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Last active April 7, 2021 01:55
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Save kainino0x/b140ed0f0ac5302ac99c7eba4f2b7f12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Structured struct/array access into ArrayBuffer with JS properties+Proxies (in TypeScript)
_0.value == 0
setting _0.value
_0.value == 99
arraybuffer = 99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
_1.value == {"0":99,"1":0}
_2.value == {}
_3.value == {"x":{"0":99,"1":0,"2":0,"x":99,"y":0,"z":0,"r":99,"g":0,"b":0}}
_4.value == {"x":99,"y":0,"z":0}
_5.value == {"x":{"0":99,"1":0}}
setting _5.value.x[1] = 123
_5.value == {"x":{"0":99,"1":123}}
_6.value == {"x":{}}
_6.value.x[1] == 0
setting _6.value.x[1] = 456
_6.value == {"x":{"1":456}}
_7.value == {"x":{}}
_7.value.x[0].w == 1958505086976
_7.value.x[1].w == 0
setting _7.value.x[1].w = 789n
_7.value.x[1].w == 789
arraybuffer = 99,123,0,0,0,456,789,0
// Utilities
function align(n: number, alignment: number): number {
return Math.ceil(n / alignment) * alignment;
function assert(condition: boolean, msg: () => string): asserts condition {
if (!condition) throw new Error(msg());
/** Use as `InferSubtypeOf<Supertype, infer Subtype>` to constrain a type `infer`ence. */
type InferSubtypeOf<TBase, T extends TBase> = T;
/** Forces a type to resolve its type definitions, to make it readable/debuggable. */
type ResolveType<T> = T extends InferSubtypeOf<object, infer O>
? { [K in keyof O]: ResolveType<O[K]> }
: T;
// Type Descriptors
/** User-provided description of a structured datatype */
type TypeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor_Scalar | TypeDescriptor_Struct | TypeDescriptor_Array;
type TypeDescriptor_Scalar = TypeDescriptor_Number | TypeDescriptor_BigInt;
type TypeDescriptor_Number = 'i8' | 'u8' | 'i16' | 'u16' | 'i32' | 'u32' | 'f32' | 'f64';
type TypeDescriptor_BigInt = 'i64' | 'u64';
interface TypeDescriptor_Struct {
readonly struct: {
readonly [k: string]: DescStructMember;
readonly align?: number;
readonly size?: number;
type DescStructMember = readonly [TypeDescriptor, DescStructMemberInfo?];
interface DescStructMemberInfo {
readonly offset?: number;
readonly align?: number;
readonly size?: number;
interface TypeDescriptor_Array {
readonly array: readonly [TypeDescriptor, number | 'unsized', DescArrayInfo?];
interface DescArrayInfo {
readonly stride?: number;
// Type Layouts
/** Concrete layout computed from the TypeDescriptor */
type TypeLayout = TypeLayout_Scalar | TypeLayout_Struct | TypeLayout_Array;
type TypeLayout_Scalar = TypeLayout_Number | TypeLayout_BigInt;
type TypeLayout_Number = {
readonly minByteSize: number;
readonly minByteAlign: number;
readonly unsized: false;
readonly type: TypeDescriptor_Number;
type TypeLayout_BigInt = {
readonly minByteSize: number;
readonly minByteAlign: number;
readonly unsized: false;
readonly type: TypeDescriptor_BigInt;
type TypeLayout_Struct = {
readonly minByteSize: number;
readonly minByteAlign: number;
readonly unsized: boolean;
readonly members: readonly LayoutStruct_Member[];
type LayoutStruct_Member = {
readonly name: string;
readonly byteOffset: number;
readonly type: TypeLayout;
type TypeLayout_Array = {
readonly minByteSize: number;
readonly minByteAlign: number;
readonly unsized: boolean;
readonly arrayLength: number | 'unsized';
readonly byteStride: number;
readonly elementType: TypeLayout;
// TODO: provide more defaulting rules (GLSL std140/std430, C?)
