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// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
/// @group o-grid
/// @link
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Responsive behaviour configuration
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Silent mode
/// @type Bool
/// @link "Silent" styles in Origami's documentation
$o-grid-is-silent: true !default;
/// Grid mode
/// - fluid: full width up to the largest layout's width
/// - snappy: fluid width until the layout defined in $o-grid-start-snappy-mode-at (default: M),
/// and then snaps into a larger fixed layout at each breakpoint
/// - fixed: always fixed-width with the layout defined by $o-grid-fixed-layout (default: L)
/// @type String - one of fluid (default), snappy, fixed
$o-grid-mode: 'fluid' !default;
/// Layout to default to when the grid has a fixed width (not fluid)
/// @type String - One of $o-grid-layouts
$o-grid-fixed-layout: 'L' !default;
/// When the grid start snapping between fixed-width layouts
/// in the case where a row has the `o-grid-row--snappy` class
/// @type String
$o-grid-start-snappy-mode-at: 'M' !default;
/// Show the currently active breakpoint and output loaded settings
/// @link
/// @type Bool
$o-grid-debug-mode: false !default;
/// Output IE 8-specific rules?
/// - false: no IE8 support at all
/// - 'only': serve code compatible with IE8 only
/// - 'inline' (default): serve IE8 specific code alongside modern browsers code
/// @type Bool | String
$o-grid-ie8-rules: 'inline' !default;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Grid settings and dimensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Number of columns
/// @type Number (unitless)
$o-grid-columns: 12 !default;
/// Minimum width, in pixels
/// @type Number
$o-grid-min-width: 240px !default;
/// Layouts
/// Each layout is calculated following a specific column width,
/// in order to base breakpoints on the structure of the grid itself
/// @type Map
$o-grid-layouts: (
S: 490px, // column-width: 30px, inner width: 470px
M: 740px, // column-width: 40px, inner width: 700px
L: 980px, // column-width: 60px, inner width: 940px
XL: 1220px, // column-width: 80px, inner width: 1180px
) !default;
/// Layout names
/// @access private
/// @type List
$_o-grid-layout-names: map-keys($o-grid-layouts);
/// Gutter sizes
/// @type Map
$o-grid-gutters: (
default: 10px,
M: 20px,
) !default;
// If layouts have changed but gutters haven't,
// prune non-existant layouts.
@each $layout-name, $gutter-size in $o-grid-gutters {
@if ($layout-name != 'default') and (not map-has-key($o-grid-layouts, $layout-name)) {
$o-grid-gutters: map-remove($o-grid-gutters, $layout-name);
/// Maximum grid width
/// Defaults to the largest layout width
/// @access private
/// @type Number
$_o-grid-max-width: map-get($o-grid-layouts, nth($_o-grid-layout-names, -1));
// When snappy mode is enabled, force $_o-grid-max-width to the largest layout width
// instead of the default $_o-grid-max-width
@if $o-grid-mode == 'snappy' {
$_o-grid-max-width: map-get($o-grid-layouts, nth($_o-grid-layout-names, -1)) !global;
/// Current scope
/// @access private
/// @type String
$_o-grid-scope: 'global';
@import 'mq';
/// @group o-grid
/// @link
/// Add a layout
/// @example scss
/// @include oGridAddLayout($layout-name: P, $layout-width: 600px);
/// @include oGridAddLayout($layout-name: XXL, $layout-width: 1600px, $gutter-width: 30px);
/// @param {String} $layout-name - Name of the layout (e.g. S)
/// @param {Number} $layout-width - Layout width in px
/// @param {Number} $gutter-width [null] - Gutter width in px
@mixin oGridAddLayout($layout-name, $layout-width, $gutter-width: null) {
$temp-layouts: ();
$temp-gutters: (default: #{oGridGutter()});
// Add the new layout in the correct position:
// (we want $o-grid-layouts and $o-grid-gutters to be ordered from the smallest to the largest layout)
@for $index from 1 through length($o-grid-layouts) {
$previous-layout-width: if($index == 1, 0, map-get($o-grid-layouts, nth($_o-grid-layout-names, $index - 1)));
$current-layout-name: nth($_o-grid-layout-names, $index);
$current-layout-width: map-get($o-grid-layouts, $current-layout-name);
$current-gutter-width: map-get($o-grid-gutters, $current-layout-name);
@if not ($previous-layout-width > $layout-width or $current-layout-width < $layout-width) {
$temp-layouts: map-merge($temp-layouts, ($layout-name: $layout-width));
$temp-gutters: map-merge($temp-gutters, ($layout-name: $gutter-width));
$temp-layouts: map-merge($temp-layouts, ($current-layout-name: $current-layout-width));
@if $current-gutter-width {
