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Created May 28, 2013 11:59
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MonadPlusとFoldableによって一般化されたソートです>ω< リスト以外にもSeqなどのデータ型に適用できます>ω<
module GSort (bubbleSort) where
import Prelude hiding (head, tail, foldr, foldr1)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
bubbleSort' :: (Ord a, MonadPlus m, Foldable m, Eq (m a)) => m a -> m a
bubbleSort' xs
|xs == mzero = xs
|xs' == mzero = return x
|x > y = y <: x <: ys'
|otherwise = x <: y <: ys'
x = head xs
xs' = tail xs
y = head ys
ys = bubbleSort' $ tail xs
ys' = tail ys
bubbleSort :: (Ord a, MonadPlus m, Foldable m, Eq (m a)) => m a -> m a
bubbleSort xs = foldr ((.) bubbleSort' . flip const) xs xs
head :: Foldable m => m a -> a
head = foldr1 const
tail :: (Foldable m, MonadPlus m) => m a -> m a
tail xs = snd $ foldr (\x (y, ys)-> (return x, y `mplus` ys)) (mzero, mzero) xs
infixr 9 <:
(<:) :: MonadPlus m => a -> m a -> m a
x <: xs = return x `mplus` xs
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func-hs commented May 28, 2013


module GSort
infixr 9 <:
bubbleSort' ...

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