type LayoutRules = 'wgsl' | 'glsl_scalar';
function computeTypeLayout(desc: TypeDescriptor, rules: LayoutRules): TypeLayout {
if (typeof desc === 'string') {
return computeTypeLayout_Scalar(desc, rules);
} else if ('array' in desc) {
return computeTypeLayout_Array(desc, rules);
} else {
return computeTypeLayout_Struct(desc, rules);
function computeTypeLayout_Scalar(
desc: TypeDescriptor_Scalar,
rules: LayoutRules
): TypeLayout_Scalar {
const typedArrayConstructor = kTypedArrayConstructors[desc];
return {
minByteSize: typedArrayConstructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
minByteAlign: typedArrayConstructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
unsized: false,
type: desc,
function computeArraySize(
rules: LayoutRules,
}: {
arrayLength: number | 'unsized';
byteStride: number;
elementSize: number;
): number {
switch (rules) {
case 'wgsl':
return arrayLength === 'unsized' || arrayLength === 0 ? 0 : arrayLength * byteStride;
case 'glsl_scalar':
return arrayLength === 'unsized' || arrayLength === 0
? 0
: (arrayLength - 1) * byteStride + elementSize;
function computeTypeLayout_Array(desc: TypeDescriptor_Array, rules: LayoutRules): TypeLayout_Array {
const [elementDesc, arrayLength, info] = desc.array;
const elementType = computeTypeLayout(elementDesc, rules);
if (info?.stride !== undefined) {
assert(!elementType.unsized, () => 'Array element types must be sized');
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(elementType.minByteSize <= info.stride,
() => `Array element of size ${elementType.minByteSize} must fit within array stride ${info.stride}`);
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(info.stride % elementType.minByteAlign === 0,
() => `Array stride ${info.stride} must be a multiple of element alignment ${elementType.minByteAlign}`);
const byteStride = info?.stride ?? align(elementType.minByteSize, elementType.minByteAlign);
const unsized = arrayLength === 'unsized';
const minByteSize = computeArraySize(rules, {
elementSize: elementType.minByteSize,
return {
minByteAlign: elementType.minByteAlign,
arrayLength: arrayLength,
function computeStructSize(
rules: LayoutRules,
}: {
structAlign: number;
structExplicitSize: number | undefined;
computedMinByteSize: number;
): number {
switch (rules) {
case 'wgsl':
// Would check that `structExplicitSize % structAlign === 0` here, but that prevents defining
// `vec3` for which that is not true.
return structExplicitSize ?? align(computedMinByteSize, structAlign);
case 'glsl_scalar':
return structExplicitSize ?? computedMinByteSize;
function computeTypeLayout_Struct(
desc: TypeDescriptor_Struct,
rules: LayoutRules
): TypeLayout_Struct {
let computedMinByteSize = 0;
let computedMinByteAlign = 1;
let totalSize: number | 'unsized' = 0;
const members: LayoutStruct_Member[] = [];
let prevName: string | undefined;
for (const [name, [typeDesc, info]] of Object.entries(desc.struct)) {
const type = computeTypeLayout(typeDesc, rules);
if (info?.align !== undefined) {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(info.align % type.minByteAlign === 0,
() => `Member ${name} has explicit alignment ${memberAlign} that is not a multiple of the type's minByteAlign ${type.minByteAlign}`);
const memberAlign = info?.align ?? type.minByteAlign;
if (info?.offset !== undefined) {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(info.offset % memberAlign === 0,
() => `Member ${name} has explicit offset ${info.offset} that does not align to required alignment ${memberAlign}`);
} else {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(totalSize !== 'unsized',
() => `Member ${name} follows unsized member ${prevName}, but does not have an explicit offset`);
const memberOffset: number = info?.offset ?? align(totalSize as number, memberAlign);
if (info?.size !== undefined) {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(info?.size >= type.minByteSize,
() => `Member ${name} has explicit size ${memberSize} that is smaller than the type's minByteSize ${type.minByteSize}`);
const memberSize = info?.size ?? type.minByteSize;
members.push({ name, byteOffset: memberOffset, type: type });
if (type.unsized) {
totalSize = 'unsized';
} else {
totalSize = memberOffset + memberSize;
computedMinByteSize = totalSize;
// Note minByteAlign is set to type.minByteAlign, not to memberAlign.
