolutePos(&a1, getFloat(command, : a1Start;
long xDiff = xEnd - xStart;
long zDiff = zEnd - zStart;
long a1Diff = a1End - a1Start;
updateAxisSpeeds(xDiff, zDiff, a1Diff);
long chunks = round(max(max(abs(xDiff), abs(zDiff)), abs(a1Diff)) * LINEAR_INTERPOLATION_PRECISION);
for (long i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
if (!isOn) return;
float scale = i / float(chunks);
stepToContinuous(&x, xStart + xDiff * scale);
stepToContinuous(&z, zStart + zDiff * scale);
if (ACTIVE_A1) stepToContinuous(&a1, a1Start + a1Diff * scale);
// To avoid any rounding error, move to precise position.
stepToFinal(&x, xEnd);
stepToFinal(&z, zEnd);
if (ACTIVE_A1) stepToFinal(&a1, a1End);
bool handleGcode(const String& command) {
int op = getInt(command, 'G');
if (op == 0 || op == 1) { // 0 also covers X and Z commands without G.
} else if (op == 20 || op == 21) {
setMeasure(op == 20 ? MEASURE_INCH : MEASURE_METRIC);
} else if (op == 90 || op == 91) {
gcodeAbsolutePositioning = op == 90;
} else if (op == 94) {
/* no-op feed per minute */
} else if (op == 18) {
/* no-op ZX plane selection */
} else {
Serial.print("error: unsupported command ");
return false;
return true;
bool handleMcode(const String& command) {
int op = getInt(command, 'M');
if (op == 0 || op == 1 || op == 2 || op == 30) {
} else {
Serial.print("error: unsupported command ");
return false;
return true;
// Process one command, return ok flag.
bool handleGcodeCommand(String command) {
if (command.length() == 0) return false;
// Trim N.. prefix.
char code = command.charAt(0);
int spaceIndex = command.indexOf(' ');
if (code == 'N' && spaceIndex > 0) {
command = command.substring(spaceIndex + 1);
code = command.charAt(0);
// Update position for relative calculations right before performing them.
z.gcodeRelativePos = gcodeAbsolutePositioning ? -z.originPos : z.pos;
x.gcodeRelativePos = gcodeAbsolutePositioning ? -x.originPos : x.pos;
a1.gcodeRelativePos = gcodeAbsolutePositioning ? -a1.originPos : a1.pos;
switch (code) {
case 'G':
case NAME_Z:
case NAME_X:
case NAME_A1: return handleGcode(command);
case 'F': return true; /* feed already handled above */
case 'M': return handleMcode(command);
case 'T': return true; /* ignoring tool changes */
default: Serial.print("error: unsupported command "); Serial.println(code); return false;
return false;
void discountFullSpindleTurns() {
// When standing at the stop, ignore full spindle turns.
// This allows to avoid waiting when spindle direction reverses
// and reduces the chance of the skipped stepper steps since
// after a reverse the spindle starts slow.
if (dupr != 0 && !stepperIsRunning(&z) && (mode == MODE_NORMAL || mode == MODE_CONE)) {
int spindlePosDiff = 0;
if (z.pos == z.rightStop) {
long stopSpindlePos = spindleFromPos(&z, z.rightStop);
if (dupr > 0) {
if (spindlePos < stopSpindlePos - ENCODER_STEPS_INT) {
spindlePosDiff = ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
} else {
if (spindlePos > stopSpindlePos + ENCODER_STEPS_INT) {
spindlePosDiff = -ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
} else if (z.pos == z.leftStop) {
long stopSpindlePos = spindleFromPos(&z, z.leftStop);
if (dupr > 0) {
if (spindlePos > stopSpindlePos + ENCODER_STEPS_INT) {
spindlePosDiff = -ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
} else {
if (spindlePos < stopSpindlePos - ENCODER_STEPS_INT) {
spindlePosDiff = ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
if (spindlePosDiff != 0) {
spindlePos += spindlePosDiff;
spindlePosAvg += spindlePosDiff;
void processSpindleCounter() {
int16_t count;
pcnt_get_counter_value(PCNT_UNIT_0, &count);
int delta = count - spindleCount;
if (delta == 0) {
if (count >= PCNT_CLEAR || count <= -PCNT_CLEAR) {
spindleCount = 0;
} else {
spindleCount = count;
unsigned long microsNow = micros();
if (showTacho || mode == MODE_GCODE) {
if (spindleEncTimeIndex >= RPM_BULK) {
spindleEncTimeDiffBulk = microsNow - spindleEncTimeAtIndex0;
spindleEncTimeAtIndex0 = microsNow;
spindleEncTimeIndex = 0;
spindleEncTimeIndex += abs(delta);
} else {
spindleEncTimeDiffBulk = 0;
spindlePos += delta;
spindlePosGlobal += delta;
if (spindlePosGlobal > ENCODER_STEPS_INT) {
spindlePosGlobal -= ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
} else if (spindlePosGlobal < 0) {
spindlePosGlobal += ENCODER_STEPS_INT;
if (spindlePos > spindlePosAvg) {
spindlePosAvg = spindlePos;
} else if (spindlePos < spindlePosAvg - ENCODER_BACKLASH) {
spindlePosAvg = spindlePos + ENCODER_BACKLASH;
spindleEncTime = microsNow;
if (spindlePosSync != 0) {
spindlePosSync += delta;
if (spindlePosSync % ENCODER_STEPS_INT == 0) {
spindlePosSync = 0;
Axis* a = getPitchAxis();
spindlePosAvg = spindlePos = spindleFromPos(a, a->pos);
// Apply changes requested by the keyboard thread.
void applySettings() {
if (nextDuprFlag) {
nextDuprFlag = false;
if (nextStartsFlag) {
nextStartsFlag = false;
if (z.nextLeftStopFlag) {
z.nextLeftStopFlag = false;
if (z.nextRightStopFlag) {
z.nextRightStopFlag = false;
if (x.nextLeftStopFlag) {
x.nextLeftStopFlag = false;
if (x.nextRightStopFlag) {
x.nextRightStopFlag = false;
if (a1.nextLeftStopFlag) {
a1.nextLeftStopFlag = false;
if (a1.nextRightStopFlag) {
a1.nextRightStopFlag = false;
if (nextConeRatioFlag) {
nextConeRatioFlag = false;
if (nextIsOnFlag) {
nextIsOnFlag = false;
if (nextModeFlag) {
nextModeFlag = false;
void loop() {
if (emergencyStop != ESTOP_NONE) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(motionMutex, 1) != pdTRUE) {
if (!isOn || dupr == 0 || spindlePosSync != 0) {
// None of the modes work.
} else if (mode == MODE_NORMAL) {
} else if (mode == MODE_TURN) {
modeTurn(&z, &x);
} else if (mode == MODE_FACE) {
modeTurn(&x, &z);
} else if (mode == MODE_CUT) {
} else if (mode == MODE_CONE) {
} else if (mode == MODE_THREAD) {
modeTurn(&z, &x);
} else if (mode == MODE_ELLIPSE) {
modeEllipse(&z, &x);
if (ACTIVE_A1) moveAxis(&a1);
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