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Created July 16, 2013 07:22
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型推論機にlet式とパーサーを追加してみましたですー>ω< 適当遊んでみてくださいですー>ω<
{-# Language TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Text.Peggy hiding (Expr, space)
import Control.Monad.State
type Name = String
data Type =
TVar Name|
TFun Type Type deriving (Show, Eq)
data Expr =
EInt Integer|
EBool Bool|
EIf Expr Expr Expr|
EVar Name|
EFun Name Expr|
EApp Expr Expr|
ELet Name Expr Expr deriving (Show)
type TyEnv = [(String, Type)]
type TySubst = [(Name, Type)]
unify :: [(Type, Type)] -> Maybe TySubst
unify eqs = solve eqs []
solve [] th = Just th
solve ((t1,t2):eqs) th
|t1 == t2 = solve eqs th
|otherwise = case (t1, t2) of
(TFun t11 t12, TFun t21 t22) -> solve ((t11, t21):(t12, t22):eqs) th
(TVar s, _)
|occurs t1 t2 -> Nothing
|otherwise -> solve (substEq [(s, t2)] eqs) (composeSubst [(s, t2)] th)
(_, TVar s)
|occurs t2 t1 -> Nothing
|otherwise -> solve (substEq [(s, t1)] eqs) (composeSubst [(s, t1)] th)
(_, _) -> Nothing
occurs :: Type -> Type -> Bool
occurs t1 (TFun t21 t22) = occurs t1 t21 || occurs t1 t22
occurs t1 t2 = t1 == t2
substTy :: TySubst -> Type -> Type
substTy _ TInt = TInt
substTy _ TBool = TBool
substTy st (TVar s) = f st s
f [] s' = TVar s'
f ((s, t):st) s'
|s == s' = t
|otherwise = f st s'
substTy st (TFun t1 t2) = TFun (substTy st t1) (substTy st t2)
substEq :: TySubst -> [(Type, Type)] -> [(Type, Type)]
substEq st eqs = map (\(t1, t2)-> (substTy st t1, substTy st t2)) eqs
substTyEnv :: TySubst -> TyEnv -> TyEnv
substTyEnv st env = map (\(s, t) -> (s, substTy st t)) env
composeSubst :: TySubst -> TySubst -> TySubst
composeSubst st2 st1 = foldl (\st (s, t) -> case lookup s st of
Just _ -> st
Nothing -> (s, t):st) st2' st1
st2' = map (\(s, t) -> (s, substTy st1 t)) st2
newTVar :: StateT Int Maybe Type
newTVar = do
n <- get
put (n+1)
return (TVar $ "'t" ++ show n)
tinf' :: TyEnv -> Expr -> StateT Int Maybe (TyEnv, Type, TySubst)
tinf' env (EInt _) = return (env, TInt, [])
tinf' env (EBool _) = return (env, TBool, [])
tinf' env (EVar s) = case lookup s env of
Just t -> return (env, t, [])
Nothing -> do
tv <- newTVar
return ((s, tv):env, tv, [])
tinf' env (EFun s e) = do
tv <- newTVar
let env' = (s, tv):env
(env'', t, th) <- tinf' env' e
let tv' = substTy th tv
return (filter ((/=) s . fst) env'', TFun tv' t, th)
tinf' env (EApp e1 e2) = do
(env', t1, th1) <- tinf' env e1
(env'', t2, th2) <- tinf' env' e2
t3 <- newTVar
let t11 = substTy th2 t1
th3 <- lift $ unify [(t11, TFun t2 t3)]
let t3' = substTy th3 t3
let env''' = substTyEnv th3 env''
return (env''', t3', th3 +*+ th2 +*+ th1)
(+*+) = composeSubst
tinf' env (EIf c e1 e2) = do
(env', tc, thc) <- tinf' env c
thc' <- lift $ unify [(tc, TBool)]
let env'' = substTyEnv thc' env'
tv1 <- newTVar
(env1, t1, th1) <- tinf' env'' e1
(env2, t2, th2) <- tinf' env1 e2
th3 <- lift $ unify [(tv1, t1),(tv1, t2)]
let env2' = substTyEnv th3 env2
let tv1' = substTy th3 tv1
return (env2', tv1', th3 +*+ th2 +*+ thc')
(+*+) = composeSubst
tinf' env (ELet s e1 e2) = do
(env', t1, th1) <- tinf' env e1
let env'' = (s, t1):env'
(env'', t2, th2) <- tinf' env'' e2
return (env'', t2, composeSubst th2 th1)
tinf e = evalStateT (tinf' [] e) 0
space :: ()
= [ \t\r] { () }
top :: Expr
= expr !.
expr :: Expr
= letExpr / funExpr / ifExpr / appExpr
letExpr :: Expr
= "let" name "=" expr "in" expr { ELet $1 $2 $3 }
funExpr :: Expr
= "fun" name "->" expr { EFun $1 $2 }
ifExpr :: Expr
= "if" expr "then" expr "else" expr { EIf $1 $2 $3 }
appExpr :: Expr
= appExpr value { EApp $1 $2}
/ value { $1 }
value :: Expr
= "(" expr ")"
/ intValue { EInt $1 }
/ boolValue { EBool $1 }
/ name { EVar $1 }
intValue ::: Integer
= [1-9] [0-9]* { read ($1 : $2) }
boolValue ::: Bool
= "True" { True }
/ "False" { False }
name ::: String
= !"fun" !"in" !"let" !"if" !"then" !"else" [a-z_] [a-zA-Z0-9]* { $1 : $2 }
parseWith str = case parseString top "<parse>" str of
Right expr -> tinf expr
Left _ -> Nothing
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