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Last active November 21, 2022 10:08
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Setup of Qualcomm Edge AI Development Kit

Qualcomm Cloud AI - MLPerf Inference - Edge Appliances

We describe how to set up from scratch an Edge AI appliance similar to the Qualcomm Cloud AI 100 Edge Development Kit (AEDK), which we call "the device". We assume that the user operates an Ubuntu machine (or a Windows machine under WSL), which we call "the host".

Instructions below alternate between running on the host (marked with H) and on the device (marked with D). Instructions to be run as superuser are additionally marked with S. Some instructions are to be run only once (marked with 1). Some instructions are to be repeated as needed e.g. when updating to new SDK versions (marked with R).

A. Host setup


We assume that the host machine has at least 50G of free space under a user-writable directory e.g. WORKSPACE_DIR=/workspace. This space will be used to hold QAIC Apps/Platform SDKs, datasets (e.g. ImageNet), and Docker images.

export WORKSPACE_DIR=/workspace
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE_DIR/sdks
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE_DIR/datasets

Copy the QAIC Apps/Platform SDKs

Download the latest Apps SDK (e.g. AIC_Apps_SDK.ZIP.1.0 Installer x86_00058.1), x86_64/ubuntu Platform SDK (e.g. AIC_Platform_SDK.ZIP.1.0 Installer x86_Ubuntu_00069.1) and aarch64/ubuntu Platform SDK (e.g. AIC_Platform_SDK.ZIP.1.0 Installer ARM_Ubuntu_00069.1). Extract (unzip) the archives to obtain the Apps/Platform SDK archives of the same version (e.g.,, Copy these Apps/Platform SDK archives to $WORKSPACE_DIR/sdks.

Copy the ImageNet validation dataset

Copy to $WORKSPACE_DIR/datasets the ImageNet dataset directory (called e.g. IMAGENET_NAME=imagenet), containing 50,000 images with the file names like ILSVRC2012_val_00000001.JPEG.

$ tree $WORKSPACE_DIR -L 2
├── datasets
│   └── imagenet
└── sdks

3 directories, 3 files

[H1] Common host setup

Clone the repository with setup scripts

git clone /tmp/ck-qaic

Set up the Collective Knowledge framework (CK)

cd /tmp/ck-qaic/script/setup.docker
WORKSPACE_DIR=/workspace bash

Set up system dependencies and Docker

cd /tmp/ck-qaic/script/setup.docker
WORKSPACE_DIR=/workspace bash

NB: Log out and log back in for the user to be added into the necessary groups.

[HR] Build the ResNet50 Docker image

WORKLOADS=resnet50 \
WORKSPACE_DIR=/workspace \
SDK_DIR=/workspace/sdks SDK_VER= \
DATASETS_DIR=/workspace/datasets IMAGENET_NAME=imagenet \
DOCKER_OS=ubuntu bash

[H1] Test the ResNet50 image

If the host machine has at least QAIC PCIe card installed, you can test the image as follows:

ck run cmdgen:benchmark.image-classification.qaic-loadgen --docker --verbose \
--model=resnet50 --sdk= --sut=q1_std_edge --scenario=offline --mode=accuracy
accuracy=75.898%, good=37949, total=50000

[HR] Update the configuration file (once per device)

Go to the following directory:

cd $(ck find repo:ck-qaic)/script/setup.aedk

and edit the file to update: the IP address (DEVICE_IP) and port (DEVICE_PORT) of the device, the path to the directory with datasets (HOST_DATASETS_DIR=$WORKSPACE/datasets).

NB: The full installation can take more than 50G. If the space on the root partition (/) of the device is limited and you wish to use a different partition to create the home directory under e.g. mounted as /data, then also update DEVICE_BASE_DIR=/data.


source $(ck find repo:ck-qaic)/script/setup.aedk/

B. Initial device setup under the root user

[H1] Connect to the device as root

Connect to the device as root e.g.:

ssh -p ${DEVICE_PORT} root@${DEVICE_IP}

[D1] Clone the repository with setup scripts

git clone /tmp/ck-qaic

[D1S] Run

Go to the temporary directory:

cd /tmp/ck-qaic/script/setup.aedk

Check the config file:

cat ./

export DEVICE_IP=aedk3 export DEVICE_PORT=3233 export DEVICE_BASE_DIR="/home" export DEVICE_GROUP=krai export DEVICE_USER=krai export DEVICE_OS=ubuntu export DEVICE_OS_OVERRIDE=no export DEVICE_DATASETS_DIR="${DEVICE_BASE_DIR}/${DEVICE_USER}" export HOST_DATASETS_DIR="/datasets" export PYTHON_VERSION=3.9.14 export TIMEZONE="US/Central" export INSTALL_BENCHMARK_RESNET50=yes export INSTALL_BENCHMARK_BERT=no

Source it if you are happy with the settings and run:

source ./ && ./

Alternatively, you can override variables from the command line e.g.:

time DEVICE_BASE_DIR=/data TIMEZONE=London/Europe ./
root@aus655-gloria-1:~# df -h /home
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        99G   11G   89G  11% /
root@aus655-gloria-1:~# df -h /datasets
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/nvme0n1p1  880G   77M  835G   1% /datasets
root@aus655-gloria-1:/tmp/ck-qaic/script/setup.aedk# time DEVICE_BASE_DIR=/datasets TIMEZONE=US/Central ./
Sat Jul 23 09:05:56 CDT 2022
real    3m42.599s
user    6m4.276s
sys     1m5.008s

