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Last active January 1, 2016 06:29
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* Hook early and perform wintery-type actions
* @param Gdn_Dispatcher $sender
* @return void
public function Gdn_Dispatcher_AppStartup_Handler($sender) {
// Don't do anything if its not Winter Time
if (!$this->enabled) return;
// Don't work with incomplete data
if (!$this->loungeParentID || !$this->loungeStorageID) return;
// Don't mess with Embed
if (preg_match('`discussion/embed/?`', Gdn::request()->path())) return;
// Has the lounge been opened this year?
$loungeOpen = (C('Plugins.Winter.LoungeOpen', false) == date('Y'));
// Only administrators can trigger lounge management events
if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
// Find the lounge on the boards
$lounge = CategoryModel::categories($this->loungeID);
switch ($this->loungeEnabled) {
case true:
if (!$loungeOpen) {
// Open it
$categoryModel = new CategoryModel();
// Defense against deleted lounge
if (!$lounge) {
saveToConfig('Plugins.Winter.LoungeID', null);
saveToConfig('Plugins.Winter.LoungeOpen', false);
$this->loungeID = null;
// Create lounge (it was deleted by a fuckwit, apparently)
if (!$lounge) {
$permissionModel = new PermissionModel();
// Get default role
$defaultRoles = C('Garden.Registration.DefaultRoles');
$defaultMemberRoleID = val(0, $defaultRoles);
// Lounge Wrapper
$loungeWrapperID = $categoryModel->save(array(
'Name' => T('Christmas'),
'ParentCategoryID' => $this->loungeStorageID,
'UrlCode' => 'christmas',
'CssClass' => 'Christmas',
'CustomPermissions' => 1,
'AllowDiscussions' => 0
// Give it no permissions by default
'RoleID' => $defaultMemberRoleID,
'JunctionTable' => 'Category',
'JunctionColumn' => 'PermissionCategoryID',
'JunctionID' => $loungeWrapperID
// Create Lounge Category in storage
$loungeID = $categoryModel->save(array(
'Name' => T('The Christmas Hangout'),
'ParentCategoryID' => $loungeWrapperID,
'UrlCode' => 'the-christmas-hangout',
'CssClass' => 'ChristmasHangout',
'AllowDiscussions' => 1
// Give it sparse permissions by default
'RoleID' => $defaultMemberRoleID,
'JunctionTable' => 'Category',
'JunctionColumn' => 'PermissionCategoryID',
'JunctionID' => $loungeID
// We manage the permissions of the wrapper, not the actual lounge
saveToConfig('Plugins.Winter.LoungeID', $loungeWrapperID);
$this->loungeID = $loungeWrapperID;
CategoryModel::$Categories = null;
$lounge = CategoryModel::categories($this->loungeID);
// Move lounge to parent
$lounge['ParentCategoryID'] = $this->loungeParentID;
$loungeUpdate = array_intersect_key($lounge, array_fill_keys(array(
'CategoryID', 'ParentCategoryID', 'UrlCode'
), true));
$id = $categoryModel->save($loungeUpdate);
// If the move was successful, consider the lounge open
if ($id) {
saveToConfig('Plugins.Winter.LoungeOpen', date('Y'));
$loungeOpen = true;
case null:
case false:
if ($loungeOpen) {
// Close it
$categoryModel = new CategoryModel();
// Move lounge to storage
$lounge['ParentCategoryID'] = $this->loungeStorageID;
$loungeUpdate = array_intersect_key($lounge, array_fill_keys(array(
'CategoryID', 'ParentCategoryID', 'UrlCode'
), true));
$id = $categoryModel->save($loungeUpdate);
// If the move was successful, consider the lounge closed
if ($id) {
saveToConfig('Plugins.Winter.LoungeOpen', false);
$loungeOpen = false;
// Lounge not enabled? No custom permissions needed
if (!$this->loungeEnabled || !$loungeOpen) return;
// Turn on the lounge for regulars
$preserveCategories = array(5,86,87,39,77,16,97,79,82,21,88,90,23,3);
// Let all people see the lounge
$permissionSections = array(
// Let logged-in people add comments and threads as well
if (Gdn::session()->isValid()) {
$permissionSections = array_merge($permissionSections, array(
// Do we strip out non-preserved categories for this person?
$strip = !Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage');
foreach ($permissionSections as $permission) {
$sectionPermissions = val($permission, Gdn::session()->getPermissions());
if ($strip)
$sectionPermissions = array_intersect($sectionPermissions, $preserveCategories);
$sectionPermissions[] = $this->loungeID;
Gdn::session()->setPermission($permission, $sectionPermissions);
// Ensure view access to these categories
if ($strip) {
$view = array(5);
$viewPermissions = val('Vanilla.Discussions.View', Gdn::session()->getPermissions());
foreach ($view as $viewcat) {
if (!in_array($viewcat, $viewPermissions))
$viewPermissions[] = $viewcat;
Gdn::session()->setPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.View', $viewPermissions);
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