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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Save kahunacohen/c269dd365298befc4428 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gets comments from a pooleapp ( form, writing the results to a YAML file. Reorganizes data structure indexing by the path the comment was submitted from.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Gets comments from a pooleapp ( form and writes
# the results to a YAML file indexed by the path the comment was submitted from.
# This allows you to more easily associate a comment with the page it was submitted
# from.
# Given a pooleapp form created on with an API KEY of "MY_API_KEY" and the following
# form in a Jekyll template:
# <form action="" method="post">
# <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="/my-thank-you-page/" />
# <input type="hidden" name="path" value="{{page.url}}" />
# <input placeholder="Your name (required)" required type="text" name="name"/>
# <input placeholder="Your website" type="text" name="url"/>
# <textarea placeholder="Your comments (required)" required type="text" name="comment"></textarea>
# <input type="submit" value="submit" />
# </form>
# ...and an exported environment variable of $POOLEAPP_API_KEY containing
# the API KEY for the pooleapp form you are using to store your comments,
# running $ pooleapp-comments.rb _data/comments.yml
# will result in a yaml file of your posted comments indexed by the path
# the comment was submitted from.
# The following named input fields are required on your HTML form:
# - path: The path the comment was submitted from. This is set by having
# <input type="hidden" name="path" value="{{ page.url }}"/>
# on your HTML form (using liquid templates in Jekyll).
# - url: The URL for the submitter (either a URL to their website or email).
# This field should be a named input in your field, but is not required.
# - name: The name of the comment submitter.
# - comment: The actual comment text.
# Usage:
# No argument, writes to ./comments.yml
# $ ruby comments.rb
# With argument, writes to specified file:
# $ ruby comments.rb _data/comments.yml
require 'open-uri'
require 'yaml'
api_key = ENV['POOLE_API_KEY'] || nil
if api_key
out_file = ARGV[0] || "./comments.yml"
url = ''
yml_str = open(url) { |io| }
thing = YAML.load(yml_str)
newhash = {'comments'=> {}}
last_path = nil
thing['sessions'].each_with_index {|key, index |
thispath = key['path']
if index != 0
last_path = thing['sessions'][index-1]['path']
if ! newhash['comments'].has_key?(thispath)
newhash['comments'][thispath] = []
newob = {}
newob['comment'] = key['comment']
newob['name'] = key['name']
newob['created'] = key['created']
newob['url'] = key['url']
}, 'w') {|f| f.write newhash.to_yaml }
abort("Must define $POOLEAPP_API_KEY variable")
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Here's a broader explanation of why I wrote this:

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