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Running Minishift with Hawkular Metrics Installed


A minishift openshift cluster can be created with cluster metrics installed. Although I couldn't find a way to add metrics to an already created minishift VM instance, the steps below helped to get a new instance up and running easily.


Step 1 - Initialise minishift with metrics.

Create a fresh minishift VM with an openshift cluster using the below command. The --metrics parameter is the only additional thing I had to provide for minishift to start installing cluster metrics and Hawkular.

 $minishift start —metrics

Once minishift startup completes, you will see the following log message on screen.

      -- Server Information ...
               OpenShift server started.
               The server is accessible via web console at:

               The metrics service is available at:

               You are logged in as:
                   User:     developer
                   Password: developer

               To login as administrator:
                   oc login -u system:admin

Note the metrics URL listed after the Openshift console URL. This indicates a successful initiation of cluster metrics and Hawkular.

However, depending on the speed of your Internet connection and the power of your local machine, it can be a while before you can actually browse to the above URL and see the Hawkular information page.

Step 2 - Wait for the metrics deployer to initiate other dependent pods.

Hawkular metrics pods will be deployed within the openshift-infra project. Run the following commands to keep track of pod creation progress.

Login as cluster admin

      $oc login -u system:admin

List all pods in the openshift-infra project

      $oc get pods -n openshift-infra

You should see the following metrics pods running.

    NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    hawkular-cassandra-1-zbwkg      1/1       Running       0      42m
    hawkular-metrics-zf58x          1/1       Running       0      42m
    heapster-x3iqg                  1/1       Running       0      42m
    metrics-deployer-pod            0/1       Error         0      53m    <— This is the deployer pod. Not required to be Running.

As you can see from the table above, it took approximately 42 minutes for the first 3 pods to pull their respective Docker images and eventually reach a running state. The 4th pod is the one orchestrating the installation. It errors out due to a verification script waiting too long. But this did not affect the metrics installation or runtime.

I used the following command to confirm the state of the metrics-deployer-pod

      $oc logs -f metrics-deployer-pod

If you look at the last log output from the command above, you will see something similar to that of below. It looks like the long running script times out while waiting for other pods to report a successful deployment. I don't think this breaks the metrics installation, as the 3 pods that makes up Hawkular metrics eventually reaches a running state.

      --- validate_deployment_artifacts ---
      ======== ERROR =========
      Pod hawkular-cassandra-1-zbwkg from ReplicationController hawkular-cassandra-1 is in a Pending state.
      This is most often due to waiting for the container image to pull and should eventually resolve.
        * * * *
      Pod hawkular-metrics-zf58x from ReplicationController hawkular-metrics is in a Pending state.
      This is most often due to waiting for the container image to pull and should eventually resolve.
        * * * *
      Pod heapster-x3iqg from ReplicationController heapster specified an image that cannot be pulled.
      ERROR: This is most often due to the image name being wrong or the docker registry being unavailable.
      Ensure that you used the correct IMAGE_PREFIX and IMAGE_VERSION with the deployment.
      There was an event for this pod with the following message:
      Failed to pull image "openshift/origin-metrics-heapster:v1.4.1": net/http: request canceled
        * * * *
      --- validate_deployed_project ---


Step 3 - Verifying your Hawkular metrics installation.

When the first 3 pods are running and ready, you should be able to browse to (IP will be different) and see a page similar to that of the screenshot hawkular-metrics-installed.png

After confirming above, you can login to your Openshift console and create a sample application. I used my Django example from one of my previous gists at for this purpose.

When your application is initialised, you will see a new metrics sections in the pod overview (hawkular-metrics-installed-pod-metrics-overview.png) and also a new tab in the pod details page (hawkular-metrics-installed-pod-metrics-detail.png).


  1. I noted that minishift has mentioned metrics as an experimental feature. So it may be flaky.
  2. Metrics storage seems to be in-memory and not persisted.
  3. I didn't see any numbers appear in the metrics UI sections mentioned above. This may be due to a number of reasons. But from a proof of concept perspective, I was happy with what I ended up with after Step 3.
  4. I will have to get metrics recording fixed in order to experiment with Grafana But that's for another day.




Copyright (c) 2017 Tyrell Perera Licensed under the MIT license.

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