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Last active January 27, 2019 04:34
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// title: Swirly squares
initialState = {
totalElapsed: 0, // total time passed
rotations: [], // each rectangle's individual rotation
// given a number of milliseconds and square index,
// returns the square's rotation
const getRotation = (milliseconds, i) => {
return Math.sin(milliseconds / 400) * 16 * (i + 1)
update = (state, input, elapsed) => {
state.totalElapsed += elapsed
state.rotations = range(8).map(i => getRotation(state.totalElapsed, i))
draw = (state) => {
const { angle } = state
range(8).forEach(i => {
const halfSide = 8 * i / 2
const topLeft = [64 - halfSide, 64 - halfSide]
const topRight = [64 + halfSide, 64 - halfSide]
const bottomRight = [64 + halfSide, 64 + halfSide]
const bottomLeft = [64 - halfSide, 64 + halfSide]
const color = i % 7
// add 10 degrees to each successive square.
// e.g. the first square gets 0 new degrees, the second one gets 10,
// the third one gets 20, etc.
const customAngle = state.rotations[i]
polyStroke([topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft], customAngle, color)
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