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Created January 23, 2012 08:11
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JQuery Datatables Errors
Seen on: Datatables 1.8.x
1. c[b[0]] is undefined
Check aoColumns prop. E.g. if below not defined will cause error. If are using
"aoColumns": [
{ "sWidth": '200px', "mDataProp": "" },
If are setting col val in "fnRowCallback" prop, set mDataProp to null to avoid this problem.
2. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
Happens for server-side processing when no aaData prop in the server response.
Correct should be something like:
def datatable_data
@objs = #some finder method
data = #this is just some obj encapsulating resp
data.sEcho = params[:sEcho].to_i
data.iTotalRecords = #tot recs in this set
data.iTotalDisplayRecords = #recs to display
data.aaData = @objs
render :json=>data.to_json
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