computedMinByteAlign = Math.max(computedMinByteAlign, type.minByteAlign);
prevName = name;
if (desc.align !== undefined) {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(desc.align % computedMinByteAlign === 0,
() => `Struct has explicit alignment ${desc.align} that does not align to required alignment ${computedMinByteAlign}`);
const minByteAlign = desc.align ?? computedMinByteAlign;
if (desc.size !== undefined) {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(desc.size >= computedMinByteSize,
() => `Struct has explicit size ${desc.size} that is smaller than required size ${computedMinByteSize}`);
const minByteSize = computeStructSize(rules, {
structAlign: minByteAlign,
structExplicitSize: desc.size,
return { minByteSize, minByteAlign, unsized: totalSize === 'unsized', members };
// Inner accessor interfaces
/** TS type of a member whose structured type is described by T */
type Accessor<T extends TypeDescriptor> = T extends TypeDescriptor_Number
? number
: T extends TypeDescriptor_BigInt
? bigint
: T extends TypeDescriptor_Array
? Accessor_Array<T>
: T extends TypeDescriptor_Struct
? Accessor_Struct<T>
: 'ERROR: TypeDescriptor was not a TypeDescriptor';
type Accessor_Struct<T extends TypeDescriptor_Struct> = {
[K in keyof T['struct']]: T['struct'][K][0] extends InferSubtypeOf<TypeDescriptor, infer TMember>
? Accessor<TMember>
: 'ERROR: Struct Member was not a GenericMember<T>';
type Accessor_Array<T extends TypeDescriptor_Array> = {
[i: number]: T['array'][0] extends infer TElement
? TElement extends TypeDescriptor
? Accessor<TElement>
: 'ERROR: Element type was not a TypeDescriptor'
: 'ERROR: ArrayDescriptor was not an ArrayDescriptor';
/** Make an accessor that is wrapped in one extra `.value` layer so scalar types can be settable. */
function makeWrappedAccessor(
data: AllTypedArrays,
baseOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout
): Accessor<TypeDescriptor> {
return makeAccessor_Struct(data, baseOffset, {
minByteSize: layout.minByteSize,
minByteAlign: layout.minByteAlign,
unsized: layout.unsized,
members: [{ name: 'value', byteOffset: 0, type: layout }],
function makeAccessor(
data: AllTypedArrays,
baseOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout
): Accessor<TypeDescriptor> {
if ('members' in layout) {
return makeAccessor_Struct(data, baseOffset, layout);
} else if ('elementType' in layout) {
return makeAccessor_Array(data, baseOffset, layout);
} else {
assert(false, () => 'makeInnerAccessor should not have recursed on a scalar type');
function makeAccessor_Struct(
data: AllTypedArrays,
baseOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout_Struct
): Accessor_Struct<TypeDescriptor_Struct> {
const o = {};
for (const member of layout.members) {
appendAccessorProperty(o,, data, baseOffset + member.byteOffset, member.type);
return o;
function makeAccessor_Array(
data: AllTypedArrays,
baseOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout_Array
): Accessor_Array<TypeDescriptor_Array> {
if (layout.arrayLength === 'unsized') {
return makeAccessor_UnsizedArray(data, baseOffset, layout);
} else {
const o = {};
for (let k = 0; k < layout.arrayLength; ++k) {
appendAccessorProperty(o, k, data, baseOffset + k * layout.byteStride, layout.elementType);
return o;
function makeAccessor_UnsizedArray(
data: AllTypedArrays,
baseOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout_Array
): Accessor_Array<TypeDescriptor_Array> {
const elementType = layout.elementType;
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
const getAccessor = (target: { [k: number]: any }, index: number) => {
let accessor = target[index];
if (accessor === undefined) {
// Use a wrappedAccessor always (requiring .value) to simplify things with inlined scalars
accessor = target[index] = makeWrappedAccessor(
baseOffset + index * layout.byteStride,
return accessor;
if ('members' in elementType || 'elementType' in elementType) {
return new Proxy(
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
get(target: { [k: string]: any }, prop: string) {
const index = parseInt(prop);
if (!(index >= 0)) return target[prop];
return getAccessor(target, index).value;
} else {
return new Proxy(
