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Created March 31, 2017 23:40
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Collect tax data from pnc.csv transaction file(s)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# #
# Author : Kwesi Aguillera #
# #
# Created : 03/30/2017 #
# Modified: 03/31/2017 #
# #
# Purpose : To catergorize and total expenses for filling #
# taxing for Gratipay #
# #
# Usage : $ python <path/to/file(s)> #
# #
import csv
import sys
import os
from decimal import Decimal as D
advert_list = ["FEDEXOFFICE"]
advert_total = D(0)
# lops - Legal or Professional Services
lops_vendors = ["TOR"]
lops_total = D(0)
# obe - Other Business Expenses
obe_total = D(0)
# mae - Meals and Entertainment
mae_total = D(0)
# ote - Overnight Travel Expenses
ote_list = ["UNITED","AIRBNB","SKYMAG"]
ote_total = D(0)
# lt - Local Transportation Expenses
lt_total = D(0)
supplies_list = ["APPLE"]
supplies_total = D(0)
income = D(0)
uncaptured_list = []
uncatergorized = []
the_arg = sys.argv[1]
file_list = []
if os.path.isfile(the_arg):
elif os.path.isdir(the_arg):
for each in xrange(1,13):
file_list.append("%s/%02d/pnc.csv" % (the_arg,each))
for dfile in file_list:
print "Processing %s..." % (dfile)
with open(dfile, 'rb') as csvfile:
filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in filereader:
desc = row[1].split(" ")
if "PURCHASE" in desc:
if desc[4].strip('*') in obe_vendors:
obe_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[4].strip('*') in mae_list:
mae_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[4].strip('*') in ote_list:
ote_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[4].strip('*') in supplies_list:
supplies_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[4].strip('*') in advert_list:
advert_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[4].strip('*') in lops_vendors:
lops_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[4].strip('*') in lt_list:
lt_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
uncatergorized.append("%s - %s" % (desc[4], row[2]))
elif "CREDIT" in desc:
if "CARD" or "PAYPAL" in desc:
income += D(row[3].strip('$'))
uncatergorized.append("%s %s - %s" % (desc[3], desc[4], row[2]))
elif "CHECK" in desc:
uncatergorized.append("%s %s - %s" % (desc[0], desc[1], row[2]))
elif "RECURRING" in desc:
if desc[4].strip('*') in obe_vendors:
obe_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
uncatergorized.append("%s - %s" % (desc[4], row[2]))
elif "INTERNATIONAL" in desc:
if "FEE" in desc:
obe_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
uncatergorized.append("%s %s - %s" % (desc[0], desc[2], row[2]))
elif "PAYMENT" in desc:
if desc[6].strip('*') in obe_vendors:
obe_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[6].strip('*') in mae_list:
mae_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif desc[6].strip('*') in ote_list:
ote_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
uncatergorized.append("%s - %s" % (desc[6], row[2]))
elif "ATM" in desc:
if "FEE" in desc:
obe_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
mae_total += D(row[2].strip('$'))
elif "WITHDRAWAL" in desc:
uncatergorized.append("%s - %s" % (row[1], row[2]))
if "Date" not in row:
for each in uncaptured_list:
print each
for each in uncatergorized:
print each
print "Income - $%.2f\n" % (income)
print "Total Other Business Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (obe_total)
print "Total Meals and Entertainment Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (mae_total)
print "Total Overnight Travel Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (ote_total)
print "Total Supplies Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (supplies_total)
print "Total Advertising Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (advert_total)
print "Total Legal or Professional Services Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (lops_total)
print "Total Local Transportation Expenses - $%.2f\n" % (lt_total)
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