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Last active December 14, 2015 22:48
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Why Compass?

TL;DR: I definitevely don't have anything against Bourbon, and we can actually use it with Compass (Bourbon for most CSS3 and Compass for utilities, spriting, compilation & other functions). But not using Compass is missing a big advantage Sass has over LESS.

First, why NOT Compass

  • Doesn't work with libsass (yet — I read they plan on supporting libsass, probably later this year)
  • needs Ruby (for now), and installs the chunky_png gem
  • Slow compilation (because parsing image sizes, assembling sprites… actually takes time)

Cases where Compass would be useful for us:

  • CSS3 Mixins of course
  • when specifying a path to an image, Compass has a image-url() helper, looking for the image and if it doesn't exist, raises an error. Extremely useful when cleaning the image directory — no risk of deleting an image that is used by a component. Same for fonts with font-url().
  • spriting: Compass makes it dead simple: — awesome for performance and maintainability
  • paths to images in production stylesheets: when compiling, Compass can distribute URLs to images with the asset_host configuration. For example, where %d can vary between 1 and 4. Handy to paralelize downloads — good for performance on desktop websites.
  • asset_cache_buster: if the image has changed, appends a timestamp ?1268738484 to images. Can even be tweaked to be image.1298698634.png instead of image.png?120798374.
  • Mobile dev: inline-image(path/to/image.png) Embeds the contents of an image directly inside your stylesheet, eliminating the need for another HTTP request. Same with font files.
  • the add_import_path config option enables us to add Sass files from multiple sources, very handy for a modular architecture

Nice to have:

  • image-height(path/to/image.png) and image-width(path/to/image.png): If dimensions of an image change, the CSS is updated automatically with the new dimensions. Not mandatory right now but it's good when exploring theming, and a must-have on an internationalized platform (images can change depending on the language — Compass deals with it seamlessly)
  • CSS3 mixins are far better than in Bourbon, especially for advanced gradients, transforms and animations.
  • compass stats: returns a table of statistics about the CSS codebase (Sass size & compiled size, number of selectors, properties…). Very handy to track the evolution of a codebase and make sure it doesn't get out of control through a particular badly written commit. Example:

Good things about it

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Can’t forget the rich plugin ecosystem. Compass is way more than what you get out of the box.

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