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CloudFlow Specification
# Amazon SQS Powered Multi-instance Coding (a.k.a. Workflow) & Docker powered multi-instance deployment. (Cloud Orchestration)
# similar works: Route
# Deployment
# Deploy docker containers for each func. define their role with ENV
# TODO: how to define number of containers?
# flow use cloudflow.rb # => define which flow to control
# flow up
# flow scale crawl 2 # => then save to setting?
# flow scale # => number of each containers
# implement:
# when cloudflow.rb are executed, it will see ENV(CLOUDFLOW_ROLE) and find its role.
# then find func :role_name
# call sqs.poll :role_name with block in func :role_name
# lock (use CloudLock)
# when it finished, unlock
# crawl.retrive will be mapped to sqs.push with SQS name and Object mapping
# 1. on deployment, how to make sure not to lose processes?
# => don't delete queue until the work block get finished. then losing processes will not be a problem.
# 2. global(class) variable support.
# => just passes all class variable for each work.
# 3. Promise support
# => hogehoge arg {|data| called_when_it_gets_done}
# => open queue '__:rolename_done' and poll it.
# 4. support Promise with array arg
# => hogehoge [arg] {|data| called_when_it_gets_done}
# => how to receive returned_arg? use SQS
# 5. [CLOSE] how to define each machine's role on docker deployment?
# => see ENV, ENV['CLOUDFLOW_ROLE'] will be.
# 6. allow different Gemfile, because require all Gem/Class in all machines are inefficient
# => is it needed? if it's sure that all machines are equal, it will be more simple. or provide `require_if :role_name`
# 7. [CLOSE] how to restrict passed args are appropriate?
# => func :scrape, url: String, page: Page do |arg|
# => then check arg simply.
# 8. [IDEA] provide monit
# 9. passing arg via SQS, how to pass Class instance? ex.
# => don't pass non-primitive type. restrict types. String, Integer,
# 10. [IDEA] how to controll number of each worker?
# => Paxos, seeing number of queue
# => Monit worker will? SPOF
# 11. [IDEA] Handle ActiveModel object transparency
# => when object which is a ActiveModel(is_a?) are passed, it will pass #id instead of whole class. then do Model.find(id) when arg received
# 12. Defining S3 access schema. or just save it onto Model?
# 13. CoreOS etcd support.
# 14. to prevent duplicate message, lock will be needed.
require 'cloudflow'
require_relative 'workers' # => Crawler, Scraper, Fetcher, Converter
# namespace
# #TODO is it necessary?, or just Class Crawler < CloudFlow::Base?
namespace :crawl do
func :retrieve do |arg| # TODO: restrict arg schema with JSON schema? or just def
data = Crawler.crawl arg.url # how to define S3 access schema?
page = data
crawl.retrieve {|url| {url: url}} # Array
crawl.scrape url: arg.url, page: page
func :scrape do |arg|
data = Scraper.scrape arg.url! data
crawl.fetch_image urls: data.image_urls do |returned_arg|
# when it finished! "ready", true
func :fetch_image do |arg|
Fetcher.fetch arg.url
crawl.convert_image url: arg.url
func :convert_image do |arg|
Converter.convert url: url
# DSL to define structure
# CloudFlow will run docker via SSH
repository 'kaiinui/cloudflow'
ssh_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
user 'cloudflow'
aws_key './aws.yml' # {:ACCESS_KEY, :SECRECT_ACCESS_KEY, :REGION}
machine_pool ["", "", ""]
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kaiinui commented Jun 11, 2014

writing Test

just test I/O for each func. (so calling func async for test is needed)
or E2E also capable

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