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Last active July 20, 2018 18:10
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constant width = 80;
my Int $total-lines = 0;
my Int $total-words = 0;
my $excludes = set <cache css data node_modules vendor views>;
sub say-so($name, $lines, $words) { say sprintf('%-60.s | %5.d | %6.d', $name, $lines, $words) }
sub count-stuff(Str $dir) {
my Int $subtotal-lines = 0;
my Int $subtotal-words = 0;
sub doit($dir) {
for dir $dir -> $file {
if ($file.IO.f && $file.IO.extension eq 'js') {
my Int $lines = $;
my Int $words = $;
$subtotal-lines += $lines;
$subtotal-words += $words;
say-so($file, $lines, $words);
elsif ($file.IO.d && $file.IO.basename ∉ $excludes ) {
say '-' x width;
say-so('Subtotal', $subtotal-lines, $subtotal-words);
say '';
$total-lines += $subtotal-lines;
$total-words += $subtotal-words;
my $start = now;
say '=' x width;
say-so('Total', $total-lines, $total-words);
my $stop = now;
say '';
say "start: $start, stop: $stop, diff: {$stop-$start}";
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start: 1531915523.57893, stop: 1531915523.61466, diff: 0.0357320308685303

start: Instant:1531911842.580733, stop: Instant:1531911843.004005, diff: 0.4232726
start: Instant:1531915946.321035, stop: Instant:1531916051.987524, diff: 105.6664888

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b2gills commented Jul 19, 2018

Why do you open and read the contents of the file twice?

my Int $lines = $;
my Int $words = $;

Also I think .open.lines leaves the file open until it gets garbage collected, so it is probably better to leave off the .open and just call .lines.

There is no reason to keep calling .IO on $file, as dir returns IO::Path objects.

I would loop over the lines read, and use that to get both counts at the same time.

my Int $lines;
my Int $words;

for $file.lines {
  $words += .words

$subtotal-lines += $lines;
$subtotal-words += $words;

Or perhaps use map with a race thrown in as it probably wouldn't hurt.

my @result = $ *.words.elems;

my Int $lines = @result.elems;
my Int $words = @result.sum;

$subtotal-lines += $lines;
$subtotal-words += $words;

Assuming the number of words and lines will fit into an atomicint, you could try doing it this way:

my atomicint $lines;
my atomicint $words;

race for $file.lines {
  $lines++;         # atomic-inc-fetch( $lines );
  $words+= .words; # atomic-fetch-add( $words, .words );

$subtotal-lines += $lines;
$subtotal-words += $words;

Rather than incrementing $lines, you could just count the iterations.

my atomicint $words;

my Int $lines = +do race for $file.lines {
  $words+= .words; # atomic-fetch-add( $words, .words );

$subtotal-lines += $lines;
$subtotal-words += $words;

You may want to do some testing to see which is the fastest.

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b2gills: Thanks a bunch for your feedback! Much appreciated. I'm still in the phase of learning how IO operations work in P6.
Interesting ways of doing the same thing. I've tried the above suggestions and here are my findings.

Initial run:
start: Instant:1532009937.977974, stop: Instant:1532010033.088108, diff: 95.1101349

start: Instant:1532008874.049037, stop: Instant:1532008874.557006, diff: 0.5079693

start: Instant:1532009239.234297, stop: Instant:1532009239.735399, diff: 0.5011022

start: Instant:1532008968.334444, stop: Instant:1532008968.837879, diff: 0.503434

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