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
get(target: { [k: string]: any }, prop: string): any {
const index = parseInt(prop);
if (!(index >= 0)) return target[prop];
return getAccessor(target, index).value;
set(target, prop: string, value: number): boolean {
const index = parseInt(prop);
if (!(index >= 0)) return false;
getAccessor(target, index).value = value;
return true;
// Helpers for defining properties in makeAccessor
function appendAccessorProperty(
o: object,
k: number | string,
data: AllTypedArrays,
byteOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout
): void {
if ('members' in layout || 'elementType' in layout) {
appendAccessorProperty_NonScalar(o, k, data, byteOffset, layout);
} else {
appendAccessorProperty_Scalar(o, k, data, byteOffset, layout);
function appendAccessorProperty_Scalar(
o: object,
k: number | string,
data: AllTypedArrays,
byteOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout_Scalar
) {
const typedArray = data[layout.type];
const typedOffset = byteOffset / typedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(byteOffset % typedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0,
() => `final offset ${byteOffset} of a scalar accessor must be a multiple of its alignment ${typedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT}`);
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(byteOffset < typedArray.byteLength,
() => `final offset ${byteOffset} of a scalar accessor must be within the ArrayBuffer of size ${typedArray.byteLength} bytes`);
Object.defineProperty(o, k, {
enumerable: true,
get() {
return typedArray[typedOffset];
set(value: number) {
typedArray[typedOffset] = value;
function appendAccessorProperty_NonScalar(
o: object,
k: number | string,
data: AllTypedArrays,
byteOffset: number,
layout: TypeLayout_Struct | TypeLayout_Array
) {
const accessor = makeAccessor(data, byteOffset, layout);
Object.defineProperty(o, k, {
enumerable: true,
get() {
return accessor;
// TypedArray stuff
/** All `TypedArray` constructors (indexable by `TypeDescriptor_Scalar`). */
const kTypedArrayConstructors = {
i8: Int8Array,
u8: Uint8Array,
i16: Int16Array,
u16: Uint16Array,
i32: Int32Array,
u32: Uint32Array,
f32: Float32Array,
f64: Float64Array,
i64: BigInt64Array,
u64: BigUint64Array,
/** An `ArrayBuffer` and every type of `TypedArray` pointing at it. */
interface AllTypedArrays {
arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer;
i8: Int8Array;
u8: Uint8Array;
i16: Int16Array;
u16: Uint16Array;
i32: Int32Array;
u32: Uint32Array;
f32: Float32Array;
f64: Float64Array;
i64: BigInt64Array;
u64: BigUint64Array;
function allTypedArrays(ab: ArrayBuffer): AllTypedArrays {
// Round TypedArray sizes down so that any size ArrayBuffer is valid here.
return {
arrayBuffer: ab,
i8: new Int8Array(ab),
u8: new Uint8Array(ab),
i16: new Int16Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / Int16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
u16: new Uint16Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
i32: new Int32Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
u32: new Uint32Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
f32: new Float32Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
f64: new Float64Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
i64: new BigInt64Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / BigInt64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
u64: new BigUint64Array(ab, 0, Math.floor(ab.byteLength / BigUint64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)),
// Accessor factory
/** A structured accessor allowing structured read/write access to a section of an `ArrayBuffer`. */
interface StructuredAccessor<T extends Accessor<TypeDescriptor>> {
/** Root property (getter/setter) for the structured accessor. */
value: T;
/** TypeLayout computed from the given TypeDescriptor. */
readonly layout: TypeLayout;
/** ArrayBuffer and TypedArrays of all types for the given ArrayBuffer. */
readonly backing: AllTypedArrays;
/** The provided base offset into the ArrayBuffer. */
readonly baseOffset: number;
* Factory for StructuredAccessors of a particular TypeDescriptor.