$temp-gutters: map-merge($temp-gutters, ($current-layout-name: $current-gutter-width));
$o-grid-layouts: $temp-layouts !global;
$_o-grid-layout-names: map-keys($o-grid-layouts) !global;
@if $gutter-width {
$o-grid-gutters: $temp-gutters !global;
$_o-grid-max-width: map-get($o-grid-layouts, nth($_o-grid-layout-names, -1)) !global;
/// Get the gutter of a layout
/// @param {String|null|Boolean} $layout-name - One of $o-grid-layouts
@function oGridGutter($layout-name: default) {
// This layout was assigned a gutter directly
@if map-get($o-grid-gutters, $layout-name) {
@return map-get($o-grid-gutters, $layout-name);
// Checking the position of the layout in the list of layouts
$layout-index: index($_o-grid-layout-names, $layout-name);
// The first layout (S) should get the default gutter
@if $layout-index == 1 {
@return oGridGutter();
// No gutter found for this layout, let's try again with a smaller one
$layout: nth($_o-grid-layout-names, $layout-index - 1);
@return oGridGutter($layout);
/// Get the max width of a layout
/// @example
/// .my-large-container { width: oGridGetMaxWidthForLayout(L); }
/// @param {String} $layout-name - one of $o-grid-layouts
/// @param {String} $grid-mode [$o-grid-mode]
@function oGridGetMaxWidthForLayout($layout-name, $grid-mode: $o-grid-mode) {
$grid-is-responsive: $grid-mode != 'fixed';
$index: index($_o-grid-layout-names, $layout-name);
// Largest layout: return its width directly
@if $index == length($_o-grid-layout-names) {
@return $_o-grid-max-width;
// Smaller layouts:
@if $grid-is-responsive {
// - The grid is responsive (fluid or snappy):
// return the next larger layout width
$next-layout: nth($_o-grid-layout-names, $index + 1);
@return map-get($o-grid-layouts, $next-layout);
} @else {
// - The grid is fixed, return the current layout width
@return map-get($o-grid-layouts, $layout-name);
/// % width of an element in the grid
/// @example
/// .one-half { width: oGridColspan(1/2); } // 50%
/// .other-half { width: oGridColspan(one-half); } // 50%
/// .sidebar { width: oGridColspan(5); } // 41.66667%
/// .two-thirds { width: oGridColspan(2/3); } // 66.66667%
/// .4-out-of-6 { width: oGridColspan(4, 6); } // 66.66667%
/// @param {Number | String} $span - Number of columns the element spans over
/// @param {Number} $total-cols [$o-grid-columns] - Number of columns in the grid
/// @returns {Number} width of the element in the grid, in percents
@function oGridColspan($span, $total-cols: $o-grid-columns) {
// Match the HTML helper API with human-friendly numbers
@if $span == 'one-half' { $span: 1/2; }
@if $span == 'one-quarter' { $span: 1/4; }
@if $span == 'one-third' { $span: 1/3; }
@if $span == 'two-thirds' { $span: 2/3; }
@if $span == 'three-quarters' { $span: 3/4; }
@if $span == 'full-width' {
@return 100%;
} @else {
@if $span >= 1 {
// A number of columns is supplied: converting it into a fraction
// of the total number of columns
@return percentage($span / $total-cols);
} @else {
// A fraction (1/2) or a number (0.5) is supplied:
// converting it into a percentage
@return percentage($span);
/// Apply styles at a given layout size
/// Wrapper for the Sass MQ mq() mixin
/// @link Sass MQ documentation
/// @example
/// // Turn the color of an element red at medium layout size and up
/// @include oGridRespondTo(M) {
/// element {
/// color: red;
/// }
/// }
/// // Turn the color of an element blue until medium layout
/// element {
/// @include oGridRespondTo($until: M) {
/// color: blue;
/// }
/// }
/// // Turn the color of an element green from small layout until medium layout
/// element {
/// @include oGridRespondTo($from: S, $until: M) {
/// color: green;
/// }
/// }
/// @param {String} from - one of $o-grid-layouts
/// @param {String} until - one of $o-grid-layouts
@mixin oGridRespondTo($from: false, $until: false) {
$grid-is-responsive: $o-grid-mode != 'fixed';
$original-scope: $_o-grid-scope;
$_o-grid-scope: 'respondTo' !global;
@include mq(
$from: $from,
$until: $until,
$responsive: $grid-is-responsive,
$breakpoints: $o-grid-layouts,
$static-breakpoint: $o-grid-fixed-layout
) {
// Restore previously set scope
$_o-grid-scope: $original-scope !global;
/// Target styles at Internet Explorer 8 only
@mixin oGridTargetIE8 {
// Users may target styles at IE8, but only in the global scope,
// but it shouldn't output any code inside of a oGridRespondTo call
@if 'global' == $_o-grid-scope {
@if 'inline' == $o-grid-ie8-rules {
@media \0screen {
@if 'only' == $o-grid-ie8-rules {
/// Target styles at modern browsers that support @media queries properly
@mixin oGridTargetModernBrowsers {
/// Output code as-is if called inside of a media query,
