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Last active September 19, 2023 20:28
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Download, load and plot Google Buildings data in R
## Morocco buildings (1.21 GB)
url = ""
df = fread(url, nThread = 4, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
df = st_as_sf(df, crs = "EPSG:4326", wkt = "geometry") # convert to spatial object
write_sf(df, "morocco.gpkg") # save as geopackage
## select one city by extent
long_range = c(-10.08, -10.04)
lat_range = c(28.97, 29.01)
idx = df$longitude %between% long_range & df$latitude %between% lat_range
idx = which(idx) # 35395 buildings
## interactive map
leaflet(df[idx, ]) |>
addPolygons(smoothFactor = 0, weight = 2, color = "black") |>
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