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/* Big File Splitter v0.1
Kadir Korkmaz
$fileStr = file_get_contents('sitemap.xml');
$past = 0;
$PIN = '</url>';//ENTER sitemap repetitive item element closing tag
$PINlen = mb_strlen( $PIN );
$partSize = 2*1024*1024;//BYTES, 20MB
$len = mb_strlen($fileStr) / $partSize;
echo 'Total File: ' . floor($len);
echo '<br>';
echo 'Each File Size: ' . $partSize;
echo '<br>';
echo 'Each File Size(MB): ' . $partSize/(1024*1024);
for($i=1; $i < $len; $i++){
$splitpos = mb_strpos($fileStr, $PIN, $i*$partSize);
if( $i == floor($len) ){//if last part
$part = mb_substr($fileStr, $past + $PINlen );
if($i != 1){ $marginS = $PINlen; $marginE = 0; }else{ $marginS = 0; $marginE = $PINlen; }//first part without margin
$part = mb_substr($fileStr, $past + $marginS, $splitpos - $past + $marginE);
$past = $splitpos;//get previous last as current start offset
$part = str_replace('&nbsp;',' ', $part);
$start = '<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--><urlset xmlns="" xmlns:image="">';
$end = '</urlset>';
if( $i == 1 ){ $start = ''; }
if( $i==floor($len) ){ $end = ''; }
file_put_contents('sitemap'. $i .'.xml', $start. $part. $end );
$sitemapsItem .='<sitemap> <loc>'.$i.'.xml</loc><lastmod>2018-11-01T18:23:17+00:00</lastmod> </sitemap>';
$sitemaps = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
'. $sitemapsItem .'
file_put_contents('sitemapindex.xml', $sitemaps);
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