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Last active November 1, 2020 21:36
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Windows Terminal

  1. Install Windows Terminal via Store

  2. Download & install PowerShell Core

  3. Download & install Font Cascadia Code PL (it's a free font)

  4. Open Windows Terminal, go to Settings

    • Set PowerShell Core GUID in the defaultProfile
    • Under profiles add defaults
      • Set fontFace to Cascadia Code PL
      • set fontSize e.g. 12
  5. In PowerShell Core run

    • Install-Module posh-git --Scope CurrentUser
    • Install-Module oh-my-posh --Scope CurrentUser
    • Install-Module PSReadLine --Scope CurrentUser
  6. Under ~\Documents\PowerShell (Create direcotry if it doesn't exist)

    • Create a File called Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
    • Contents schould be
      Import-Module posh-git
      Import-Module oh-my-posh
      Set-Theme Paradox

Visual Studio Code

Under settings, change the values for (depending on your OS)

  • terminal.integrated.fontFamily to Cascadia Code PL

  • to C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe

    (this should be your PowerShell Core installation path)

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