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kagundajm / CASE-Conditional-Expression-CTE.sql
Last active March 7, 2023 14:40
A look at various options for creating crosstabs or pivot tables using PostgreSQL.
--- CASE Conditional Expression crosstab using a CTE
WITH cte AS (
SELECT salesman,
SUM(CASE order_month WHEN 1 THEN order_total ELSE 0 END) AS Jan,
SUM(CASE order_month WHEN 2 THEN order_total ELSE 0 END) AS Feb,
SUM(CASE order_month WHEN 3 THEN order_total ELSE 0 END) AS Mar,
SUM(CASE order_month WHEN 4 THEN order_total ELSE 0 END) AS Apr,
SUM(order_total) AS total
DO $$
SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema=current_schema()
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