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kaeza/a.lua Secret

Last active March 8, 2018 00:51
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Minetest - VoxelArea benchmark
VoxelArea = {
MinEdge = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
MaxEdge = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
ystride = 0,
zstride = 0,
function VoxelArea:new(o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
local e = o:getExtent()
o.ystride = e.x
o.zstride = e.x * e.y
return o
function VoxelArea:getExtent()
local MaxEdge, MinEdge = self.MaxEdge, self.MinEdge
return {
x = MaxEdge.x - MinEdge.x + 1,
y = MaxEdge.y - MinEdge.y + 1,
z = MaxEdge.z - MinEdge.z + 1,
function VoxelArea:getVolume()
local e = self:getExtent()
return e.x * e.y * e.z
function VoxelArea:index(x, y, z)
local MinEdge = self.MinEdge
local i = (z - MinEdge.z) * self.zstride +
(y - MinEdge.y) * self.ystride +
(x - MinEdge.x) + 1
return math.floor(i)
function VoxelArea:indexp(p)
local MinEdge = self.MinEdge
local i = (p.z - MinEdge.z) * self.zstride +
(p.y - MinEdge.y) * self.ystride +
(p.x - MinEdge.x) + 1
return math.floor(i)
function VoxelArea:position(i)
local p = {}
local MinEdge = self.MinEdge
i = i - 1
p.z = math.floor(i / self.zstride) + MinEdge.z
i = i % self.zstride
p.y = math.floor(i / self.ystride) + MinEdge.y
i = i % self.ystride
p.x = math.floor(i) + MinEdge.x
return p
function VoxelArea:contains(x, y, z)
local MaxEdge, MinEdge = self.MaxEdge, self.MinEdge
return (x >= MinEdge.x) and (x <= MaxEdge.x) and
(y >= MinEdge.y) and (y <= MaxEdge.y) and
(z >= MinEdge.z) and (z <= MaxEdge.z)
function VoxelArea:containsp(p)
local MaxEdge, MinEdge = self.MaxEdge, self.MinEdge
return (p.x >= MinEdge.x) and (p.x <= MaxEdge.x) and
(p.y >= MinEdge.y) and (p.y <= MaxEdge.y) and
(p.z >= MinEdge.z) and (p.z <= MaxEdge.z)
function VoxelArea:containsi(i)
return (i >= 1) and (i <= self:getVolume())
function VoxelArea:iter(minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz)
local i = self:index(minx, miny, minz) - 1
local xrange = maxx - minx + 1
local nextaction = i + 1 + xrange
local y = 0
local yrange = maxy - miny + 1
local yreqstride = self.ystride - xrange
local z = 0
local zrange = maxz - minz + 1
local multistride = self.zstride - ((yrange - 1) * self.ystride + xrange)
return function()
-- continue i until it needs to jump
i = i + 1
if i ~= nextaction then
return i
-- continue y until maxy is exceeded
y = y + 1
if y ~= yrange then
-- set i to index(minx, miny + y, minz + z) - 1
i = i + yreqstride
nextaction = i + xrange
return i
-- continue z until maxz is exceeded
z = z + 1
if z == zrange then
-- cuboid finished, return nil
-- set i to index(minx, miny, minz + z) - 1
i = i + multistride
y = 0
nextaction = i + xrange
return i
function VoxelArea:iterp(minp, maxp)
return self:iter(minp.x, minp.y, minp.z, maxp.x, maxp.y, maxp.z)
local function xyz(v) return { x=v, y=v, z=v } end
local function timeit(f, count)
count = count or 5000
local start = os.clock()
for i = 1, count do
return os.clock()-start
local function test_table()
local va = VoxelArea:new({ MinEdge=xyz(0), MaxEdge=xyz(15) })
local c = 0
for x = 0, 15 do
for y = 0, 15 do
for z = 0, 15 do
c = c + va:index(x, y, z)
end -- z
end -- y
end -- x
assert(c == 8390656)
local function va_indexer(minedge, maxedge)
local bx = minedge.x
local by = minedge.y
local bz = minedge.z
local dx = maxedge.x - bx + 1
local dy = maxedge.y - by + 1
local dz = maxedge.z - bz + 1
local ystride = dx
local zstride = dx * dy
local floor = math.floor
return function(x, y, z)
return floor((z - bz) * zstride +
(y - by) * ystride +
(x - bx) + 1)
local function test_local()
local index = va_indexer(xyz(0), xyz(15))
local c = 0
for x = 0, 15 do
for y = 0, 15 do
for z = 0, 15 do
c = c + index(x, y, z)
end -- z
end -- y
end -- x
assert(c == 8390656)
print("VoxelArea:", timeit(test_table))
print("local:", timeit(test_local))
-- # luajit -v va.lua
-- LuaJIT 2.0.4 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall.
-- VoxelArea: 0.257723
-- local: 0.260472
-- # lua -v va.lua
-- Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio
-- VoxelArea: 12.892612
-- local: 6.059025
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