/// since it will target modern browsers already
@if $_o-grid-scope == 'respondTo' {
} @else {
@if not ('only' == $o-grid-ie8-rules) {
@media only screen {
/// Human friendly names for portions and centering:
/// - hide
/// - full-width
/// - one-half
/// - one-third
/// - two-thirds
/// - one-quarter
/// - three-quarters
/// - center
/// - uncenter
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $layout-name [null]
@mixin _oGridHumanFriendlyKeywords($layout-name: null) {
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}0"] {
display: none;
// Center and un-center
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}center"] {
@include oGridCenter;
// Since writing [data-o-grid-colspan~="uncenter"] wouldn't make much sense
// we only allow "uncenter" combined with a layout (e.g. XLuncenter)
@if $layout-name != null {
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}uncenter"] {
@include oGridUncenter;
// Portions
@each $human-friendly-name in (full-width, one-half, one-third, two-thirds, one-quarter, three-quarters) {
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}#{$human-friendly-name}"] {
// scss-lint:disable DeclarationOrder
// Restore visibility from `display: none`
// if `data-o-grid-colspan` was set to `0` or `hide`
display: block;
// Define width in %
@include _oGridFixSafariWrap($human-friendly-name);
min-width: oGridColspan($human-friendly-name);
max-width: oGridColspan($human-friendly-name);
width: oGridColspan($human-friendly-name);
/// Shuffle columns around using pull, push and offset
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $layout-name [null]
@mixin _oGridShuffleColumns($layout-name: null) {
@for $colspan from 0 through ($o-grid-columns - 1) {
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}push#{$colspan}"] {
@include oGridPush($colspan);
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}pull#{$colspan}"] {
@include oGridPull($colspan);
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}offset#{$colspan}"] {
@include oGridOffset($colspan);
/// Base column styles and responsive layout width
/// @example scss Block has column styles
/// el { @include oGridColspan(); }
/// @example scss 4-column wide block
/// el { @include oGridColspan(4); }
/// @example scss Half-width block
/// el { @include oGridColspan(1/2); }
/// @example scss Block is full-width by default, 8-column wide on Medium layouts and hidden on Large layouts
/// el { @include oGridColspan((default: 12, M: 8, L: hide)); }
/// @param {Number | Map} $span [null]
@mixin oGridColspan($span: null, $width-only: false) {
@if not $width-only {
position: relative; // Required for push and pull
float: left;
box-sizing: border-box;
flex: 1 1 0%;
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
// scss-lint:disable ImportantRule
min-width: 0 !important;
@if $o-grid-mode == 'fixed' {
padding-left: oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
} @else {
@each $layout-name in map-keys($o-grid-gutters) {
@if $layout-name == 'default' {
padding-left: oGridGutter();
} @else {
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
padding-left: oGridGutter($layout-name);
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
// Output grid modifiers for the fixed layout displayed by IE8
padding-left: oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
@if $span {
@include _oGridColumnWidth($span);
/// Cross browser column widths across layouts
/// @example scss
/// el { @include _oGridColumnWidth(4); }
/// el { @include _oGridColumnWidth(1/2); }
/// el { @include _oGridColumnWidth(hide); }
/// el { @include _oGridColumnWidth((default: 12, M: 8, L: hide)); }
/// @param {Number | Map} $span
@mixin _oGridColumnWidth($span) {
// Special case: the column is hidden by default
@if $span == 'hide' {
display: none;
} @else {
// $span is a number or a keyword, so we're outputting the default width for that column
@if type-of($span) == number or type-of($span) == string {
// scss-lint:disable DeclarationOrder
// Restore visibility from `display: none`
// if `data-o-grid-colspan` was set to `0` or `hide`
display: block;
// Define width in %
@include _oGridFixSafariWrap($span);
min-width: oGridColspan($span);
max-width: oGridColspan($span);
// For IE8
width: oGridColspan($span);
// $span is a map, we're looping through all of the layouts
@if type-of($span) == map {
@each $layout-name, $layout-span in $span {
@if $layout-name == 'default' {
@include _oGridColumnWidth($layout-span);
} @else {
@if $layout-span == 'hide' {
// Target IE8 only if the layout is smaller than the maximum width of the fixed layout
@if index($_o-grid-layout-names, $layout-name) <= index($_o-grid-layout-names, $o-grid-fixed-layout) {
