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Last active December 9, 2019 23:07
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MATLAB script for TREL's drift model: Made minor changes
% Program name : drift_sim.m
% Author : John Steinman, Kadhir Umasankar (RE)
% Last revised : 20191209
clc; clear; close all;
% DEFINE INTITIAL CONDITIONS ==================================
v_d = 314.286; % (m/s) terminal velocity of main chute
v_m = 7.62; % (m/s) terminal velocity of main chute
h_d = 10000; % (m) height of drogue deployment
h_m = 5000; % (m) height of main deployment
nsim = 2000; % number of simulations
dt = 1; % sec
% SIMULATE DRIFT ===================================================
drift = zeros(1, nsim);
x_lim = [0 0]; % storing the maximum extents of the graph in the x-axis
for i= 1:nsim
hold on
[x_d, y_d] = driftSim(h_d, h_m, 0, v_d, dt); % finding drift when just the drogue parachute is deployed
[x_m, y_m] = driftSim(h_m, 0, x_d(end), v_m, dt); % finding drift when the main parachute is deployed
drift(i) = x_m(end);
x = [x_d x_m]; y = [y_d y_m]; % concatenating drogue drift and main drift
x_lim = find_x_limits(x, x_lim); % using function to find xlim
p1 = plot(x,y,'b-', 'Linewidth', .3, 'HandleVisibility','off'); % HandleVisibility keeps it from showing up in the legend
p1.Color(4) = 0.1;
axis([x_lim(1) x_lim(2) 0 h_d+50])
xlabel('Drift (m)')
ylabel('Altitude (m)')
sigma = std(drift);
mean = mean(drift);
% plotting confidence intervals
line([-3*sigma+mean, 3*sigma+mean],[0,0],'Color','r','LineWidth',3)
line([-2*sigma+mean, 2*sigma+mean],[0,0],'Color','y','LineWidth',3)
line([-sigma+mean, sigma+mean],[0,0],'Color','g','LineWidth',3)
legend('99.7% confidence','95% confidence','68% confidence')
% FUNCTIONS =====================================================
function[x, y] = driftSim(h1, h2, x_0, v, dt)
%% Function Name: driftSim
% Purpose:
% Find random paths that the rocket can take during downward
% trajectory
% Assumptions:
% X-velocity of rocket goes to 0 when each parachute is
% deployed
% Y-velocity stays at terminal velocity throughout flight
% Inputs:
% h1: initial height
% h2: final height
% x_0: initial x-position
% v: vertical velocity
% dt: time differential
% Outputs:
% x: vector of x-values for this part of flight
% y: vector of y-values for this part of flight
m = 217.724; % (kg) weight of rocket
A_n = 8.2296 * 0.381; % (m^2) area of rocket normal to wind
vx = 0; % assuming the x-velocity ofrocket goes to 0 when each parachute is deployed
h = h1;
i = 1;
y(1) = h1; x(1) = x_0;
while(h > h2)
i = i + 1;
% Change in x pos
wind_v = 2*(60/10000*h)*rand-(60/10000*h); % uniform
% p = interp1(rho_alt, rho, h);
% interpolating adds computational cost
% accounting for changes in wind pressure with altitude
if (h >= 9000 && h <= 10000), p = 0.4671;
elseif (h >= 8000), p = 0.5258;
elseif (h >= 7000), p = 0.59;
elseif (h >= 6000), p = 0.6601;
elseif (h >= 5000), p = 0.7364;
elseif (h >= 4000), p = 0.8194;
elseif (h >= 3000), p = 0.9093;
elseif (h >= 1000), p = 1.112;
elseif (h >= 2000), p = 1.007;
elseif (h >= 0), p = 1.225;
% finding force due to wind, corresponding changes in
% horizontal velocity and horizontal displacement, and new
% x-velocity and x-position
F_w = 0.5 * p * wind_v*abs(wind_v) * A_n;
dvx = F_w/m * dt;
dx = vx*dt + 0.5*F_w/m*dt^2;
vx = vx + dvx; % find new velocity
x(i) = x(i-1) + dx;
% Change in altitude
dh = abs(v)*dt;
h = h - dh;
y(i) = h;
function x_lim = find_x_limits(x, x_lim)
%% Function Name: find_x_limits
% Purpose:
% To find the x limits of the graph. It was made into a function to declutter the code and keep it from detracting from the important part of the script
% Inputs:
% x: vector of x-values for that path
% x_lim: x-limits
% Outputs:
% x_lim: new x-limits
if min(x) < x_lim(1)
x_lim(1) = min(x);
if max(x) > x_lim(2)
x_lim(2) = max(x);
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