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Created January 8, 2015 07:46
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Prototype Ansible playbook to install CouchDB and Silverlight on Windows nodes.
$p = Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Users\Guillaume\couchdb.exe" -ArgumentList "/VerySilent /CLOSEAPPLICATIONS /Log=C:\couchdb.txt" -Wait -PassThru
if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "failed"
# Ansible playbook to install and configure CouchDB from scratch.
# The steps below run on the Ansible 'master' node.
- hosts:
sudo: True
connection: local
# Some customisations to the CouchDB configuration.
couchdb_port: 5983
# I use a web server to serve content from the master node to the windows machine.
# This approach also enables offline mode, where the Windows node don't have access to the internet
- name: install Apache2 on the Ansible master node
yum: name=httpd
- name: create the ansible folder that will be served by Apache2
file: path=/var/www/html/ansible state=directory
- name: retrieve the Windows installer for CouchDB
get_url: url= dest=/var/www/html/ansible/couchdb.exe force=no
- name: add a copy of the Silverlight windows installer to the web server folder
copy: src=Silverlight_x64.exe dest=/var/www/html/ansible/Silverlight_x64.exe
# Templating is not yet supported in Windows, so we template the file on the master node and serve the output via http
- name: create a CouchDB local.ini file from a template and save it to the local webserver.
template: src=local.ini.j2 dest=/var/www/html/ansible/local.ini
- name: ensure that Apache2 is running
service: name=httpd state=started
# The steps below run on any Windows node in the inventory
- hosts: windows
gather_facts: no
# We discover the ip address of the master node, so that windows nodes can fetch content over Http from the right place
- name: fetch the ip address of the master node
local_action: "shell ifconfig eth1 | grep 'inet addr' | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'"
register: ansible_master_ip
- name: download the Silverlight installer from the Ansible master node
win_get_url: url=http://{{ ansible_master_ip.stdout }}/ansible/Silverlight_x64.exe dest=C:\Users\Guillaume\silverlight.exe
- name: proceed to a silent install of silverlight
script: installsilverlight.ps1
- name: download the couchdb.exe InnoSetup installer from the Ansible master node
win_get_url: url=http://{{ ansible_master_ip.stdout }}/ansible/couchdb.exe dest=C:\Users\Guillaume\couchdb.exe
- name: ensure that CouchDB is stopped
win_service: name="Apache CouchDB" state=stopped
ignore_errors: true
- name: stop left-over Erlang processes (otherwise, the installation via PowerShell will fail)
script: stoperlang.ps1
- name: proceed to a silent install of couchdb
script: installcouchdb.ps1
- name: customize the CouchDB configuration
win_get_url: url=http://{{ ansible_master_ip.stdout }}/ansible/local.ini dest='C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\CouchDB\etc\couchdb\local.ini'
- name: restart couchdb
win_service: name="Apache CouchDB" state=restarted
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