[D1S] Set the user password

passwd ${DEVICE_USER}

C. Initial device setup under the krai user

[H1] Connect to the device as krai

Connect to the device as krai e.g.:

ssh -p ${DEVICE_PORT} krai@${DEVICE_IP}

[D1] Update scripts permissions

sudo chown -R krai:krai /tmp/ck-qaic
sudo chmod u+x /tmp/ck-qaic/script/setup.aedk/*.sh

[D1] Run

cd /tmp/ck-qaic/script/setup.aedk
source ./ && time ./
source ~/.bashrc
source ./ && time ./

D. Set up ImageNet

[H1] Copy the ImageNet dataset from the host to the device

source $(ck find repo:ck-qaic)/script/setup.aedk/

[D1] Preprocess ImageNet on the device

Detect the dataset

echo "full" | ck detect soft:dataset.imagenet.val --extra_tags=ilsvrc2012,full \

Preprocess the dataset

ck install package --dep_add_tags.dataset-source=original,full \

E. Set up QAIC Platform SDK

These steps are to be repeated for each new SDK version (SDK_VER below).

[HR] Copy the Platform SDK from the host to the device

export SDK_VER=
source $(ck find repo:ck-qaic)/script/setup.aedk/
scp -P ${DEVICE_PORT} \
${WORKSPACE}/sdks/qaic-platform-sdk-aarch64-ubuntu-${SDK_VER}.zip \

[DSR] Uninstall/Install the Platform SDK on the device

Specify SDK_DIR, the path to a directory with one or more Platform SDK archives, and SDK_VER, the Platform SDK version. The full path to the Platform SDK archive is formed as follows: PLATFORM_SDK=${SDK_DIR}/qaic-platform-sdk-aarch64-ubuntu-${SDK_VER}.zip.

SDK_DIR=${DEVICE_BASE_DIR}/${DEVICE_USER} SDK_VER= bash $(ck find ck-qaic:script:setup.aedk)/

Alternatively, directly specify PLATFORM_SDK, the full path to the Platform SDK archive.

SDK_DIR=$HOME SDK_VER= $(ck find ck-qaic:script:setup.aedk)/

Pretend that the device has the Apps SDK installed as well:

sudo cp /opt/qti-aic/versions/{platform,apps}.xml

Reboot the device for the changes to take effect.

F. Install the workloads

[HR] Compile the workloads on the host and copy to the device

cd $(ck find ck-qaic:script:setup.aedk)
  • On the host:
krai@aus655-el-01-5:/local/mnt/workspace/krai/CK-REPOS/ck-qaic/script/setup.aedk$ time WORKLOADS=resnet50 SDK_VER= DEVICE_USER=krai DEVICE_IP= DEVICE_PORT=1234 DEVICE_PASSWORD=12345678 DEVICE_BASE_DIR=/home DEVICE_TYPE=aedk ./
DONE (installing workloads).
real    6m58.061s
user    0m3.306s
sys     0m2.730s
  • On the device:
krai@aus655-gloria-2:~$ ck show env --tags=qaic,model
Env UID:         Target OS: Bits: Name:                   Version: Tags:

fd3d44a38096fd5c   linux-64    64 Qualcomm Cloud AI model 64bits,bs.8,calibrated-by-qaic,compiled,compiled-by-qaic,converted,host-os-linux-64,image-classification,model,qaic,qualcomm,qualcomm-ai,qualcomm-cloud-ai,resnet50,resnet50.aedk.offline,target-os-linux-64,v1,v1.8,v1.8.2,v1.8.2.10,v1.8.2.12
43f4a098f915ab32   linux-64    64 Qualcomm Cloud AI model 64bits,bs.1,calibrated-by-qaic,compiled,compiled-by-qaic,converted,host-os-linux-64,image-classification,model,qaic,qualcomm,qualcomm-ai,qualcomm-cloud-ai,resnet50,resnet50.aedk.singlestream,target-os-linux-64,v1,v1.8,v1.8.2,v1.8.2.10,v1.8.2.12
ba6b84938baa22b5   linux-64    64 Qualcomm Cloud AI model 64bits,bs.1,calibrated-by-qaic,compiled,compiled-by-qaic,converted,host-os-linux-64,image-classification,model,qaic,qualcomm,qualcomm-ai,qualcomm-cloud-ai,resnet50,resnet50.aedk.multistream,target-os-linux-64,v1,v1.8,v1.8.2,v1.8.2.10,v1.8.2.12

G. Benchmarking

[D] Quick run (a few seconds to a few minutes per performance run)

ck run cmdgen:benchmark.image-classification.qaic-loadgen --verbose \
--model=resnet50 --sdk= --sut=eb6 --group.edge \
--offline_target_qps=1 --singlestream_target_latency=1000 \
--multistream_target_latency=1000 --multistream_query_count=660
krai@eb6:~$ ck list local:experiment:* | sort

[D] Short run (2 minutes per performance run)

ck run cmdgen:benchmark.image-classification.qaic-loadgen --verbose \
--model=resnet50 --sdk= --sut=eb6 --group.edge \
--offline_target_qps=1380 --singlestream_target_latency=5 \
--multistream_target_latency=10.5 --multistream_query_count=62857
krai@eb6:~$ ck list experiment:* | grep -v latency.1000  | sort

[D] Full run (10 minutes per performance run)

ck run cmdgen:benchmark.image-classification.qaic-loadgen --verbose \
--model=resnet50 --sdk= --sut=eb6 --group.edge \
--offline_target_qps=6900 --singlestream_target_latency=1 \
--multistream_target_latency=2.1 --multistream_query_count=314285

H. Inspecting the results

Expand Details after individual Accuracy/Performance commands to see grep commands that can be used to quickly inspect the obtained results.

Further info

Please contact if you have any problems or questions.

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