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
display: none;
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
display: none;
} @else {
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
// scss-lint:disable DeclarationOrder
// Restore visibility from `display: none`
// if `data-o-grid-colspan` was set to `0` or `hide`
display: block;
// Define width in %
@include _oGridFixSafariWrap($layout-span);
min-width: oGridColspan($layout-span);
max-width: oGridColspan($layout-span);
// Target IE8 only if the layout is smaller than the maximum width of the fixed layout
@if index($_o-grid-layout-names, $layout-name) <= index($_o-grid-layout-names, $o-grid-fixed-layout) {
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
display: block;
width: oGridColspan($layout-span);
/// Grid container
/// @param {String} $grid-mode [$o-grid-mode]
@mixin oGridContainer($grid-mode: $o-grid-mode) {
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
min-width: $o-grid-min-width;
// Older browsers get a fixed-width layout
max-width: oGridGetMaxWidthForLayout($o-grid-fixed-layout);
@if $grid-mode == 'fixed' {
// If the grid isn't fluid, we set it to a certain width
width: oGridGetMaxWidthForLayout($o-grid-fixed-layout, $grid-mode: 'fixed');
padding-left: oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
padding-right: oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
} @else {
max-width: $_o-grid-max-width;
@each $layout-name in map-keys($o-grid-gutters) {
@if $layout-name == 'default' {
padding-left: oGridGutter();
padding-right: oGridGutter();
} @else {
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
padding-left: oGridGutter($layout-name);
padding-right: oGridGutter($layout-name);
@each $layout-name in $_o-grid-layout-names {
@if index($_o-grid-layout-names, $layout-name) >= index($_o-grid-layout-names, $o-grid-start-snappy-mode-at) {
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
// If the grid mode is snappy, all rows should be snappy
@if $grid-mode == 'snappy' {
max-width: map-get($o-grid-layouts, $layout-name);
@if $grid-mode == 'fluid' {
// If the grid mode is fluid, then use a class to make a row or a set of rows snappy
.o-grid-snappy &,
&--snappy {
max-width: map-get($o-grid-layouts, $layout-name);
// Serve a fixed-width layout to IE8
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
padding-left: oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
padding-right: oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
width: oGridGetMaxWidthForLayout($o-grid-fixed-layout, $grid-mode: 'fixed');
/// Base row styles
/// @param {String} $grid-mode [$o-grid-mode]
@mixin oGridRow {
clear: both;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap; // Note that this breaks in old Firefox
@if $o-grid-mode == 'fixed' {
margin-left: -1 * oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
} @else {
@each $layout-name in map-keys($o-grid-gutters) {
@if $layout-name == 'default' {
margin-left: -1 * oGridGutter();
} @else {
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
margin-left: -1 * oGridGutter($layout-name);
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
margin-left: -1 * oGridGutter($o-grid-fixed-layout);
// Clearfix for IE9 and below
zoom: 1;
&:after {
// scss-lint:disable DuplicateProperty
content: ' ';
display: none;
display: table\9; // Show only to IE<=9
&:after {
clear: both;
/// Remove gutters from columns in a row
/// @param {string} column child selector
@mixin oGridRowCompact($column-selector: "[o-grid-colspan]") {
margin-left: 0;
> #{unquote($column-selector)} {
padding-left: 0;
/// Remove row styles
@mixin oGridResetRow {
clear: none;
display: block;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
margin-left: 0;
&:after {
display: none;
/// Center column
@mixin oGridCenter {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
float: none;
/// Uncenter column
@mixin oGridUncenter {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
float: left;
/// Remove column styles
@mixin oGridResetColumn {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
float: none;
width: auto;
min-width: 0;
max-width: none;
flex: none;
/// Reorder visually: pull
/// @param {Number} $columns
@mixin oGridPull($columns) {
right: oGridColspan($columns);
left: auto;
/// Reorder visually: push
/// @param {Number} $columns
@mixin oGridPush($columns) {
left: oGridColspan($columns);
right: auto;
/// Offset: add space before a column
/// @param {Number} $columns
@mixin oGridOffset($columns) {
margin-left: oGridColspan($columns);
/// Width and gutter removal modifiers for a given layout.
