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Created June 7, 2019 02:49
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type 'a m = 'a list
let (>>=) x f = List.concat ( f x)
let return x = [x]
let guard b = if b then return () else []
let numbers = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8]
let rec remove l n =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> if x = n then xs else x :: (remove xs n)
(* 対角線上に2駒が無いかどうかの判定 *)
let not_diagonal (p, q) (r, s) =
if ((p - r) = (q - s)) || ((p - r) = (s - q)) then
let rec not_diagonal_all l (r, s) =
match l with
| [] -> true
| (p, q) :: rest ->
if not_diagonal (p, q) (r, s) then
not_diagonal_all rest (r,s)
let find =
numbers >>= (fun a ->
let numbers2 = remove numbers a in
numbers2 >>= (fun b ->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a)] (2, b))) >>= (fun _ ->
let numbers3 = remove numbers2 b in
numbers3 >>= (fun c->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a); (2, b)] (3, c))) >>= (fun _ ->
let numbers4 = remove numbers3 c in
numbers4 >>= (fun d ->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a); (2, b); (3, c)] (4, d))) >>= (fun _ ->
let numbers5 = remove numbers4 d in
numbers5 >>= (fun e ->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a); (2, b); (3, c); (4, d)] (5, e))) >>= (fun _ ->
let numbers6 = remove numbers5 e in
numbers6 >>= (fun f ->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a); (2, b); (3, c); (4, d); (5, e)] (6, f))) >>= (fun _ ->
let numbers7 = remove numbers6 f in
numbers7 >>= (fun g ->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a); (2, b); (3, c); (4, d); (5, e); (6, f)] (7, g))) >>= (fun _ ->
let numbers8 = remove numbers7 g in
numbers8 >>= (fun h ->
(guard (not_diagonal_all [(1, a); (2, b); (3, c); (4, d); (5, e); (6, f); (7, g)] (8, h))) >>= (fun _ ->
return ((1, a), (2, b), (3, c), (4, d), (5, e), (6, f), (7, g), (8, h)))))))))))))))))
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