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Created November 7, 2022 14:40
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// code :
// sui move build --dump-bytecode-as-base64 --path .
// sui client publish --path ./ --gas-budget 30000
module c6::exp {
use ctf::hero;
use ctf::adventure;
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
public entry fun start(
h: &mut hero::Hero, ctx: &mut TxContext
): () {
let i = 0;
while (i < 120) {
i = i + 1;
while (i > 80) {
i = i - 1;
// code :
// sui move build --dump-bytecode-as-base64 --path .
// sui client publish --path ./ --gas-budget 30000
module c4::exp {
use movectf::flash;
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
public entry fun loan(
self: &mut flash::FlashLender, amount: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext
): () {
let (loan, receipt) = flash::loan(self,amount,ctx);
# code :
from typing import List
from rich import print
from z3 import Int, Solver
def out(p1, p2, p3, r1, r2, r3):
tpl = f"""
( (a11 * {p1}) + (a12 * {p2}) + (a13 * {p3}) ) % 26 == {r1}
( (a21 * {p1}) + (a22 * {p2}) + (a23 * {p3}) ) % 26 == {r2}
( (a31 * {p1}) + (a32 * {p2}) + (a33 * {p3}) ) % 26 == {r3}
return tpl
def get_key():
a11 = Int("a11")
a12 = Int("a12")
a13 = Int("a13")
a21 = Int("a21")
a22 = Int("a22")
a23 = Int("a23")
a31 = Int("a31")
a32 = Int("a32")
a33 = Int("a33")
s = Solver()
s.add(a11 > 0)
s.add(a12 > 0)
s.add(a13 > 0)
s.add(a21 > 0)
s.add(a22 > 0)
s.add(a23 > 0)
s.add(a31 > 0)
s.add(a32 > 0)
s.add(a33 > 0)
s.add(((a11 * 4) + (a12 * 15) + (a13 * 11)) % 26 == 19)
s.add(((a21 * 4) + (a22 * 15) + (a23 * 11)) % 26 == 16)
s.add(((a31 * 4) + (a32 * 15) + (a33 * 11)) % 26 == 17)
s.add(((a11 * 0) + (a12 * 13) + (a13 * 4)) % 26 == 11)
s.add(((a21 * 0) + (a22 * 13) + (a23 * 4)) % 26 == 9)
s.add(((a31 * 0) + (a32 * 13) + (a33 * 4)) % 26 == 21)
s.add(((a11 * 19) + (a12 * 19) + (a13 * 19)) % 26 == 18)
s.add(((a21 * 19) + (a22 * 19) + (a23 * 19)) % 26 == 2)
s.add(((a31 * 19) + (a32 * 19) + (a33 * 19)) % 26 == 3)
m = s.model()
def get_text(key: List[Int], result: List[Int]):
s1 = Int("s1")
s2 = Int("s2")
s3 = Int("s3")
s = Solver()
s.add(s1 > 0)
s.add(s2 > 0)
s.add(s3 > 0)
s.add(((key[0] * s1) + (key[1] * s2) + (key[2] * s3)) % 26 == result[0])
s.add(((key[3] * s1) + (key[4] * s2) + (key[5] * s3)) % 26 == result[1])
s.add(((key[6] * s1) + (key[7] * s2) + (key[8] * s3)) % 26 == result[2])
m = s.model()
print(m[s1], ",", m[s2], ",", m[s3], ",")
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_list = [[4, 15, 11], [0, 13, 4], [19, 19, 19]]
output_list = [[19, 16, 17], [11, 9, 21], [18, 2, 3]]
result_list = [[19, 16, 17], [11, 9, 21], [18, 2, 3],
[22, 7, 4], [25, 21, 5],
[7, 23, 6], [23, 5, 13], [3, 5,
9], [16, 12, 22], [14, 3, 14], [12,
22, 18], [4, 3, 9], [2, 19, 5],
[16, 7, 20], [1, 11, 18], [23, 4,
15], [20, 5, 24], [9, 1, 12], [5,
16, 10], [7, 2, 1], [21, 1, 25],
[18, 22, 2], [2, 7, 25], [15, 7, 10]
text = [184, 14, 2015,
58, 43, 1118,
71, 72, 1649,
156, 123, 3154,
92, 65, 1760,
102, 66, 1866,
194, 156, 3965,
26, 6, 316,
575, 71, 6670,
53, 43, 1070,
182, 140, 3633,
163, 134, 3361,
86, 63, 1675,
184, 164, 3967,
7, 4, 121,
189, 156, 3902,
114, 97, 2399,
56, 7, 650,
28, 10, 388,
15, 37, 624,
65, 4, 695]
# -- setup 1 : use z3-solver get key
# # generate z3 formula
# for i in input_list:
# p1, p2, p3 = i
# index = input_list.index(i)
# r1, r2, r3 = output_list[index]
# print(out(p1, p2, p3, r1, r2, r3))
# -- setup 2 : use z3-solver get plain txt
key = [545, 63, 32, 140, 13, 285, 12, 71, 28]
for i in result_list:
get_text(key, i)
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