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Last active September 9, 2022 13:43
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Python script to install all conda environments on a system as ipython kernels, making the conda envs available to Jupyter
#!/path/to/miniconda3/bin python3
A commandline tool to install all available conda environments as ipython kernels
- Checks for which conda envs and ipython kernels are available
- Installs the conda envs not yet installed as ipython kernels (including ipykernel if missing)
- Uninstalls ipython kernels which no longer have a corresponding conda env
import jupyter_client
import subprocess
def get_output(cmd):
return bytes(subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)).decode("utf-8").split("\n")
def run_cmd(cmd, **kwargs):
return, shell=True, **kwargs)
kernels = list(jupyter_client.kernelspec.KernelSpecManager().find_kernel_specs().keys())
envs = [s.split(" ")[0] for s in get_output('conda env list')][2:-2]
keep = ['python3']
install = list(set(envs) - set(kernels))
uninstall = list(set(kernels) - set(envs) - set(keep))
install_ipykernel = []
print(f"Conda envs installed:\n{list(set(kernels)-set(keep))}")
print(f"Conda envs not installed:\n{install}")
print(f"Conda envs to uninstall:\n{uninstall}\n\n---")
# Find which conda envs don't have ipykernel installed
for env in install:
no_ipykernel = get_output(f'conda list -n {env} ipykernel')[3]==""
if no_ipykernel:
# Install ipykernel in the conda envs which are missing it
for env in install_ipykernel:
run_cmd(f"conda install -n {env} ipykernel -y -q", capture_output=True)
print("installed ipykernel")
# Install conda envs as ipython kernels
for env in install:
run_cmd(f"source activate {env}")
run_cmd(f"ipython kernel install --name {env}")
run_cmd(f"source deactivate", capture_output=True)
# Uninstall ipython kernels with no linked conda env
for env in uninstall:
run_cmd(f"jupyter kernelspec uninstall {env} -y")
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