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Last active December 8, 2017 14:12
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Stylus Mixins
fluid($prop, $fluidVal, $min, $max = false, $fallback = false)
$responsive-unit = unit($fluidVal)
$responsive-unitless = remove-unit($fluidVal)
$min-bp = $min / $responsive-unitless * 100
$max-bp = ($max != false) ? $max / $responsive-unitless * 100 : 0
$minQueries = ()
$maxQueries = ()
$dimensions = (width height)
if ($responsive-unit == 'vw')
$dimensions = (width)
else if ($responsive-unit == 'vh')
$dimensions = (height)
for $dimension in $dimensions
push($minQueries, s('(max-%s: %s)', $dimension, $min-bp))
if ($max)
push($maxQueries, s('(min-%s: %s)', $dimension, $max-bp))
$minQuery = unquote(join(', ', $minQueries))
@media $minQuery
{$prop}: $min
if ($max)
$maxQuery = unquote(join(', ', $maxQueries))
@media $maxQuery
{$prop}: $max
if ($fallback)
{$prop}: $fallback
{$prop}: $fluidVal
* Responsive property mixin
* Requires: 'rupture'
* Note: Recommended to used a 'combine media query' plugin
* Usage:
* responsive: propertyName value/values '<= scaleName' value/values '>= scaleName2' value2/values2
* Example:
* responsive: background-image url('desktop.jpg') '<= sm' url('mobile.jpg')
$property = shift(arguments)
$initialValue = null
$currentObj = null
$breakpoints = ()
for $value, $index in arguments
$match = null
if type($value) == 'string'
$match = match('^(?:(>|<)=?)\s?(.+)', $value)
// Check if it is a scale string (<= | >= scaleName)
if !$match
// If the current object is null, we're still parsing the initial value
if !$currentObj
if($initialValue != null)
$initialValue = $initialValue $value
$initialValue = $value
if($currentObj.value != null)
$currentObj.value = $currentObj.value $value
$currentObj.value = $value
if $currentObj != null
push($breakpoints, $currentObj)
$currentObj = { scale: $match[2], operator: $match[1] }
// Append the last breakpoint object to the list
if $currentObj
push($breakpoints, $currentObj)
if $initialValue
{$property}: $initialValue
for $bpObj in $breakpoints
// If passed only one breakpoint value, stylus parses it as a list...
if type($bpObj) != 'object'
$bpObj = $breakpoints
$mediaMixin = $bpObj.operator == '<' ? to-width : from-width
{$property}: $bpObj.value
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