* Construct this once for each structured type, then use `.create()` to point it at parts of
* `ArrayBuffer`s.
export class StructuredAccessorFactory<T extends TypeDescriptor> {
readonly layout: TypeLayout;
constructor(desc: T, rules: LayoutRules = 'wgsl') {
this.layout = computeTypeLayout(desc, rules);
buffer: ArrayBuffer,
baseOffset: number = 0
): StructuredAccessor<ResolveType<Accessor<T>>> {
/* prettier-ignore */ assert(this.layout.minByteSize <= buffer.byteLength - baseOffset,
() => `Accessor requires ${this.layout.minByteSize} bytes past ${baseOffset}, but ArrayBuffer is ${buffer.byteLength} bytes`);
const backing = allTypedArrays(buffer);
// Make a wrappedAccessor (.value) but then add some more helpful properties to it.
const root = makeWrappedAccessor(backing, baseOffset, this.layout);
Object.defineProperties(root, {
layout: { enumerable: true, get: () => this.layout },
backing: { enumerable: true, get: () => backing },
baseOffset: { enumerable: true, get: () => baseOffset },
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
return root as any;
// Vectors and matrices
export const wgsl = {
vec3<T extends 'i32' | 'u32' | 'f32'>(component: T) {
return {
struct: {
0: [component, { offset: 0 }],
1: [component, { offset: 4 }],
2: [component, { offset: 8 }],
x: [component, { offset: 0 }],
y: [component, { offset: 4 }],
z: [component, { offset: 8 }],
r: [component, { offset: 0 }],
g: [component, { offset: 4 }],
b: [component, { offset: 8 }],
align: 16,
size: 12,
} as const;
} as const;
// Tests
const ab = new ArrayBuffer(32);
const _0 = new StructuredAccessorFactory('i32').create(ab);
const _1 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
array: ['i32', 2], //
const _2 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
struct: {}, //
const _3 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
struct: {
x: [wgsl.vec3('i32')], //
const _4 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
struct: {
x: ['i8', { size: 1, align: 4 }], //
y: ['i32', { offset: 4 }],
z: ['i8', { size: 1, align: 4 }],
const _5 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
struct: {
x: [{ array: ['i32', 2, { stride: 4 }] }], //
const _6 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
struct: {
x: [{ array: ['i32', 'unsized'] }], //
}).create(ab, 16);
const _7 = new StructuredAccessorFactory({
struct: {
x: [
array: [
struct: {
w: ['i64'], //
}).create(ab, 16);
console.log('_0.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_0.value));
console.log(' setting _0.value');
_0.value = 99;
console.log(' _0.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_0.value));
console.log('arraybuffer = ' + new Int32Array(ab).toString());
console.log('_1.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_1.value));
console.log('_2.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_2.value));
console.log('_3.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_3.value));
console.log('_4.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_4.value));
console.log('_5.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_5.value));
console.log(' setting _5.value.x[1] = 123');
_5.value.x[1] = 123;
console.log(' _5.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_5.value));
console.log('_6.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_6.value));
console.log(' _6.value.x[1] == ' + _6.value.x[1]);
console.log(' setting _6.value.x[1] = 456');
_6.value.x[1] = 456;
console.log(' _6.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_6.value));
console.log('_7.value == ' + JSON.stringify(_7.value));
console.log(' _7.value.x[0].w == ' + _7.value.x[0].w.toString());
console.log(' _7.value.x[1].w == ' + _7.value.x[1].w.toString());
console.log(' setting _7.value.x[1].w = 789n');
_7.value.x[1].w = BigInt(789);
console.log(' _7.value.x[1].w == ' + _7.value.x[1].w.toString());
console.log('arraybuffer = ' + new Int32Array(ab).toString());
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