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Created December 6, 2024 09:36
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Advent of Code 2024 Day 06 Solutions (Ocaml, F#)
(*aoc.fsx : excerpt, Day 06*)
exception BreakI of int
let problem_06 () =
let inputs =
System.IO.File.ReadLines("06.txt") |>
Seq.toArray in
let ascii = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding () in
(* Guard psuedo module startA *)
(* Guard type t = int (y) * int (x) * int (dir_flag) *)
let flag_n = 0x01 in
let flag_e = 0x02 in
let flag_s = 0x04 in
let flag_w = 0x08 in
let turn dir = if dir <<< 1 > flag_w then flag_n else dir <<< 1 in
(* Guard psuedo module endA *)
let map_h = Array.length inputs in
let map_w = String.length inputs.[0] in
let history = Array.create (map_h * map_w) 0 in
let map =
inputs |> (ascii.GetBytes) in
let guard0 = (seq { 0 .. map_h-1 }) map |>
(fun a (y,line) -> (seq { 0 .. map_w-1 }) line |>
Seq.fold (fun a (x,b) -> if b = '^'B then Option.defaultValue (y,x,flag_n) a |> Some else a) a)
None |>
Option.get in
(* Guard psuedo module startB *)
(* capture environment and simply use guard tuple as input *)
(* reuse BreakI exception from Day 01 *)
let move (y,x,d) =
if history.[y*map_h+x] &&& d <> 0 then raise (BreakI 0) ;
history.[y*map_h+x] <- history.[y*map_h+x] ||| d ;
if d = flag_n then (if map.[y-1].[x] = '#'B then (y,x, turn d) else (y-1,x,d)) else
if d = flag_e then (if map.[y].[x+1] = '#'B then (y,x, turn d) else (y,x+1,d)) else
if d = flag_s then (if map.[y+1].[x] = '#'B then (y,x, turn d) else (y+1,x,d)) else
if d = flag_w then (if map.[y].[x-1] = '#'B then (y,x, turn d) else (y,x-1,d)) else
failwith "Invalid Direction!"
with _ -> raise (BreakI 1) in
(* Guard psuedo module endB *)
let count_visited () = Array.fold (fun a loc -> if loc <> 0 then a + 1 else a) 0 history in
let mutable guard = guard0 in
let res1 =
while true do guard <- move guard done
with BreakI _ -> () ;
count_visited () in
let res2 =
let mutable count = 0 in
for y = 0 to map_h - 1 do
for x = 0 to map_w - 1 do
if map.[y].[x] = '.'B then
map.[y].[x] <- '#'B ;
guard <- guard0 ;
Array.fill history 0 (history.Length) 0 ;
while true do guard <- move guard done
with BreakI code -> if code = 0 then count <- count + 1 else () ;
map.[y].[x] <- '.'B
done ;
count in
res1, res2
(* : excerpt, Day 06b *)
(* time: ~12s unopt ; 1s opt *)
let problem_06b2 () =
let exception BreakB of bool in
let (.%[]<-) = Bytes.set in
let (.%[]) = Bytes.get in
let module Guard = struct
type dir = N | E | S | W
type t = {y : int ; x : int ; d : dir}
type hist = {arr : int array ; h : int ; w : int}
let turn = function N -> E | E -> S | S -> W | W -> N
let flag_of_dir = function N -> 1 | E -> 2 | S -> 4 | W -> 8
(* use 1D state arrays (type hist(ory)) intead of hashtbls for efficiency! *)
let hist_create h w = {arr = Array.make (h*w) 0; h ; w}
let hist_clear hist = Array.fill hist.arr 0 (hist.h * hist.w) 0
let hist_set hist g = try hist.arr.(g.y * hist.w + g.x) <- hist.arr.(g.y * hist.w + g.x) lor (flag_of_dir g.d) with _ -> ()
let hist_mem hist g = try (hist.arr.(g.y * hist.w + g.x) land flag_of_dir g.d) <> 0 with _ -> false
(* if we hit an invalid arg, we would be stepping out, so we reraise our breakpoint *)
let move hist map g =
if hist_mem hist g then raise_notrace (BreakB false) ;
hist_set hist g;
match g.d with
| N when map.(g.y - 1).%[g.x] = '#' -> {g with d = turn (g.d)}
| N -> {g with y = g.y - 1}
| E when map.(g.y).%[g.x + 1] = '#' -> {g with d = turn (g.d)}
| E -> {g with x = g.x + 1}
| S when map.(g.y + 1).%[g.x] = '#' -> {g with d = turn (g.d)}
| S -> {g with y = g.y + 1}
| W when map.(g.y).%[g.x - 1] = '#' -> {g with d = turn (g.d)}
| W -> {g with x = g.x - 1}
with _ -> raise_notrace (BreakB true)
end in
let example = false in
let inputs =
In_channel.(with_open_bin (if example then "06e.txt" else "06.txt") input_lines) |> (Bytes.unsafe_of_string) |> Array.of_list in
let guard0 =
inputs |>
Array.to_seq |>
(fun a y xs ->
match a with
| None -> Option.bind (Bytes.index_opt xs '^') (fun x -> Some Guard.{y; x; d = Guard.N})
| Some _ -> a) None |>
Option.get in
let guard = ref guard0 in
let count = ref 0 in
let history = Guard.hist_create (Array.length inputs) (Bytes.length inputs.(0)) in
for y = 0 to Array.length inputs - 1 do
for x = 0 to Bytes.length inputs.(y) - 1 do
if inputs.(y).%[x] = '.' then (
inputs.(y).%[x] <- '#' ;
while true do guard := Guard.move history inputs !guard done
with BreakB oob -> if not oob then incr count else () ;
(* clean up *)
Guard.hist_clear history ;
guard := guard0 ;
inputs.(y).%[x] <- '.' ;
) else ()
done ;
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