/// @output
/// [data-o-grid-colspan~="S1"] { width: %; }
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $layout-name - One of $o-grid-layouts
@mixin _oGridModifiersForLayout($layout-name) {
@include _oGridHumanFriendlyKeywords($layout-name);
@include _oGridShuffleColumns($layout-name);
@for $colspan from 1 through $o-grid-columns {
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$layout-name}#{$colspan}"] {
// scss-lint:disable DeclarationOrder
// Restore visibility from `display: none`
// if `data-o-grid-colspan` was set to `0` or `hide`
display: block;
// Apply width in %
@include _oGridFixSafariWrap($colspan);
min-width: oGridColspan($colspan);
max-width: oGridColspan($colspan);
width: oGridColspan($colspan);
/// Fix a bug in Safari where items wouldn't wrap properly
/// @link
@mixin _oGridFixSafariWrap($args...) {
flex-basis: oGridColspan($args...);
/// Generate the grid with helper classes for:
/// - older browsers (no columns, @media query support)
/// - IE 8 (fixed layout, with columns)
/// - modern browsers (fluid layout, with columns)
@mixin oGridGenerate {
// Basic layout styles
.o-grid-container {
@include oGridContainer($o-grid-mode);
.o-grid-row {
@include oGridRow;
[data-o-grid-colspan] {
@include oGridColspan();
@for $colspan from 1 through $o-grid-columns {
[data-o-grid-colspan~="#{$colspan}"] {
@include oGridColspan($colspan, $width-only: true);
// Compact, gutterless row of columns
.o-grid-row--compact {
margin-left: 0;
> [data-o-grid-colspan] {
padding-left: 0;
// one-half, one-third, three-quarters, center, uncenter…
@include _oGridHumanFriendlyKeywords;
// pull, push, offset
@include _oGridShuffleColumns;
// For IE 8, output grid helper classes and data- attributes
// for the layout defined in $o-grid-fixed-layout
@include oGridTargetIE8 {
// Output grid modifiers for layouts up to the fixed layout displayed by IE8
$last-layout-index: index($_o-grid-layout-names, $o-grid-fixed-layout);
@for $index from 1 through $last-layout-index {
@include _oGridModifiersForLayout(nth($_o-grid-layout-names, $index));
// In browsers that support @media queries,
// output grid helper classes and data- attributes for all layouts
@each $layout-name in $_o-grid-layout-names {
@include oGridRespondTo($layout-name) {
@include _oGridModifiersForLayout($layout-name);
/// Output debug information about the currently loaded layouts.
/// @param {Map} $layouts - Map of layouts
@mixin oGridDebugInfo($layouts: $o-grid-layouts) {
* Layouts:
* #{inspect($layouts)}
@if $o-grid-debug-mode {
@include oGridDebugInfo;
@include mq-show-breakpoints($_o-grid-layout-names, $o-grid-layouts);
/// Surface the layout currently displayed to make it readable in JS.
/// In IE 8, assume it is `$o-grid-fixed-layout` (`L`).
/// **n.b.:** Only works when silent mode is off.
/// @example js
/// // your-app/main.js
/// // Return the current layout (e.g. default, S, M, L, XL)
/// var getCurrentLayout = require('o-grid').getCurrentLayout;
/// console.log(getCurrentLayout());
/// // Return the current gutter (e.g. 10px, 20px)
/// var getCurrentGutter = require('o-grid').getCurrentGutter;
/// console.log(getCurrentGutter());
@mixin oGridSurfaceCurrentLayout {
html:after {
content: '{ "layout": "default", "gutter": "' + oGridGutter() + '" }';
display: none;
@each $breakpoint in $_o-grid-layout-names {
@include oGridRespondTo($breakpoint) {
content: '{ "layout": "' + $breakpoint + '", "gutter": "' + oGridGutter($breakpoint) + '" }';
// Add various layouts
@include oGridAddLayout(
$layout-name: XS,
$layout-width: 360px
@include oGridAddLayout(
$layout-name: P,
$layout-width: 600px
// Uncommenting this line causes a compilation error
// , $gutter-width: 24px
// Layouts are now:
// XS: 360px,
// S: 490px,
// P: 600px,
// M: 740px,
// L: 980px,
// XL: 1220px
// Surface the layout currently displayed to make it readable in JS
@include oGridSurfaceCurrentLayout;
// Generate grid helpers classes and data attributes
@include oGridGenerate;
html:after {
content: '{ "layout": "default", "gutter": "10px" }';
display: none;
@media (min-width: 22.5em) {
html:after {
content: '{ "layout": "XS", "gutter": "10px" }';
@media (min-width: 30.625em) {
html:after {
content: '{ "layout": "S", "gutter": "10px" }';
@media (min-width: 37.5em) {
html:after {
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