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Last active July 6, 2016 20:55
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Convert IBM Sametime log directory to .eml files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Take an IBM Sametime HTML log file, determine the date, and create
# an RFC-compliant email message from it, for importation into an MUA
# Usage: inputfile.html
# Where inputfile.html is a Sametime log located in a dated folder
# (See readme for more useful suggestions.)
# Written for Python 2.6
import sys
import os
import dateutil.parser
import time
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import xml.etree.ElementTree
# Program-wide variables
global debug
debug = False # Debug toggle
# Class definition
class Chatlog:
"""Chatlog class, for holding chat log and metadata during conversion."""
def __init__(self, filepath, logtype):
# Instance
self.filepath = filepath
self.logtype = logtype
def setHTML(self):
if (self.logtype == "html"):
infile = open(self.filepath,'r')
raise # raise exception if we can't read file
self.html =
# Then parse it using ElementTree
self.tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(self.html)
def setBuddyName(self):
# remote buddy's name should always be the grandparent folder
self.buddyname = self.filepath.split(os.sep)[-3]
def setMetatagdata(self):
# <meta name="sametime:lastActivityTime" content="20070112-131123 (-0500)"/>
# This is for Python 2.6
for element in self.tree.getiterator(tag="meta"):
if element.attrib['http-equiv'] == 'Content-Type':
self.contenttype = element.attrib['content']
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("HTTP Content-Type is: " + self.contenttype + "\n")
except KeyError:
pass # ignore KeyError
if element.attrib['name'] == "sametime:creationTime":
self.datetimestr = element.attrib['content']
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Creation time is " + self.datetimestr + "\n")
# This works as long as the time has seconds...
#self.isotime = self.datetimestr[:4] + '-' + self.datetimestr[4:6] + '-' + self.datetimestr[6:8] + 'T' + self.datetimestr[9:11] + ':' + self.datetimestr[11:13] + ':' + self.datetimestr[13:15] + self.datetimestr[17:20] + ':' + self.datetimestr[20:22]
#if debug:
# sys.stdout.write("ISO format datetime is: " + self.isotime + "\n")
self.datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(self.datetimestr, fuzzy=True)
self.isotime = self.datetime.isoformat()
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Pretty date is: " + self.datetime.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") + "\n")
except KeyError:
pass # ignore KeyError
if element.attrib['name'] == 'sametime:username':
self.username = element.attrib['content']
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Sametime username is " + self.username + "\n")
except KeyError:
pass # ignore KeyError
# Processing work
def main():
# First argument is the input file
infilename = sys.argv[1]
# Make sure infilename at least ends in .html before processing it
if infilename[-4:] != "html":
if debug:
sys.stderr.write("Input filename does not end with html\n")
return(1) #exit with error
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Input filename: " + infilename + "\n")
# Then get the path
filepath = os.path.abspath(infilename) #filepath is a string
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Input path is: " + str(filepath) + "\n")
sys.stdout.write("Directory path separator char is: " + str(os.sep) + "\n")
# instantiate Chatlog object
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Instantiating chatlog object...\n")
chatlog = Chatlog(filepath, "html")
# read file contents into memory
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Reading file contents...\n")
# get the remote buddy's name from the path
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Determining buddy name from path...\n")
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Buddy name is: " + str(chatlog.buddyname) + "\n")
# Parse the HTML and set other metadata values
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Set meta tag values from HTML...\n")
# create message object for the output
msg_base = MIMEMultipart('mixed')
# set message headers
msg_base['Subject'] = "Sametime with " + chatlog.buddyname
msg_base['Date'] = chatlog.datetime.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
msg_base['From'] = chatlog.buddyname # TODO: set this to the chat originator
msg_base['To'] = chatlog.username # TODO: set this to username unless username == originator, in which case buddyname
#msg_base['X-Original-Filename'] = infilename
msg_base['X-Converted-On'] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") #timezones are hard...
if debug:
print "-- Headers after parsing first line are..."
for key, value in msg_base.items():
print key + ": " + value
# create message content
encoding = chatlog.contenttype.split(';')[1].split('=')[1] # get encoding (probably UTF-8) from HTML content-type header
content = MIMEText(chatlog.html, 'html', encoding)
# Second arg, if present, is the output file
outfilename = sys.argv[2]
except IndexError:
# default output is to cwd with same basename but .eml instead of .html
outfilename = os.getcwd() + os.sep + chatlog.buddyname + ' (' + chatlog.datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M") + ').eml'
if debug:
sys.stdout.write("Output file is: " + outfilename + "\n")
fo = open(outfilename, 'w')
fo.write( msg_base.as_string() )
return 0
# If run as standalone, execute main loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit( main() ) # program return value is main()'s return value

Usage Notes

This is meant to be run against the Sametime logs folder using a shell script.

Sample Script

find /path/to/SametimeLogs -name '*.html' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 python


Be sure to run: find /path/to/Sametime -name '*.html' | xargs ls first, to see what files you are going to end up operating on.

If files have been stored on a Mac, you may need to remove AppleDouble directories or you'll have a lot of spurious files. One way is by something like find . -name ".AppleDouble" -exec rm -Rf {} \; although there are many other methods.

TODO Items

  • Doesn't write an RFC compliant 'Message-ID' header like it should, which would be good to have for duplicate filtering. Code exists in the Adium conversion script that could be pasted in.
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