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Last active September 14, 2015 09:12
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Centos 6 first steps - yii2
#centos 6~
sudo su
#- Repos
yum install epel-release
mkdir /root/repos
cd /root/repos
sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm
#yum repolist
#yum repolist disabled
#- Genel
yum install gcc gcc-c++ make autoconf automake mlocate make libtool sysstat
yum install mc git-all cvs nano vi wget unzip zip
#- Php
yum install php55w php55w-bcmath php55w-cli php55w-common php55w-devel php55w-gd php55w-mbstring php55w-mcrypt php55w-mysql php55w-pdo php55w-pear php55w-pecl-apcu php55w-pecl-memcache php55w-soap php55w-xml php55w-xmlrpc php55w-intl
#- Fix old icu
yum remove php55w-intl
# - src versiyonunun adresini al kullan aşağıda
mkdir /root/src
cd /root/src
tar zxf icu4c-***
cd icu/source
./configure --prefix=/opt/icu && make && make install
pecl install intl
echo "" > /etc/php.d/intl.ini
#- Apache
yum install http httpd-tools mod_ssl httpd-devel mod_ssl mod_rewrite
#- Mysql
yum install mysql-server mysql php55w-mysql
#- Composer
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
#- composer yii requirement
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0.3"
#- Bölge ayarı
cd /etc
mv localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Turkey localtime
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