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Created April 19, 2019 18:15
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PoC of scalacheck free definition of laws
trait RuleSetDSL[P] {
type Check1[A1, A2] = Checkable1[A1, A2, P]
type Check2[A1, A2, A3] = Checkable2[A1, A2, A3, P]
implicit def law[A1, A2](s : String, f: A1 => IsEq[A2])(implicit toP1: Check1[A1, A2]): (String, P) =
(s, toP1(f))
implicit def law[A1, A2, A3](s : String, f: (A1, A2) => IsEq[A3])(implicit toP2: Check2[A1, A2, A3]): (String, P) =
(s, toP2(f))
class MyRuleSet[P] extends RuleSetDSL[P] {
private def mylaw[A]= (a:A) => IsEq(a, a)
private def mylaw2[A, B]= (a:A, b: B) => IsEq(a, a)
def props[A, B](implicit toP : Check1[A, A],
toP2: Check2[A, B, A]): Seq[(String, P)] =
Seq(law("dbad", mylaw[A]),
law("bgdf", mylaw2[A, B]))
trait Checkable1[A1, A2, P] {
def apply(f: A1 => IsEq[A2]): P
trait Checkable2[A1, A2, A3, P] {
def apply(f: (A1, A2) => IsEq[A3]): P
import org.scalacheck.util.Pretty
class RunnerBase {
def checkAll(p: Seq[(String, Prop)]): Unit = ???
import cats.kernel.Eq
implicit def catsLawsIsEqToProp[A](isEq: IsEq[A])(implicit ev: Eq[A], pp: A => Pretty): Prop =
isEq match {
case IsEq(x, y) =>
if (ev.eqv(x, y)) Prop.proved
Prop.falsified :| {
val exp = Pretty.pretty[A](y, Pretty.Params(0))
val act = Pretty.pretty[A](x, Pretty.Params(0))
s"Expected: $exp\n" + s"Received: $act"
implicit def tp1[A1: Arbitrary, A2](implicit ev: Eq[A2], pp: A2 => Pretty): Checkable1[A1, A2, Prop] = { f =>
forAll((a: A1) => f(a))
implicit def tp2[A1: Arbitrary, A2: Arbitrary, A3](implicit ev: Eq[A3], pp: A3 => Pretty): Checkable2[A1, A2, A3, Prop] = { f =>
forAll((a:A1, b: A2) => f(a,b))
class MyRunner extends RunnerBase {
import cats.kernel.instances.string._
checkAll(new MyRuleSet[Prop].props[String, String])
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